• '14 Customizer

    simon33 I don’t know where I came up with 3-4 units remaining. I must have missed something when calculating the battle.  Probably got interrupted while I was posting… Than you for correcting.

    Also to add to the conversation if your going to do a J1 I would risk the Caroline DD to take out the ANZAC TT + DD.  Its a risk I think worth taking. If ANZAC loses that TT they lose 4-5 PU the next round of production and one of their blockers.

  • '19 '17 '16


    Also to add to the conversation if your going to do a J1 I would risk the Caroline DD to take out the ANZAC TT + DD.  Its a risk I think worth taking. If ANZAC loses that TT they lose 4-5 PU the next round of production and one of their blockers.

    Good point. And if you aren’t attacking Hawaii you could throw in the planes, although that does expose the CV/planes to counter attack.

    I’m reconsidering the need for the naval base on Hainan J1. If you’re going straight to the money islands it isn’t needed and costs the ability to place the IC on Shantung. Next game I’m going to try these moves but I think I’ll throw the tank at Kwangsi J1. I’ll also empty the CV at the Carolines and move loaded CVs to Wake Is and SZ36. SZ19 fleet + SZ20 Cruiser + CV can move to SZ36 to protect the TTs.

    J2 the forces from Shantung + extras will reach Kweichow. Even if China can reclaim Yunnan China2 (likely), they’ll struggle to hold both it and Szechwan. J3 you would want to move in enough forces to hold it against China if you moved in there, although not necessarily UK.

    You can also attack the Philippines J2 in part with forces starting in Kiangsu, and the obvious targets in the money islands. Probably too early to hit Malaya though. If Hawaii is not well defended you can hit that if you think its worth it. Otherwise the 2TTs which would be in SZ6 would be attacking Philippines or Kwangtung or ferrying troops to FIC/Kwangsi.

  • You can drop a Tank and Inf in Kiangsi… The Tank gets to Yunnan on J2…, but more impt, the TR can go back and pick 2(originally  Koreans (in Manchuria) on J2… and hit Malaya or Borneo… … If no NB on Kwangsi on J2, the TRS are too far away after J1 to pick units to deploy on those 2 places…
    So… Japan and Okinawa TRS drop off in Formosa sea zone on J1, either return to (Japan on J2…or )Okinawa SZ on J2, p/ u 3I+Art… shuttle…back to Formosa SZ…for J3 hit on Malaya or Borneo…
    J2 buys, go to Hainan SZ loaded to hit Java, Sumatra, Celebes…

  • Correction…J1 buys…3 TRS loaded…
    .go to Hainan SZ…on J2…for J3 strike…

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Did anyone give the answer?

    The fighter and tac from Carolines Carrier SZ 35 can enter the land battle.

    Send those, every J1, its a no lose.

    They will be landing on a SZ 6 carrier that arrives empty in SZ 35.

    Have that SZ 6 carriers’  fighter + tac set attack the sea during zone 35 battle.

    Now the carriers will switch planes.

    During noncom, the SZ 6 carrier lands the SZ33 carrier’s planes that had 1 move left leaving the island.
    During noncom, the SZ 33 carrier moves to SZ43 with the destroyer if desired, and lands the SZ 6 planes.

    Now all your transports are covered you just need to make sure you killed the BB or he can attack Borneo with both ANZAC and UK and win.

  • Hsemi off topic but can you declare war on uk and anzac without provoking the usa? And germany the soviets without  the usa?

  • '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    Hsemi off topic but can you declare war on uk and anzac without provoking the usa? And germany the soviets without  the usa?

    Germany and Japan declaring war on the Soviet Union does not bring the US into the war. Japan can declare war on France with impunity, and they do not lose their 10 IPC NO as long as they do not invade French Indochina.

    Any declaration of war by Japan on UK or ANZAC allows the US to enter the war. However, the reverse is not true – if UK or ANZAC declares war on Japan, Japan can go to town on them for free.


  • @Marshmallow:


    Hsemi off topic but can you declare war on uk and anzac without provoking the usa? And germany the soviets without  the usa?

    Germany and Japan declaring war on the Soviet Union does not bring the US into the war. Japan can declare war on France with impunity, and they do not lose their 10 IPC NO as long as they do not invade French Indochina.


    Any declaration of war by Japan on UK or ANZAC allows the US to enter the war. However, the reverse is not true – if UK or ANZAC declares war on Japan, Japan can go to town on them for free.


  • Going back to the original couple posts:

    When doing a J1 attack I also sink the Hawaiian fleet. I hit the fleet with a couple dd, sub and 4 planes (2 ftrs/2tacs). I then NCM 2 carriers, cruiser and bb to Wake to pick up my surviving air units. Make sure a dd survives the Haw battle to block out the US ships from hitting your fleet at Wake (leave a few ftrs on Japan in case you need to NCM some air in to replace losses). US can try an ill advised air sweep on your Wake fleet, but if you want to play it safe take Wake Isl too. This will give your air units a place to land so your carriers and BB can soak up the first three hits.

    You can also threaten to take Hawaii next turn (transports you bought J1), but you hit the US to keep them out of your business for a few turns, so J2 this fleet prob goes to Caroline’s to threaten Anz/money islands……

    This will leave you the third carrier to bring air units into the Phil land battle on J1 after you take out the Phil mini fleet. I have found that taking out both the Hawaiian and Phil fleets J1 sets the USA back (6 ships sunk plus Phil ftr).

    You can still kill the Brit BB, FIC, Hong Kong, and move into China on J1 as well. I generally buy 3 transports J1 to get to the money islands on J3. J2 I take Malaya (Anz NO), and drop an IC on FIC and a second IC probably on Kwangtung. This will allow you to build inf and a few tanks/mech as needed to keep China down, and press into India. India won’t be making much income for def, and the USA isn’t going to be coming to the rescue anytime soon.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    When doing a J1 attack I also sink the Hawaiian fleet. I hit the fleet with a couple dd, sub and 4 planes (2 ftrs/2tacs). I then NCM 2 carriers, cruiser and bb to Wake to pick up my surviving air units. Make sure a dd survives the Haw battle to block out the US ships from hitting your fleet at Wake (leave a few ftrs on Japan in case you need to NCM some air in to replace losses). US can try an ill advised air sweep on your Wake fleet, but if you want to play it safe take Wake Isl too. This will give your air units a place to land so your carriers and BB can soak up the first three hits.

    I really like this (especially with balance mode because Wake denies USA an NO), and I would also add a bomber that lands on Marshall Islands.  The problem is all those planes are not in Kwangsi so you lose the threat of pounding an airstrike on Szechwan or Burma, and you might even have a hard time at Yunnan.  You do set the USA way back but you lose initiative on the mainland.

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