Becuse im a loser i will try to explain my Airforce strat with Germany
G1 Purchase:
2 Bmb, 1 Fig alt 4 Fig.
The reason i like the bombers is that you get some longrange Air power, that will treaten all lonly US/UK trn running around in the sea, forcing them to defend them with expensive warships that will have no function in the game more then to defend these trns.
This Buy wiill force Germany to withdraw all forces on G1 to Eastern Europe, leaving only 1 inf in each of the following land areas: Karelia (witch you attack), ukraine (witch you take back if taken on R1), Belorussia. (more about that later)
You stack all Figs in western europe (to discourage US landing in Algeria or reinforcement of UK on US1)
General tactic of this strat: Stack up a sizeable airforce with Germany, Hold Europe untill Japan saves the day……
Seriouslly enought this is kinda true. Your German Airforce will at first glance be dismissed, but after your oponent gives it a thought he will see them with a frightening sense of respect. Youor Figs and bmbs will force US and UK to build defensive ships to guard Trn´s before any attempt on attacking europe is put togheter, this takes time.
If/when US/UK lands in Europe your airforce will be the hammer that never dies, meaning they will hit the landing troops with FORCE, meaning only a really large landing will have any chance of succes (meaning a stacking of troops to UK 8 or 9 atleast depending on battles and soo on)
your 2 Friends above all with this tactic is: Figs (and 2 Early Bmb) and Inf. Buy nothing else… G1: 4 figs or 2 Bmb, 1 Fig… G2: 2 figs, 8 Inf (you should have 44 Ipc to spend) G3+ Atleast 1 Fig/turn, take 2 if your can withstand Russian offence. (you might be forcced to withdraw all forces to Germany in G3 (i think it ussually is) and then on G4 move back out to Eastern Europe in force, then you will trade Karelia, Belorussia and Ukraine with Russia.
The Idea with this is to Marginalise US and UK war effort, and to Slowly Build up a Large force of Figs and Inf, that can move against Moscow when the time is right (witch is when Japan assemble it´s forces against Russia)
This is my take on the “what needs to be done on G1”:
You send 1 BB, 1 Trn with 1 Arm, 1 Inf from 14 to SZ15. Attacks Egypt when UK destroyer dies (youo don´t need any Figs, it´s a slim chance you lose the BB, and an ever slimer chance you lose the BB and Trn, but shit might happend)
1 Inf, 1 Arm from Libya to Egypt
1 Bmb Germany to Egypt (lands in Libya)
If Ukraine hasn´t fallen to Russia it´s Fig goes to Egypt (lands in Libya, giving it the option to Attack SZ12 and 7 on G2 and land in western Europe)
this gives you a total of 2 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Bmb, 1 Fig in Egypt and generates this result:
36.1%: left with 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
27%: left with 1 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
24%: left with 1 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
6%: left with 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
5.4%: left with 2 Inf, 2 Arm, 1 Fig, 1 Bom.
you ussually will have both Arm left, witch will be used to blitz africa if the arn´t attacked by UK in UK1. But that is actually a good thing since it guarantees Japan takes India on J2.
the Sub In SZ8 to SZ13
Figs From Westwern Europe Norway, Eastern Europe and Balkan (if Russia tidn´t take Ukraine) (4 total) If your lucky the sub survives.
All Figs Land in Western Europe.
Germany Fig Attacks Karelia with 2 Inf from Norway.(lands in Western Europe)
That is all attacks that is necessary on G1.
NCM 1 Inf, 1 Art Southern Europe to Germany
3 Inf Germany to Eastern Europe
2 Inf Belorussia to Eastern Europe
2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm Ukraine to Eastern Europe
2 Inf, 1 Arm Balkans to Eastern Europe
2 Arm Germany to Western Europe (to make sure no Allied landing in western takes place, and they can be repositioned allong the other 2 arms in Western to eastern on G2)
1 trns, 1 DD, 2 Sub SZ5 to SZ6 to draw out an attack on it from UK BB and Trn and Airforce, ussually you will be able to submerge 1 or 2 Subs if they do attack, if they don´t attack you have an exellent oportunity to attack UK navy on G2 (if they don´t take norway and you did buy bmb´s)
If they take Norway and didn´t attack kill the trn/fleet attacking Norway.
move the 1 Inf, 1 Art in Algeria to Libya (if Us does attack, or Uk for that matter, it´s better to counter attack,and from Liby you can retake Egypt if UK attacks)
Place units:
2 bmb, 1 fig or 4 fig in Germany.
the Force summary Should look like this:
*** Western Europe (Weu)
1 AA
2 Inf
4 Arm
5 Ftr
*** Southern Europe (Seu)
1 AA
1 IC
*** Germany (Ger)
1 IC
1 AA
1 Inf
1 Art
1 Ftr
2 Bmb
*** Norway (Nwy)
1 Inf
*** Eastern Europe (Eeu)
3 Arm
11 Inf
1 Art
*** Karelia S.S.R. (Len)
1 Inf
1 Flag
*** Ukraine S.S.R. (Ukr)
1 Inf
*** Belorussia (Bel)
1 Inf
*** Anglo Egypt (Egy)
1 Flag
2 Arm
*** Libya (Lib)
1 Art
1 Bmb
1 Ftr
1 Inf
*** North Sea (NOR/Z6)
1 Des
2 Sub
1 Trn
*** East Mediterian Seazone (EMD/Z15)
1 Trn
1 BB
Important things to Notice:
1. If Uk doesn´t take Norway, your fleet/Sub(s) can attack SZ2 with the assistance of 2 bmbs from Germany and 1 bmb from Libya (must land in Norway)
2. If UK takes Norway you can attack The landing fleet with ships/subs and 5 Fig and 2 BmB in SZ 3, If he splits up you can take it down a pieace of the time (don´t be afraid to lose ships), If your fleet is intact you can retake Norway with inf and Figs.
3. If Russia moves with force to Ukraine you can hit it with 11 Inf, 3 arm, 1 art, 7 Fig 3 bmb He can have 14 Inf and 4 arm and 1 art (give or take a few units depend ing on buy)
You can strafe this and retreat when out of Inf without losing that much, but russia´s forces will be Destroyed and youo will in 74,7% of the cases have all your Airforce left (and nearly allways have some units left, if AAgun is precent it drops but you win in 97% of the cases)
4. You can retake Egypt or Algeria should it fall into enemy hands.
This strat is focused on taking down Russia, so Japan have to go against Russia and can´t foolaround with the US.
Thoughts anyone?