• Putting together a 1940 Global board.  I don’t have French, Italian, Chinese or ANZAC pieces.  But I do have the units from two classic sets I’ve had for decades.  Trying to do this as frugally as possible.  Here’s what I’m thinking;

    For Italy I’ll use the classic grey German pieces (since the new German pieces are black).  For France I’ll use the classic Russian brown (they differ in shape/tint from the new Russian pieces).  For ANZAC

  • just so you know you can go to historicalboardgaming and purchase however many pieces you think you need for pennies. for example, the pieces you need to play italy would cost a few dollars (3 or 4)

  • @SEP:

    Putting together a 1940 Global board.  I don’t have French, Italian, Chinese or ANZAC pieces.  But I do have the units from two classic sets I’ve had for decades.  Trying to do this as frugally as possible.Â

    I can understand the wish to put together your own inexpensive version of Global 1940 using bits and pieces from other games, which I think is a concept that has sufraced on this forum from time to time in the past.  (I think of it as the “Han Solo Method”, after Harrison Ford’s line “Maybe I can hotwire this thing” in Return of the Jedi.)  Keep in mind, however, that depending on what you’re using as your raw materials, this method may be more trouble than it’s worth, may not necessarily save you much money, will in all likelihood produce a game that will have a patchwork appearance, and may not even produce a game that has everything you need to function.

    If you’re putting this game together by combining the Milton Bradley pieces with the 1942/2 game (which I think you said you recently bought), you’ll note that you’re missing both specific countries and specific units because (for example) neither game has pieces for Italy, France, China and ANZAC, and neither game has tac bombers and mechanized infantry.  Filling the 1942/2 gaps in equipment for the “Big Five” powers via HBG purchases doesn’t involve too many pieces, but for the other countries the problem becomes much larger because not only does the MB game have far fewer unit types than 1942/2, you’d also have the problem of trying to fill all those gaps with pieces that are colour-compatible with the MB sculpts (which aren’t the same colours as the current A&A sculpts).  Perhaps it could be done…but in the long run you might be better off simply getting the actual Global 1940/2 games rather than trying to work around them.  Remember the old adage that “the bitterness of the low quality lasts much longer than the sweetness of the low price.”

  • @CWO:

    Remember the old adage that “the bitterness of the low quality lasts much longer than the sweetness of the low price.”


  • Well I heeded everyone’s advice.  Last week I received all the mech infantry and tac bombers I needed from HBG for the five powers in the 1942.2 game I bought.  I was able to obtain both 1940 boards inexpensively (but with no units).  So I bit the bullet and went back to HBG and bought units for the four minor powers.  I took a look at the starting OOB for all four and then made an estimate as to what I realistically would need.  Which means I didn’t go crazy on battleships for everyone  :wink:

    I did get France a battleship because I thought it was cool (even if it never gets used) and I bought France, Italy and ANZAC each an aircraft carrier because they were inexpensive.  But mostly what was needed with a tad extra.  About $45 all together so we’ll see if I chose wisely on the pieces I needed.  I figure in the advent that I need an extra troop or transport or whatever then the classic pieces will come to the rescue.  But by in large everyone will have the traditional colors.

    I figure all-in-all I saved the price of one full game going this route.  We’ll see if that’s the case.  Anyway, looking forward to receiving the boards and pieces and getting a game going.  Figure next week all should arrive which gives me time to reread all the 1940 global rules and take another look at YG’s YT videos which have been a big help.

  • You’re gonna have a blast SEP!@SEP:

    … Anyway, looking forward to receiving the boards and pieces and getting a game going…

  • I’m looking forward to it.  This will be the most complex version of A&A I’ve played.  Reading through the 1940 rules as well as looking at YG’s channel is helping with the subtle nuances of this version.  Personally I like the complexities of a game such as this.  I also play Star Fleet Battles which is about as complex a game as you can get (rule book is as thick as a small phone book).

    So yep, looking forward to it.  And I like the size of the board!  :-)

  • Does anyone know if historicalboardgame.eu functions?  ordering from europe would make shipping cost kind of high compared to the cost of the pieces.

  • Hi Rockety,

    I’m not quite sure if “historicalboardgaming.eu” functions, but if you are from Germany maybe “stratak.com” might help you. It’s an online-store where I get my stuff from. (Look under “Boardgames / Wargames  of other publishers / AXIS & ALLIES material”)

    Yours, Lars

  • Rockety: I live in England and have placed  4 orders from there. I would recommend it.

  • Thanks guys :) will check

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