German Empire versus British & French Empires,
Round One: Germany builds gun, 2 fighters, C, &, BB. Moves 2 subs. from Sea Zone 7 to 2, off Canada, versus, Brit. C & transport(all lost). Move 2 subs. from Sea Zone 5 to 9, joined by BB & 2 C, no ships lost to mines, versus British BB, 2 C, &, transport. Losses only damaged GE. BB left. Sea losses are heavy, but, the goal of taking out Brit. transports has worked for now. Fighter flies to Munich, from Berlin.
On land a all out drive for Paris before any Brit. reinforcements arrive. Alsace sends her garrison of 7 troopers & 3 guns, into Fr. Lorraine, versus 6 Infantry & 2 guns. Losses Axis 5 & Allies 3 infantry. Lorraine is contested.
In Africa trooper from Togoland & Kamerun take undefended Brit. Gold Coast & Nigeria.
France builds 8 troopers. Moves from Atlantic & Med. Sea 2 transports to Canada, &, Fr. BB goes to Brit. home waters and sinks damaged GE. BB(Fr. BB is damaged). Also BB & C from Med. Sea head for Brit. home waters, leaving a transport that moves 2 troopers from N. Africa to S. France.
Moves forces into Lorraine for reinforcements, and, battle. Fighter & 4 guns & 16 troopers versus GE. 3 guns & 2 troopers. From French Africa trooper goes into occupied Gold Coast defended by GE. trooper(each side losses a trooper).
British Empire builds fighter, transport, sub. & BB. Reinforces Scotland & Wales with trooper. Moves from Egypt to S. of France C & transport(disembarks trooper & gun in Marseilles). Trooper from Sudan joins trooper in Brit. East Africa, while trooper & gun goes from Egypt to Sudan.
While trooper goes to S. Africa from Rhodesia. From India to GE. East Africa, BB & C & transport(lands trooper & gun), defending trooper taken out by BB shelling, colony falls!
Two Canadian troopers & guns board French transports off Canada.
Round Two GE. builds 2 subs., BB, Trooper, Gun, &, fighter. Fighter flies to Kiel. In Africa trooper from Nigeria goes back to Kamerun. C & BB(no mine lost), &, fighter move into Brit. home waters. Fighter wins air duel(Brit. defending fighter shot down), C & BB, versus, Brit. BB, sub. & transport, &, damaged Fr. BB.
GE. again destroys Brit. transport, but, only survivor is the Fr. BB. When it comes to naval battles, GE. will find it harder & harder to field ships at sea.
Troops & guns pour into Lorraine from S. Germany. Ge. fighter wins air duel, 6 guns, &, 14 troopers, versus, Fr. 12 troopers & 4 guns(fighter lost in air duel). Losses 5 troopers Axis and 9 troopers Allies.
France builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves damaged BB from London to home port of Brest for repairs(another BB & C takes up station there). Another transport arrives off Canada, &, 2 transports arrive off Picardy with two British troopers & guns.
In Africa trooper returns Gold Coast colony to British Empire(trooper enter undefended colony). France reinforces Lorraine( Paris garrison moves to Burgundy), battle 12 troopers & 8 guns, versus, GE. 09 troopers & 06 guns & fighter. Losses Allies 8 troopers, &, Axis 8 troopers & 2 guns.
British Empire builds fighter & 2 transports. Move from 2 Fr. transports to Picardy 2 troopers & 2 guns( 2 troopers from Canada board another Fr. transport).
Also C from Egypt heads for London, from S. France transport heads back to Egypt, picks up 2 troopers. Trooper & gun head into Burgundy, from S. France.
BB & C & transport goes from GE. East Africa to S.W. Africa, dropping off trooper & gun(who boarded at GE. colony). Also from South Africa 2 troopers & gun enter GE. S.W. Africa. Battle BB takes out gun, GE. gun scores no hits on landing forces. The GE. colony falls with losses of one trooper each side. From Sudan trooper & gun enter Fr. Eq. Africa, &, from British East Africa 2 troopers sent back to Egypt.
Round Three GE. builds 6 troopers, fighter & submarine. Fighter from Berlin flies to Kiel. Troops & guns go to S. Germany, reinforcements enter Lorraine. Combat 13 troopers, 7 guns, &, fighter versus Fr. 4 troopers & 8 guns. Losses Axis 4 troopers & Allies 3 troopers & 6 guns.
Fr. builds gun, 5 troopers, &, fighter. Moves trooper from Africa Gold Coast, to undefended German colony of Togoland. Repaired BB goes from Brest to London. Transport from Canada with 2 troopers goes to Picardy(while another transport goes back to Canada). Also another transport goes off Wales to pick up British units. Paris garrison moves to Burgundy, while reinforcements move into Lorraine.
British Empire goes on a transport merry go round, builds transport, sub., 2 guns, &, 2 fighters. To Egypt 2 troopers from Fr. Eq. Africa enter Sudan. Two troopers invade & destroy defending GE. trooper in Kamerun. From S.W. Africa transport with trooper & gun retake undefended Nigeria, while BB & C continue onto London. From Egypt to Marseilles transport lands 2 troopers.
From Picardy & Burgundy, entering Lorraine 3 troopers & 3 guns, while fighter flies from London to Lorraine. Also 3 transports(one from London) leave 5 troopers & gun in Picardy, off Wales 2 troopers board a Fr. transport. Along with reinforcement of a trooper for Yorkshire & Scotland. Now off Canada 2 troopers board a Fr. transport.
Round Four: Germany builds 2 infantry, artillery, tank, fighter, &, BB. More reinforcements into Lorraine, 13 guns & 22 troopers, versus, Allies 2 fighters, Fr. 10 troopers & 2 guns, &, Brits. 3 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Axis 8 troopers & Fr. 9 troopers, &, Brits. 2 troopers & 2 guns.
At sea BB, &, 3 subs., 3 fighters, enter British Home Waters(no mine damage, in air duel each side losses 2 fighters), versus, Allies 2 fighters, Fr. BB & C, Brits. 2C & sub., &, 2 transports. Survivor is a damaged Fr. BB & GE. has sunk the most important Allies ships, the transports.
Fr. builds 8 troopers, sends fighter to London, Burgundy & Paris forces into Lorraine. Damaged BB makes it to off Berlin(no mine lost), versus, GE. BB, both are lost. Transport arrives off Picardy with Canadian 2 troopers. Lone trooper starts back to Tunisia from mid-Africa.
Brits. build transport, sub., fighter, tank, gun, &, trooper. In Africa land forces heads towards Egypt(transport arrives & trooper & gun board it). Three troopers & 3 guns enter Lorraine, &, 2 troopers enter Burgundy(from Picardy & Marseilles). Two more troopers debark from Fr. transport onto Picardy, &, off London trooper & gun board transport(with C for protection).
Round Five: GE. attacks have gone pretty good, one more big push could lead soon to Burgundy(outskirts of Paris), or, wiggling out of a war it cannot win. Builds BB & gun & 6 troopers, reinforces Kiel with extra infantry(in case of any Allied sea landings). Moves last of its original land forces(from round one) into Lorraine. Battle 20 troopers & 16 guns, versus, Fr. fighter, 3 guns & 5 troopers, &, Brits. fighter, 4 guns & 4 troopers. Losses Axis 14 troopers & Allies all, Lorraine has fallen(is Burgundy next?).
France builds fighter, gun, &, 4 troopers. Holds into going back into Lorraine, but, sends reinforcements into Burgundy. Lone Fr. trooper approaching Tunisia.
Brits. builds transport, fighter, 2 guns, &, 4 troopers. All troopers & gun, that are in Africa, begin to move to Egypt. A transport from Egypt, with trooper & guns lands in Southern France. From London 2 transports land in Picardy, 2 troopers & gun & tank(also fighter from London lands there). From Scotland, Yorkshire, &, Wales, 5 troopers & gun, boards 3 Fr. transports.
Also from India BB & C take position off London.
Round Six: GE. needs to take Burgundy and/or Picardy(both would be great) in order to threaten Paris. Even with Allies reinforcements, these provinces could be traded for lost colonies in Africa, if Paris is never taken.
GE. builds 2 subs., 2 fighters, &, 3 troopers. Moving troops, guns, &, tank to Alsace. Also fighter flies to Lorraine, and, extra trooper for Berlin & Prussia(in case of any Allies sea landings). Four troopers & 7 guns enter Picardy, versus, Brits. 6 troopers, gun, tank(absorbs a hit), &, fighter. Losses Axis 3 troopers & gun, &, Allies 5 troopers. Brits. are hurt but still defending Picardy. Much less a pending counterattack from the French into Lorraine.
Fr. builds fighter, 2 guns, &, 3 troopers. Moves trooper into Morocco, &, more forces into Lorraine(from Burgundy). Two fighters(one flew in from London) versus GE. fighter, each side loses a fighter, 13 troopers & tank(absorbs a hit), versus, GE. trooper & 9 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 4 guns. Also Paris garrison goes into Picardy, 4 troopers & gun, versus, trooper & 6 guns. Losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis 3 guns.
British Empire builds 2 fighters, 2 tanks, 2 guns, &, 2 troopers. Two troopers & 2 guns enter Burgundy(from already in Burgundy 2 troopers enter Lorraine, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses Brits. both troopers & GE. a gun). Three transports off the coast of Picardy unload 3 troopers & 3 guns, boarding three Fr. transports off Britain are 4 troopers & 2 guns. Also 2 transports head back to Egypt.
Battle in Picardy fighter, tank, 6 troopers , &, 4 guns, versus, GE. trooper & 4 guns. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all. Picardy is under Allied control again!
From British to German Home Waters, no mine lost, BB & C & sub. & fighter versus GE. BB & 2 subs.(only damaged Brit. BB is left).
GE. forces fizzle out with the Allied counterattacks, with Allies growing stronger in Europe, GE. agreed to give back Lorraine, in return for two of its colonies back. The Allies take the deal, a drive to Berlin would be very costly.
IPC Units Lost:
Axis Allies
Foot 54 61
Gun 17 16
Fighter 6 9
Transport 0 5
Sub. 10 3
C 3 7
BB 5 4