6 French Resistance units 2 per each city they act like fighters but can only attack one unit per guy. The number of French units in the space is the number they have to roll to hit. Example: 2 Infantry each one rolls for a two or less. Ideas? feedback?
Military Outpost - New Production Unit
Contemplating an idea for a new production unit.
Military Outpost
-Maximum damage of 6
-Unoperational at 3 damage
-May produce up to 3 units
-Cost 12 IPCs to purchase
-May only produce infanrty, artillery , and/or transport units
-May be placed on any originally owned territory or Island with an IPC value
-Must be at war with one other nation in order to build a Military Outpost
-Military Outposts must be removed from the board once captured -
Off the top of my head, it will help Italy operate in Africa, It will also help America spread in the Pacific, and Russia in the Soviet far east.
This is a great idea, and removes the broad abstraction that industrial complexes represent.
The cost is good, since Italy can’t even put one in Libya or Ethiopia on R1. The US also shouldn’t be allowed to build them until at war (especially given the military context).
Can these be captured or are they destroyed as part of your HR mechanic?
This is a great idea, and removes the broad abstraction that industrial complexes represent.
The cost is good, since Italy can’t even put one in Libya or Ethiopia on R1. The US also shouldn’t be allowed to build them until at war (especially given the military context).
Can these be captured or are they destroyed as part of your HR mechanic?
Ageed that only nations at war with at least 1 other nation may build them, I would also say they are destroyed upon capture. If they prove too powerful for some situations, I could drop the artillery option and only allow them to produce infantry, and transports… depending on how some here feel about the details of building transports.
A DOW from Russia on Japan would allow them to build a MO in the Soviet far east.
cool idea YG
Did you ever play the xeno games 1939 expansion back in the day? They let you place infantry on any territory with a ipc value. You could place as many as the territory was worth. It probably ended up being overpowered but I remember africa having more action.
I like your idea, not only does it benefit the purchaser,but it also creates a target for your opponents.
cool idea YG
Did you ever play the xeno games 1939 expansion back in the day? They let you place infantry on any territory with a ipc value. You could place as many as the territory was worth. It probably ended up being overpowered but I remember africa having more action.
I like your idea, not only does it benefit the purchaser,but it also creates a target for your opponents.
No, I never played that expansion, but it’s nice to know that there is a game mechanic out there similar to this. I like Military Outposts because it helps Russia, Italy, and the US… the 3 nations IMO that need help the most.
I have had a similar idea before - My thought was calling them “supply depots” and having the piece look like a tent. (Larry Harris’ original idea for ICs was thinking of them as factories/supply depots - a way of getting units out on the map in strategic places.)
My thinking was that you could link each supply depot to an IC somewhere else, and if the factory was bombed, then the supply depot was also crippled in some way - but I never fleshed out all the concepts.
Your idea is a good one and partly addresses the supply problem that countries now have.
Thanks for that DK, what was the train of thought on types of units allowed, were you prepared to accept subs and destroyer on Supply Depots? I like the idea if needing to build a chain from one to the other with the main factory effecting the supply line.
My initial thought was letting anything be put at depots, but only within the mother ICs production capacity. Units are not thought of as being “built” at depots, but rather transported there from the mother IC. So if you had 2 depots connected to the same major factory, you could only put 5 things out at each depot, or a combination of 10 units at all three places. If the connected IC had six damage, you could only put a combo of four things at the depots.
“Supply depot” would be preferable as a term to “military outpost” because outposts (essentially small bases) don’t normally “produce” anything. They’re units of consumption (they need to be supplied) rather than units of production. A supply depot is conceptually closer to the abilities YG describes in his proposal: stuff has to be trucked/shipped/flown into the depots, but once it’s there the player can draw from these stockpiles.
So the official military term used in WWII was “Supply Depot”?
So the official military term used in WWII was “Supply Depot”?
I don’t know if it was official or not, but I’m pretty sure the term was used – and it certainly sounds clear and straightforward in its meaning. Supply dump was another term that was used, but I think supply dump sounds a bit more improvised, whereas supply depot conveys (to my mind at least) the image of an organized and formal facility.