Been playing GLobal 1940 for the last year or so and really enjoy it but getting kind of tired of the map and wanted a new one. So, I decided to create a new map using the Global 1940 map, Global War 1939, and small parts of the Global 1936 map (Australia and some sea zones distances). I used the Global War 1939 map as my starting point and attempted to keep most of the distances similar to Global 1940 for land with a few places taking one or two turns longer to get too.
Here is the map: (Copy and Paste into browser because I can not post links for some reason)
Some example changes:
Berlin to Moscow is 1 more turn.
Rome, Paris, and Berlin are all 1 turn further away.
The distance to Moscow from the far east has been drastically increased.
The Pacific Islands are closer to their geographical locations. (Guam is no longer above the Philipines)
Distances between the USA and the rest of the world (Gibraltar, Japan, etc.) have been increased.
Europe has grown in size to fit the new territories
The Atlantic part of North America has been stretched further south to get closer to actual geographical locations.
Looking for feedback and suggestions on where to improve the balance of the map particularly around the Pacific Islands and the Philippines hopping from one to another with naval bases and around Kiev/Stalingrad for the German push or anywhere you see the board is completely broken.
I have also not decided on where to put the ocean border in the north Pacific underneath Alaska. (in cyan)
None of the land territories have income values yet, just working on spacing and distances at the moment and maybe some extra territories if needed.
Thank you!