I got down with a common cold and had to take a break…
2015 League Post Game Results Here
Due to a busier than anticipated home and business life, I will be forfeiting all my current league games. I hope to have more time next season. I apologize to all my opponents and wish you well in future games.
Axis Dominion (Allies +20) over Buckman
Majikforce (Allies(+18) over Buckman (This was a rematch.)
Mallery29 (Allies +18) over Buckman
MrCunego (Allies +16) over Buckman -
rastmusb over bold (axis). totally screwed this one up and it’s been so long ago i don’t ever remember why. early neutral crush if i recall.
nice game ras.
Dawgoneit over Mallery29 (Allies v. Axis)
Couldn’t even get out of G1….WTF France?
Dawgoneit over Mallery29 (Allies v. Axis)
Couldn’t even get out of G1….WTF France?
Karl (allies) over Mallery29(Axis)
KJF wins again!
Ok, I’m going to claim this one, Soulblighter has been MIA forever, if he wants to restart at some point that is cool
rgp44 (Allies +18) over Soulblighter (Axis)
mike48484 (axis) over luckyinmaroon (allies +19)
lucky tried a last ditch effort to secure his eighth vc in Europe but it failed.
woops flip flop those, haha Mike48484(allies +19) over luckyinmaroon (axis)
20 rounds in 2 weeks? Wow :-)
yeah just started on triplea so im kinda addicted. already finished a loss to karl in a week and in the middle of rematch : )
Cyanight (Axis) over Shin Ji (Allies +21)
I was sure things were going according to plan, then they turned what should have been a dicey battle on the Russian lines into an absolute wafflestomp! I did my best, but I couldn’t recover after that. Nicely done, Cyanight!
axis-dominion (axis) wins against Adam514 (allies +22)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=36196.390Unfortunately you can’t see the game since it’s been going by email for a while now, probably due to the number of edits we both made and the number of rounds (26).
oh man, that was one intense game…i’m going to take a week off from playing lol! it’s no joke playing against his allies…
axis-dominion (axis) wins against Adam514 (allies +22)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=36196.390Unfortunately you can’t see the game since it’s been going by email for a while now, probably due to the number of edits we both made and the number of rounds (26).
I love seriously contested games past round 20 :-D
i guess i’ll claim my game over soulblighter as well:
he’s been missing for some time now
I’m going to hold off on adjusting all of dominion’s opponents’ scores for a bit, in case blighter comes back and wants to play (at a glance it was in the 16th round and probably contested)
But more because dominion just hit 4.50 and if he wavers back and forth between E and 1 it could be a clerical nightmare….
The fact that he reached 4.5 boosts up all his opponents which in turn cements his position in tier E. I doubt he’s going back down.
That’s true, but if his next game is a loss I have to change 40+ results again, and it does not harm his opponents to wait to get credit for playing a tier E
I’m also not sure any of his opponents will rise a tier as a direct result, which would raise his score as you said
Cyanight is going to tier 1 as a result of axis-dominion going to tier E, and both those changes make Wheatbeer go to tier 1 as well.
It will bump rgp44 to tier E as well. Will be quite a chain reaction :lol: