Just bought this and it’s predecessor 1812: Invasion of Canada. Both great games, I recommend them both!
WWI Board Game (not A&A 1914)
An article on a board game that was played during WWI by soldiers in the trenches:
Interesting read, thanks Marc.
Interesting read, thanks Marc.
Fun read, Chess and Checkers is what I think of board games and the trenches. Thanks for the article.
“Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” is still THE game to play in Germany when family comes together on sunday afternoons.
My oma wins almost every time  :lol:
“Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” is still THE game to play in Germany when family comes together on sunday afternoons. My oma wins almost every time
Keep her away from Axis & Allies – she might turn out to have natural talents at playing that game too, and just imagine how you’d feel at having your grandmother slaughter you in a Global 1940 duel.