Taking out the UK fleet in the Mediterranean is the highest priority on turn one. By turn two it’s best to finish off they French fleet. This alone will win you a bonus of 5 IPC’s per
Turn. Your #1 objective should always be Cairo, since that’s about the only way Italy can really contribute. So landing units in North Africa should be done as fast as possible.
I’ve had success in the past by building a minor industrial complex in Cairo after I take it and then pushing south with whatever available units I can. This prevents freshly built UK units from moving untouched from South Africa to attack Cairo.
Other things to consider for bonus IPC’s; take Persia, northern Persia, and Iraq ASAP and that will get you about 10 IPC’s all together as well as 2 or 3 infantry. Also, if the axis control Egypt, Greece, and southern France Italy receives a bonus if 5 IPC’s.
Once America enters the fray in the Mediterranean (maybe around turn 7), Italy is going to be SOL…Even with wise purchasing and brilliant tactics.