Finally, congrats. Now enjoy gaming.
Can`t post my turn.
I finished my turn in a triple a game and was about to post it to the Forum, then this appeared:
Unknown error,please contact the Forum owner and also post a bug to the triple a developteam.
Does anyone know what it is or was running in a similar problem?
And what bug should I send how?
Thanks upfront! :-)
I was able to post my turn, but still wondering what it was?
Hi Aequitas. Hole you are enjoying Summer.
Djensen has to top up (with cash) the folder. It gets full with all our games.
It is an honourable thing he does for us all. What would we do without this forum? -
I just recently thought about it.
Awesome to keep all this alive.
Apreciation to Djensen!Thank you!
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