• Germany - Ignored France, Ignored UK Fleet, went RIGHT at Russia and strategic bombed the heck out of UK Factory and naval and air base using tactical bombers. While the IPC damage to UK was big, going for Russia too soon turned out to be a crucial mistake. They stalled on Eastern front in round 3, and beginning of round 4, Russia destroyed a stack of 13 German tanks on a counter offensive and took very little loss because of the Russian infantry stack involved in the fight (and they also had 9 tanks, 2 fighters, 1 TAC bomber).

    Japan - Attacked Kwangtung and Philippines turn 1 (maybe 2 for Philippines but I think it was turn 1) bringing in America and UK/ANZAC right off the bat. Eventually they stalled in China (Burma road) and were hit with a counter attack by UK in China destroying all of the Japanese land units in Asia (save a few in far east being staved off by 16 Russian Infantry near Amur).

    Allie won in turn 4 because after Russians turn in Round 4, the Axis conceded.

  • ROFL

  • What did Germany do with the 20 ground units in the West?
    I am intrigued. France is there for the taking; seems silly to pass up on its destruction and elimination from the game.

  • Wittman - Fully agree…he started shifting EVERY land unit at Russia first round non combat. He attacked Russia round 1 with a much as could reasonably hit that was already out there. He left France to Italy and Italy was unable (didn’t even try) to take it once France was able to produce and UK landed some fighters in there.

    I was the United States, my one friend was UK and other friend was Russia/France. My Uncle was Germany and a colleague of mine was Japan. Everyone has played 1942 at least 3 times and Global at least twice. It was just strange that TWO people went unconventional in same game…and it turned out to be a nightmare/wrong decision.

    I play with a lot of heroes. “You shouldn’t run someone else’s team. You shouldn’t tell someone how to move or what to buy.” “You should never surrender until the game is officially over.”

    Anyone who knows the game, KNOWS teamwork is a huge part…especially for the Allies. NOW, that being said, if someone chooses to ignore your advice or input, THEY are the general/leader of their country…but there is nothing wrong with discussing strategy and giving opinions on future turns and production. Heck, for my money, that’s some of the most fun stuff!

  • @rjkesq82:

    I play with a lot of heroes. “You shouldn’t run someone else’s team. You shouldn’t tell someone how to move or what to buy.” “You should never surrender until the game is officially over.”

    Hehheh, It’s too bad if you see your teammate making a cardinal mistake and he/she won’t listen to your advice. People should Always consider a teammates’ advice and then decide. But then again, we are not all gifted with a deep strategic insight so mistakes are made very often unless you have a dream team /hopeful :roll:.

    Anyone who knows the game, KNOWS teamwork is a huge part…especially for the Allies. NOW, that being said, if someone chooses to ignore your advice or input, THEY are the general/leader of their country…but there is nothing wrong with discussing strategy and giving opinions on future turns and production. Heck, for my money, that’s some of the most fun stuff!

    Agreed! Personally I love strategic discussions and I will Always learn something from it (and hopefully not forget it :P).

  • Thank you for answering.
    Is good to hear different opening German moves. I suppose we would rather hear of winning ones though!
    Maybe your uncle still thinks you are 4 and that he has to let you always win
    and it was all part of his Grand Plan. (I would not dream of beating my 4 year old daughter at anything.)
    Next game should prove more of a challenge.

    Good thread too. Most people would have thought you meant dice were crazy(unforgiving), rather than the strategy flawed

  • Did you call your uncle a noob? Lol

  • Customizer

    I know your game was only 4 rounds, but I am curious if France did anything since they seem to have had their full forces available.
    Personally, if I were playing France in a game like this, I might have tried attacking Holland/Belgium, or maybe even W. Germany or N. Italy.

  • KNP - France built up QUITE a force…first few rounds bought all infantry and last round bought 4 tanks (I think it was 4). But because of his huge stack of infantry, the next round he planned on attacking Italy or Western Germany. The only scary thing was because Russia was pushing back so hard, Germany had a LOT of tanks in range of France and whatever battle France initiated, Germany probably could have countered and wiped whatever surviving French soliders remained. France was a bastion of a stronghold indeed. UK fighters were landing in there to deter Italy from even considering attack (when Germany still thought it had a chance at Russia.)

    I used a basic bait move to get Germans tanks in range of a brutal counter. I knew he would get excited at the idea of being 1 country outside of Moscow with his tank stack (14 I think)…and he didn’t realize, where he was, Russia could counter with LOTS of Infantry and three of their small tank stacks…but combined, all hitting, was significant because tons of hits for infantry to take, plus 2 fighters and 1 TAC bomber.

    Sure enough, he fell for the trap, lost a tank (cause he had no infantry support by this time, they all died off getting here), so he had 13 tanks, and on the counter, we just destroyed them all. So he had no infantry or Tanks on the Eastern front. He started focusing on Germany, so for France to go on offensive too early would have been bold, but they were getting to that point…especially with Russia coming at Germany now, because Germany couldn’t afford to counter and send units OUT of Germany at France because Russia would be coming from the backside.

    One good thing my Uncle did as Germany was a heck of a bombing campaign on UK. Something like 60 or 66 IPCS between the factory, Airfield and Naval base. UK fixed the naval base and complex each turn but no the airfield and I think last time on Naval he also ignored it because his fleet was so big he had no worries of Luftwaffe attack resulting in BS or ACC repairs. Made me open my eyes to a POST opening round usage of bombers against UK. I would still use Luftwaffe combined with German boats and subs to take out UK navy turn 1 but then dedicate bombers to hitting UK.

    PS: It WAS very nice to see Germany take a different strategy. Because everytime I play Germany its practically the same thing. LOL.

  • '14 Customizer

    rjkesq82 I like to always play a different strategy with Germany but I don’t think I would ever play one where I let France live.  I might consider a strafe and leave it for Italy to take but if they fail the game is over for the Axis.

    Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

    France is there for the taking don’t pass it up.

  • Yeah I would never ignore France OR the UK Fleet.

    It is automatic for me round 1 to a) take out France and b) Take out UK fleet.

    Then, each round I buy all tanks and start moving all my units East.

    What say you all about buying a mixture of Mech Inf and Tanks since Mech Inf can get out to Eastern Front faster?

    I never tried it before, usually I buy all tanks, but I wonder how it would work out splitting between Mech INF and Tanks.

  • Agreed.
    Not taking france out turn 1 = axis loss. If France starts producing units… forget it Axis, that is like turning the watertap open and start mopping. That will never work. And if you don’t believe it, try it out if your wife is not at home because she will not like all the water flooding the house ;-).

  • '14 Customizer

    I mostly buy mech units. Once I take Leningrad and Ukraine I start to buy tanks only up there. The reason I do this is because I use my planes mostly in the first couple rounds and then start stacking tanks in Bryansk. The first thing you have to do with Russia is outnumber them in land units and try to beat the Siberians in the race to Moscow. Once I get the number advantage I start focusing on power so I build more tanks towards the end.

    Also if your playing with tech always roll a couple tech dice on the Land chart just before you attack Moscow. The Land chart will have more important techs to aid you in taking Russia. Super subs, Shipyards and Radar are not going to help you much.

    • Improved Mech - all your mech that is paired with tanks get +1 attack (Huge bonus).

    • Adv Artillery - all your art support up to 2 inf/mech

    • Paratroopers - this is really cool actually. If you send 2 inf from Leningrad with your planes to hit Moscow and get hit from aa fire you can select an inf instead of a plane as an AA casualty. Each inf is a separate casualty so you end up with a small buffer of 2 for protection for your planes vs AA fire.

    • Rockets are great but they wont help you with Russia if your getting ready to attack this turn

    • Industrial Production is also great because it allows you to build more at Novo and Ukraine if you lose Moscow or need to fortify.

    • War Bonds - well hey its free money but wont help you take Russia as much as the others.

  • Customizer


    What say you all about buying a mixture of Mech Inf and Tanks since Mech Inf can get out to Eastern Front faster?

    I never tried it before, usually I buy all tanks, but I wonder how it would work out splitting between Mech INF and Tanks.

    Oh yeah, as Germany I usually will get 1 tank for every 2-3 mechs. Mechs are cheaper so you can buy more of them and if you still have most of your aircraft available, you can still have the heavy hitters with your aircraft and some tanks and have a wall of mechs for fodder.

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