National Advantages for A&A Europe*
Version 1.2
By B. Andersson, Stockholm 2005
*Method of Deployment
· The Allies will have a total of 9 NAs and Germany will have a total of 6 NAs.
· NAs do not come into effect until declared at the start of each nations respective turn.
· During the 1st round, every country declares 2 NAs each. Germany goes first, the Allies as a group goes second. Â
· During the 2nd round, Germany declare 2 NAs and the Allies as a group declare 1 NA. The Allies must decide which country that will get the NA.
· During the 3rd and 4th round, Germany declare 1 NA and the Allies as a group declare 1 NA. Again the Allies must decide which country that will get the NA.
Germany National Advantages
1. Â U-Boat Program
During World War II, 1,162 U-Boats were built, and these U-Boats sank 14,687,231 tons of Allied shipping.
Your submarines now cost 6 IPC’s.
2. Â Atlantic Wall
The Germans fortified the European beaches with massive defensive concrete blockhouses that formed part of the German defensive “Atlantic Wall”.
All your infantry defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat in any amphibious assault against any of the following territories: Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands-Belgium or France. Â
3. Â Panzergrenadiers
During World War II, the Germans had troops that were designed for fighting alongside tanks. These were fully motorized units, so that they could at all times keep up with the tanks.
Each of your tanks give one matching infantry one additional movement allowance. The tank and the infantry unit must leave from the same territory.
4. Â Wolf Packs
Wolf packs of U-boats prowled the Atlantic, working together to down Allied convoys. The only sure thing about a U-boat was that there always was another nearby.
Your subs attacks on a 3 or less if there is more than one of them at the start of the combat cycle. When there are less than two submarines at the start of a combat cycle, this ability is lost. The submarines may come from different sea zones, but they must attack the same sea zone.
5. Â Afrika Korps Â
The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
Once per turn, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your non-combat movement phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you may move a maximum of two tanks and two artillery from your existing units in any tan territory to Libya.
6. Â V2 Rockets
Guided missiles were one of Germany’s most important scientific achievements during World War II.
You have one free rocket attack per turn against an industrial complex, fired from one of your antiaircraft guns with a range of 3. Roll one die to determine how many IPC’s the enemy must surrender to the bank.
7. Â Blitzkrieg
German warfare combined the use of mobile units with the close support of airpower into a steel juggernaut emphasize speedy movement and maximization of battlefield opportunities.
When a fighter attacks along with a tank, their attack increases to 4 respectively. This pairing is on a one-to-one basis. The increased attack ability is for the first cycle of combat only and is cancelled if defending fighters are present. Â
8. Â Fortress Europe
By protecting the Third Reich on all sides, Germany built fortified defensive lines and established strongpoints on key terrain in Europe .
Your artillery in brown and tan territories defends on a 3.
9. Jagdpanzers
The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.
Soviet Union National Advantages
1. Â Rasputista
With heavy rains the landscape changed in a blurry mess of mud where vehicles and men got stuck and were unable to advance.
Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a Rasputista. Until the start of your next turn, no combat movement for land units is allowed in any red territory.
2. Â Scorched Earth
Whilst withdrawing from the front, the Soviets came to fight a war were they destroyed anything that might be useful to the Germans.
When the German player conquer any red territory, that territory has no value until the next round of play. The German player may not add a control marker on the just captured red territory, hence may not increase the National Production Chart correspondingly. If the territory is liberated during Russias turn, then the territory regains it’s value.
3. Â T-34 Tanks
Soviet tank development was lead to a medium tank destined to become a war winner. It formed the bulk of Soviet tank strength and was superior to contemporary German tanks.
Your tanks defends on a 3.
4. Â Conscripts
The Red Army won many battles with their raw manpower, by using untrained infantry and many times unequipped.
During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in any red territory if you control it. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.
5. Katyusha Rockets
The Soviets were able to supplement the artillery with massed batteries of rocket launchers. The sheer volume of fire more than compensated for individual lack of accuracy.
Your artillery have a first-strike ability at an attack factor of 2. Any casualties are destroyed and removed from play, with no chance to counter-attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only and in succeeding cycles of combat, your artillery hit normally.
6. Â Siberian Reserves
The Japanese decision to strike America, allowed the Soviets to shift the Siberian reserves westwards against the Wehrmacht.
Once per game, you may reinforce Siberia if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place three of your infantry and two of your tanks for free in Siberia.
United Kingdom National Advantages
1. Â Radar
Britain’s radar alerted it to the threat of German planes crossing the channel.
U.K. owned antiaircraft guns in green territories hit air units on a roll of 2 or less.
2. Â Joint Strike
The most powerful strike in the war was the joint Allied assault on Normandy. The planning required to launch this simultaneous invasion has never been equaled.
Once during the game at the start of a round (before the German turn), you may declare a joint strike. That round, you complete your turn as normal, except you must skip combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases. On those phases of the U.S. turn, the U.S. player uses your units in his or her combat move, conduct combat, and noncombat move phases together with his own units. You and the U.S. player must agree on attacking casualties, or the opposing player gets to choose them. Antiaircraft fire is rolled separately against each nationality of air units; all anti-U.K. dice are rolled before any anti-U.S. die is rolled. Weapons developments or national advantages still only apply to the units of the power that gained the development or has the advantage. A joint strike may not be called off once it is declared.
3. Â Enigma Decoded
Working in a secret facility in Bletchley Park, Alan Turing’s cryptographers broke the codes of the Nazi Enigma machines. They could then send false messages back.
Once per game, when Germany finishes its combat move phase, but before its conduct combat phase, you may make one special move. You may move any number of your units from any one adjacent space into one friendly space being attacked by Germany (Germany moving sea units to an empty sea zone does not count). Alternatively, you may move any number of your units from a space being attacked by Germany into an adjacent friendly space, but you must leave at least one of your units behind. This special move otherwise follows the rules for a noncombat move. If your units survive, they remain in the space to which they were moved.
4. Â Commonwealth Troops
The British Commonwealth Troops supported the British in the Desert Campaign in North Africa.
During your mobilize new units phase, you may place one of your infantry for free in any yellow territory (Middle East) if allied controlled. This free unit is in addition to the group of units you just purchased.
5. Â French Resistance
France fell quickly to the Germans. Thousands of French patriots who would otherwise have died in battle on the frontlines later rose up against the occupiers.
Once per game, if the Allies control any territory in France (France, Vichy France, Eastern France), you may place four of your infantry there for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.
6. The Royal Navy
The Royal Navy was the largest and most advanced navy in the European Theatre of Operations. As the war progressesed the Royal Navy expanded rapidly with large construction programmes, particularly destroyers.
Your destroyers now cost 10 IPC’s. More over you may once per game place one of your destroyers in a sea zone adjacent to United Kingdom for free during the mobilize new units phase of your turn.
United States National Advantages
1. Â Lend-Lease Program (replace the Patriotic War rule)
During World War II, the U.S. military began administrating what became known as the “lend-lease program”. In this program, the U.S. gifted its allies with an array of military equipment and munitions, including ships.
During your mobilize new units phase, you can convert any U.S. units to equivalent U.K. or Soviet units. The conversion can only take place on an allied territory or in a sea zone adjacent to an allied territory containing an industrial complex. Remove all affected units from play and replace them with the same unit of your allys´ color.
2. Â Long-Range Fighters
The twin-boomed P-38 long range enabled it to escort bombers deep inside enemy territory.
Your fighters´ range increases to 6.
3. Â Airborne Rangers
The Rangers specialized in airborn, light-infantry and direct action operations to lead the way for the army.
Your bombers can carry two infantry and may not perform any bombing missions for that turn. Bombers assigned for air transport have a reduced range of 4. The bomber and the infantry must embark from the same territory. If there are A/A guns in their path, these bombers can be fired upon. If a bomber is hit, it is immediatly removed from play along with the infantry unit. A paradropped infantry have a first-strike ability at an increased attack factor of 2. Any casualties are destroyed and removed from play, with no chance to counter-attack. This ability and increased attack factor is for the first cycle of combat only.
4. Â Mechanized Infantry
With its fleet of trucks, the U.S. Army was the most mobile force of soldiers in World War II.
Your infantry have a move of 2 and may blitz as tanks do.
5. Â Liberty Ship Program
In 1941, the U.S. embarked on a massive expansion of the merchant marine fleet under the auspices of the Emergency Shipbuilding Program. The standard Liberty ship was the centerpiece of this program.
Your transports now cost 6 IPC’s.
6. Â Superfortresses
The B-29 Superfortress carried the biggest standard bomb load of any wartime bomber.
Your bombers roll two dice each and defend on a 2, when conducting a strategic bombing raid only.