@superbattleshipyamato Right. alot more complications introduces longer play. More areas means longer play, More units longer play. I wish their was a light 12 page version with only about 6-10 more units, not 60 more. The map would have about 60% less areas and play would take 2-3 hours but still be buckets of dice concept. That would be my wish plus dedicated piece sets or a version that used counters like nova games edition.
Q&A Topics
Is there a proper place to ask and receive OFFICIAL answers to questions? I have same pending questions in HBG’s Global War 1939 FAQ topic for over two weeks but I have yet to get a response and have no idea if that was the proper place to ask. Can any point me in the right direction? Thanks.
You were in the right thread when you were posting Q & A
s. Tigerman pretty much answers the questions. He
s been busy so you will just have to wait for response from him or somebody else for the time being.