I copied this idea down a while back.
While not at war: US Major ICs are all Minor ICs and the US is restricted from technology development while at peace. As for income, in addition to collecting NO National Objective income, the US income goes on a percentage:
Round 1 = 25% or 13 IPCs
Round 2 = 50% or 26 IPCs
Round 3 = 75% or 39 IPCs
Round 4 = 100% or 52 IPCs (plus National Objective bonus IF at war)
From Round 4 on, the US would always collect 100% of territorial income. I added the “IF at war” because theoretically it is possible for the US to NOT declare war during the collect income phase of turn 3 or even further. Plus it the Axis never attack the US directly, then they could remain neutral simply collecting their 52 IPCs and letting the Axis run wild on everyone else.
Also, If the US is attacked before round 4, they immediately get 100% territorial income plus National Objectives.
Imagine a game of Global 40 with a neutral United States. It would almost surely be an Axis victory, but think about how the Axis would have to dance around getting that victory. Think about the conditions that would bring the US into the war:
1 > Any attack by an Axis power on US units and/or territories (obviously)
2 > If London falls into Axis hands.
3 > If Japan makes an unprovoked declaration of war on UK India or ANZAC (including the DEI)
4 > If US is not at war by the collect income phase of round 3, the US may declare war on any and all Axis powers.
Okay, if we scratch the fourth condition and assume NO Axis units dare to attack any US units and/or territories, what are we left with? First of all, there would be NO SEALION, although Germany could still pound on Russia all they wanted without affecting the US. Also, this would have to be an Axis win on the European board if you go by victory cities: Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, Rome, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow and Cairo.
A Pacific Axis win would be impossible if you enforced conditions 2 and 3. Let’s assume that UK India and ANZAC never DOW on the Japanese. That would mean the only victory cities Japan could possibly get would be the two they start out with: Tokyo and Shanghai. Calcutta and Hong Kong would be an unprovoked DOW on UK India. Sydney would be an unprovoked DOW on ANZAC. Manila, Honolulu and San Francisco are of course US cities so they are out of the question. Also, Japan would never get any of it’s National Objectives and never get the big money of the DEI.
On the other hand, Japan would be free to pound China into non-existence and gobble up all the far eastern Soviet territories. Heck, with most of Russia’s defenses facing the Germans, Japanese units might be outside Moscow before the Germans. Russia would not stand a chance while the UK I don’t think would be able to do much about it. I don’t think UK India units could go into Russia for defense without declaring war on Japan.
That brings up a curious question: If the UK India and Japan are not at war with each other, but Japan is at war with Russia, Can UK India units go up into Russia through Persia? If so, and Japanese units attack these UK India units, does that constitute a DOW by Japan on UK India?
What about UK London units? If Japan manages to make it as far as Moscow, and UK London flies some fighters into Moscow, if Japan attacks Moscow is that an unprovoked DOW on the UK? If Japan DOW on UK London, UK India or ANZAC, it’s a DOW on all three. So, remembering that in this scenario Japan does NOT want to make an unprovoked DOW on the UK, could the UK put units up into Russia and block any Japanese advancement?
This is assuming Germany, Italy and Japan have all DOW Russia. Also, UK London, UK India and ANZAC are all already at war against Germany and Italy. So, this would make UK London, UK India and ANZAC Allies with Russia due to all being at war with Germany and Italy. So if Japan DOW Russia, and UK puts any units in Russian territories, is that considered an DOW by the UK on Japan? Or if Japan attacked those UK units, would THAT be considered a DOW by Japan on the UK? Would it be unprovoked considering Japan was already at war with Russia?