I thought a tank can soak up 1 infantry hit- if there are 3 tanks and 1 infantry, it only soaks up 1 hit since there is 1 infantry?
I had to go look this up too. From page 19 of the rulebook:
Step 4. Defending Units Fire
The defender, following the same basic system as the attacker, rolls all his or her dice and places any dice that scored a hit on your side of the battle board.
However, attacking (but not defending) tanks have a special ability to absorb hits. You, as the attacker, reduce the number of hits scored against you by the number of tanks you have in the battle (to a minimum of zero). For each tank you have, you remove one die that scored a hit from your side of the battle board.
Each tank cancels one hit. Since the tank cancels a hit before it is applied, it doesn’t matter where the now cancelled hit would have been applied. So your 3 tank, 1 infantry force would cancel 3 hits. If your opponent rolled 2 hits, both would be cancelled.
It’s all this 2 inf vs. 1 tank talk that’s messing with our minds. :-)