• I will be looking Bobo I shop on ebay a lot and I was thinking the same thing about these pieces as well. 6 fighters and 6 subs should have been what you got with this game. Typical Wizards of the Cheap move.

  • My only thought is that with so many countries in a small area of the world, you may not need more than 4 tanks, 4 planes, 4 subs, etc.  I mean, how many territories will you have a stack of units in with tanks and/or planes?  As Germany, probably no more than 2 on the west front and 2 on the east?  Would you have tanks and planes in all four of these and then try and build more?  I would probably try and protect my tanks/planes and have a single stack on each front with one or two of each on their way to the front.

    Other than Germany, I doubt you’d use more than two tank or plane sculpts.

    As far as subs go, who will buy more than a couple of them other than Germany?  As Germany I’d probably use them in wolfpacks anyway- also some to attack Allied ships.  How many separate sea zones will you have German subs?

    Than again, I haven’t played the game yet- just speculating that we may have enough sculpts-  Tanks and Planes were not as widespread as in WWII - in addition to the smaller map than we are used to with AA1940 Global.

  • @boboshonda:

    I will be selling sets of pieces on eBay once I get the games. � Keep a look out for them. � I will also be selling the game boards and extras for those that do not care about using pieces from other games to play. � Usually a good way to get the game and set up charts and instructions without pieces for a lower price.

    What price would you be selling them for and can I place an order right now?

  • And there is this crazy guy who sells literally hundreds of pieces. I have no idea what he is doing because he never runs out of these 200 piece “lots”.

    His name is RandyWayne something. I picture his house is full of pieces to the ceiling and he just swims in pieces to move around. And i am not kidding that is no embellishment.

  • Hahaha! IL that was the best visual picture ever. The only nations that will need pieces are Germany, UK, and Austria

  • He has been selling these lots for at least 2 years constantly. I don’t even think he has a job except this…LOL

  • For this reason I always just buy 2 copies of all the AA games: AA41, AA42, AAP40, AAE40, and now AA1914.  They have NEVER made enough pieces through the years.  You are always short a few pieces.  It sucks but that’s the way it is.

  • '16

    I’ll just wait until HBG has the individual A&A 1914 pieces for sale. By then, I’m sure I’ll know how many pieces of what unit and for which country are “missing.”

  • Customizer

    Yeah, these games never seem to have enough pieces. That’s why I pre-ordered two copies; one for the game itself and the second simply for extra pieces. I am hoping that will be enough.

  • I’d  say, wait until you play the game a few times before you got about there not being enough pieces.

  • This is ridiculous!
    Europe came with 610 pieces and Pac with at least 550. They were both 65$.
    Now we have to pay 65 for a game with 400 pieces. All the sculpts are the same except infantry.

    I bought 42.2 for 42$ at CSI. The game had 410 pieces but each faction had their own sculpts.
    I don’t mind faction having same sculpt for each alliance. (In other A&A, uk and usa shared transports tanks and guns). But opposite factions having same art and same boats is a shame.

    I’m not saying this game  is trash, in fact the new combat system representing trench warfare sounds really cool. But the price tag is ridiculous. I"m not ready to throw 65$ of my money for this. The price should be around 42.2 price. 40-50$ MAX! ( All of these above in US price. 1914 is selling for 85$  shipping not included, here in Canada.)

    My point is that I am not ready to pay 65$ for this. But if someone gave it to me as a gift I would play and surely enjoy it for sure.
    (Sorry for bad English fell free to correct me if my mistakes are too painful for your eyes)

  • This is ridiculous!
    Europe came with 610 pieces and Pac with at least 550. They were both 65$.

    Yea back in 1997…. What they have a price freeze even though costs have run up?

  • I will be putting these up as auctions.  Probably start a set at $3.99.  I’ll know for sure when I get my first copy of the game and get a count of everything.



    I will be selling sets of pieces on eBay once I get the games. � Keep a look out for them. � I will also be selling the game boards and extras for those that do not care about using pieces from other games to play. � Usually a good way to get the game and set up charts and instructions without pieces for a lower price.

    What price would you be selling them for and can I place an order right now?

  • Yea back in 1997…. What they have a price freeze even though costs have run up?

    I was talking about europe 1940 2nd edition and pac 1940 second edition

  • For anyone interested, I hope to have my first sets up for sale on eBay tonight or tomorrow.

  • @texasranger97:

    This is ridiculous! Europe came with 610 pieces and Pac with at least 550. They were both 65$.
    Now we have to pay 65 for a game with 400 pieces. All the sculpts are the same except infantry.

    I suspect that this is all part of a WotC master plan to set up a second edition for 2014.  “Buy the A&A WWI 1914 Centennial Edition!  Contains more pieces!  Contains all-new nation-specific sculpts!  Contains brand-new unit types!”

  • @CWO:


    This is ridiculous! Europe came with 610 pieces and Pac with at least 550. They were both 65$.
    Now we have to pay 65 for a game with 400 pieces. All the sculpts are the same except infantry.

    I suspect that this is all part of a WotC master plan to set up a second edition for 2014.  “Buy the A&A WWI 1914 Centennial Edition!  Contains more pieces!  Contains all-new nation-specific sculpts!  Contains brand-new unit types!”

    Flash forward: August 2014. While in my local gaming shop I notice the Centennial Edition of Axis and Allies 1914. Fiddlesticks, I say. I bought last year’s model. Holding my head up high, I leave the store, having purchased a GMT cardboard counter game, just to make the point.

    Later that week, my two copies of Axis and Allies 1914 Centennial Edition arrive, ordered from CSI at 3am after waking up in a cold sweat, furious with myself for not having bought it when I saw it. The GMT Game rulebook lies in splendid isolation on the coffee table, the cardboard counters unpunched. :oops:

  • Customizer

    To make absolutely certain of our cash, they just need to change the map.

    Minor historical corrections to Prussia-Livonia and Bulgaria-Aegean perhaps, though if I could make just one change it’d be to the Caucasus region, with Sevastopol being divided west/east with Caucasus as a new tt, and Mesopotamia north/south with the new tt of Armenia.

  • Customizer

    You don’t think dividing up Sevastapol would make it harder for the Ott’s to threaten Russia?

    Although, it does bother me like hell that Russia can attack through the Caucases and threaten the Eastern Front from the same territory.

  • Customizer

    Consider both changes in combination: Turkish units in Caucasus would be better protected from the other Eastern Front tts; Russia might have to strip Ukraine to deal with it, otherwise the Turks could threaten Moscow.

    Also, the Brits taking out Mesopotamia from the Gulf/Persia cuts off Turkey in that direction altogether; Armenia would remain a route through.


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