Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • ok mr krieghund, so I can In theory use my transports to deploy 4 art. pieces from karelia to berlin since it is neither enemy contolled or contested is this correct.

    or am I limited to simply moving my transports without cargo to the protection of my german fleet sharing a seazone with a british naval squadron  :-D cheers

  • ok found it on page 17 friendly territory alo counts as amphibious reinforcement  ok thanks and cheers

    the german high seas fleet has its work cut out for it hehehe  :evil:

  • Q: 1) if AU attacks serbian with 1 Inf  and lost it. Are the Russian inf able to go where they want on turn 1 ? and russian collect income from there.

    and if germany attacks holland and lost all and the standing army would be russian there…the same ?

  • Customizer

    Serbia is activated as soon as it is attacked, so Russian units are placed there and Serbia becomes in effect Russian tt.

  • Official Q&A


    Q: 1) if AU attacks serbian with 1 Inf  and lost it. Are the Russian inf able to go where they want on turn 1 ? and russian collect income from there.

    See Flashman’s answer.


    and if germany attacks holland and lost all and the standing army would be russian there…the same ?

    Yes.  Even though Holland is a neutral power, control would go to Russia under these circumstances, since it’s the only power with units remaining there.

  • sorry if this has been asked but this came up,  round 1: france moves into albania with 1 inf. albania mobilizes, but can italy gain the points directly, so instead of 14 italy would start with 16 is this correct? cheers  :-)

  • Morning gtsg. I am afraid not: Italy will always start its go with 14. It would add Albania’s 2 IPCs at the end of its go (Collect Income).

  • Official Q&A

    Wittmann is correct, but I’ll add a little more detail.  Italy adds Albania’s 2 IPCs to its income level on the National Production Chart as soon as Albania is mobilized, but this does not immediately increase the number of IPCs in Italy’s treasury.  The only times that you add IPCs to your treasury is during the Collect Income phase of your turn and upon your capture of an enemy capital.  As a result, Italy still begins its first turn with 14 IPCs to spend, but it will collect 16 IPCs at the end of its first turn (assuming no other changes in Italy’s income level in the interim).

  • Official Q&A

    The FAQ has been updated with an erratum allowing the Central Powers to decline the armistice offer resulting from the Russian Revolution.

  • '22 '19 '18

    Can the US move into a sz with central power mines while still neutral and then when they declare war on round 4 can they attack the said CP navy without having to roll for mines?

  • Yes.
    Not sure I think that is fair, but they are the rules. You only roll for mines when you enter a hostile SZ.

  • I have a question about transport of multinational forces.

    If American units embarked a British transport on one round (and waited at the origin for the rest of the round), then the British transport moved these units on its movement phase of a second round, would the American units be able to unload during the same round on the American movement phase immediately following the Italian turn (in the order of play)?

    If the situation were reversed, would British units be at a disadvantage using American transports, and have to wait onboard as the destination until the next round to disembark (due to order of play)?

    What I’m trying to figure out is the game terminology of “Rounds” and “Turns” in AA1914 as it applies to using allied transports. It seems that there’s an opportunity to “game” the system here that I haven’t appreciated.

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Blue Max!


    If American units embarked a British transport on one round (and waited at the origin for the rest of the round), then the British transport moved these units on its movement phase of a second round, would the American units be able to unload during the same round on the American movement phase immediately following the Italian turn (in the order of play)?



    If the situation were reversed, would British units be at a disadvantage using American transports, and have to wait onboard as the destination until the next round to disembark (due to order of play)?

    They would have to wait, but it’s not a disadvantage.  In either case, the land units and/or fighters load on the owning power’s turn, then offload on it’s next turn, in two different rounds.


    What I’m trying to figure out is the game terminology of “Rounds” and “Turns” in AA1914 as it applies to using allied transports. It seems that there’s an opportunity to “game” the system here that I haven’t appreciated.

    A “round of play” is simply a sequence of each power having a turn, starting with Austria-Hungary and ending with the United States.  Since any power must load and offload their land units and/or fighters on separate turns when using an ally’s transport, they will never load and offload in the same round, regardless of the turn order.

  • Hi there,

    Here is a question about capturing and liberating capitals:
    Austria captures Moscow. According to the rulebook Austria not only controls Moskow tt but also gets all the Russian IPC. In the following Russian turn, the Russians cannot purchase any new units but nevertheless menage to liberate Moscow. The Russians may now collect IPC income from all the Russian territories they control but the Austrians do not return any IPC. So far, it is all very clear. But a few days ago it happened that in the following Austrian turn, the Austria captured Moscow again: do the Austrian gets all the Russian IPC again?

  • Yes. That is right Federico. (Italiano, per caso?)welcome to tbe
    Beware when liberating a capital, that you can keep it for a round, or this situation will arise. You are then gifting your enemy money twice!

  • Ok, this is the rule, I accept it but I hardly understand it. BTW, yes I am Italian.

  • Always been like that with A&A.
    Son Leo e abito in Inghilterra da quando ho avuto un anno, ma son nato a Firenze. Saluti.

  • Hi, here is another question.

    I am confused by the last sentence of the paragraph at page 12 regarding “mobilising a minor neutral power”. It states that “neutrality of a territory can only be violated once”. So, what does happen to a minor neutral power that was previously invaded and activated but that after some turns ends up with no units at all in it? Is the minor neutral power still controlled by the last power that had units there or does it become neutral again? If the second one should be the case what happens if this country is invaded again?

    Even more difficult: Germany invades Holland. Holland mobilises and British troops are choosen to represent the mobilised forces. However, in the following combact all units (Germans and British) are lost. So no unit remains in Holland and nobody take control of Holland. What does happen if the British enter Holland in their following turn? And what does happen if the French enter Holland in their following turn?

  • It belongs to the nation that activated it. Place a National roundel on it and change your Income accordingly. It will remain the last owner’s until captured by an enemy.

    Holland remains British, if no German ground units occupy it.
    Even if the French enter it, it remains British.

  • Official Q&A


    I am confused by the last sentence of the paragraph at page 12 regarding “mobilising a minor neutral power”. It states that “neutrality of a territory can only be violated once”. So, what does happen to a minor neutral power that was previously invaded and activated but that after some turns ends up with no units at all in it? Is the minor neutral power still controlled by the last power that had units there or does it become neutral again?

    It depends upon how the territory came to have no units in it.  If the units simply moved away, the last power to have control retains it.  If the units wiped each other out in combat, no power will assume control, and the territory will remain uncontrolled until a power moves units into it.  In either case, it is no longer neutral.


    Even more difficult: Germany invades Holland. Holland mobilises and British troops are choosen to represent the mobilised forces. However, in the following combact all units (Germans and British) are lost. So no unit remains in Holland and nobody take control of Holland.



    What does happen if the British enter Holland in their following turn?

    The British take control of it.


    And what does happen if the French enter Holland in their following turn?

    If they are the first to enter, they take control.  If the British got there first, it remains British-controlled.

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