Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Official Q&A


    Question about amphibious reinforcements:
    Can you amphibiously reinforce a territory that is contested by your ally?
    For example: France is contesting Belgium with Germany. Can the UK amphibiously reinforce Belgium?

    Yes, as long as the reinforcing units began their turn in a friendly territory or at sea.  (Land units that begin their turn in a contested territory may only move into territories that were either controlled by their power or already contained units belonging to their power at the beginning of the turn.)

  • Is it allowed to declare USW as Austria Hungary against Britain and US ?

  • Official Q&A


  • Are you required to roll for mined sea zones when submarines move into or through them?

  • Evening Clyde. Every enemy ship had to roll for mines, even Subs.

  • @wittmann:

    Evening Clyde. Every enemy ship had to roll for mines, even Subs.

    Does this include when they are moving through unoccupied sea zones?

    example: I want to move the two German subs from sz 7 to 9, in the process they will pass through sz8. Does this mean that I will have to roll twice for mines for these subs, once for sz8 and then again to sz9?

  • Yes. It makes naval movement or naval attacks in mined SZ potentially very costly.
    Subs are not the good buy they are in most A&A games.

  • @wittmann:

    Yes. It makes naval movement or naval attacks in mined SZ potentially very costly.
    Subs are not the good buy they are in most A&A games.

    Crud, oh well it was worth a shot

  • Amphibious assault against a coastal tt that has 1 Inf 1 Art and 1 Fighter in it.

    Does the defending Art fires the pre-emptive strike with 4 ?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  It fires on a 3.  Pre-emptive artillery strikes are not affected by air supremacy.

  • Is there an official FAQ pdf?
    If so can I get a link or pointed to what page it is on in this colossal thread?

  • Official Q&A

    Nope.  The best I can do is point you to the official unofficial FAQ.

  • Thankyou much Krieg, that had what I was looking for.

  • '22 '19 '18

    After playing a few games I have a few questions:
    1. If a naval ship enters a hostile sea zone are they required to fight?  From the rule book I read that the attacker has the option.
    2. If an artillery fires a preemptive shot in an amphibious attack does it still fire during regular combat?
    3. I can’t spawn new inf and art from captured capitals, but can I spawn new navy from captured naval bases?
    4. When liberating a friendly capital when does that power come back? Example: Germany controls Moscow, UK attacks Moscow and it is now contested, would Russia be able to collect income on it’s next turn (OOB rules) or do the Allies have to liberate it first before Russia can collect income?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Official Q&A

    1.  No.
    2.  Yes.
    3.  No.
    4.  It must be liberated.

  • I’m sure this has been asked before so I apologize for my inability to find the answer myself, but I would certainly appreciate some help with this quick question.

    Can your units in a contested territory move  into an adjacent contested territory to wage conflict there? For instance, can Russian units in a contested Poland reinforce units in a contested Galicia for a renewed offensive against CP forces in Galicia?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, as long as there were already some Russian units in Galicia at the beginning of the turn.

  • helllo, playing a game this weekend and a question arose in my mind. can a nation belonging to your side activate a minor neutral power. for example france which goes to albania to activate it for the italians is this legal? sorry if this has been asked but can’t seem to find a thread or find it in the rules cheers and happy hollidays :p

  • Official Q&A


  • Customizer

    To Krieghund,

    I started to look through the 42 pages for an answer, but decided I’ll ask even if it has been asked already (don’t suppose someone wants condense this all to a question and answer?).

    Can the neutral US move its units into land spaces controlled by future allies (but not contested)?  And if so, do they defend if attacked in those spaces?

    Merry Christmas, Krieghund.

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