Hi all,
we played AA50 on Sunday and I’ve had the game on my mind a little too much since then. So, Monday night I put in some extra hours (I’m an illustrator by trade) and made this thing.
I’m not quite sure if it’s finished or if my playing group’s going to want them made, but on it you can see a German MP-40 submachine gun, the UK, USA, USSR, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian and Hungarian flags, and that flower-y thing in the medal is Ville de Montreal’s civic logo. I’m not entirely sold on including the Chinese and Hungarian flags, but I saw some places on the gun for extra belligerents and thought I’d go for it.
I felt bad about how abstract the Chinese flag and the MP-40 are, but when you’re working with such a thick and uniform lineweight only so much detail can be included. Also, I need to feel out how comfortable my guys are with wearing swastikas (however small) and decide whether to stick with them or replace them with an iron cross.
Anyone else make anything like this for their players? I’m curious. If so, this might be a good place to post them.
OK. Keep good. May all your rolls be ones.