Montreal Axis & Allies Club Shirts

  • '18 '17 '16

    Interesting. Do A&A games have different German roundels in Germany, then?

    They are not allowed to use swastikas, the rondels in the german version are made of a red background and the Balkenkreuz. Unfortunately, there exists no correct translation of “Balkenkreuz”, so it is often misquoted as “iron cross”. “Balkenkreuz” may be translated as a bar cross or beam cross

  • Customizer

    It’s the same as the American version.
    It’s the national recognition symbol painted on tanks and on wings of german aircraft in WW2.
    It’s what RB has on the shirt on the second version.

  • TripleA '12

    I like it!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Great shirt! But - please send me a version of the shirt with the rune stones etc.

    I want people to be offended by the history of man-kind’s ugliness, instead of sugar coating everything all the time.  Otherwise how are people supposed to learn!?!?!

    This is ink on canvas, it’s not about what everyone else thinks - but about what YOU think.

    Where’s the social pressure from some of you to remove the Hammer and Sickle?  That’s also offensive.  Or what about the American flag?  Many Montrealer’s find THAT outrageously offensive.  Just go to a Habs game!

    Don’t any of you understand, that it was this kind of restrictionism, and pandering to the lowest common denominator, that led to totalitarianism and the war in the first place?

    To those of you who oppose the original design - take my point well Hypocrites.

  • '12

    Thanks for the kind words, Garg. Unfortunately, it’s only for people who play a game with our club on our turf. Visitors included, though, so if you give Westjet $900 of your hard-earned cash for a flight you can still make it happen.

    OK. Here’s what I think is the final. The Swastika’s staying off–whatever the politics, it was a request from one of our members, too, and I’ve got more important things to debate. I’ve adjusted some other things. The Soviet flag now has its star, and the Chinese flag is now a mixed Nationalist over Communist one. For aesthetic reasons I added some “shading” to the Italian flag (even though it took the form of stripes), more details on the Hungarian crest, and added the sunburst on the Imperial Japanese.

    This thing is very close. Something about the trigger is bothering me. Going to take a trip to the local tee shirt press shop in the next few days to make a prototype. Can’t wait. Next game is Saturday, and I’d like to be able to take orders from the guys.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Might work better if you put a Beret on the skull, Like my avatar.

    OR, if the Skull isn’t lopsided - if you even out the curvature.

    I would also dice both eyes, maybe one inverted though, black die with white pips, white die with black pips.

    Also, I would still offset the Japanese star/sunburst.

    Maybe use the skull crack (double it) as eyebrows.  With the stamp on the forehead of the evened out skull.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Could also change the line color of the gun OR the Skull, to distinguish the too, or try a black shirt with red linings.

  • '12

    Ha! Sounds like you should make your own Montreal A&A Club shirt. Also, because we’re going to do each shirt as a one-off print-on-demand thing each member can chose their own colour of shirt and image.


  • '12

    And there we go, with a bit of pomp and ceremony…


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    The red fez offends me.


  • '12

    Ha! Tell that to the guy in Istanbul who sold it to me.


  • '18 '17 '16

    The red fez offends me.

    If you wear shirt, fez an flags together you could make it big here in Germany, especially nowerdays in the area Cologne - no one would feel offended.

  • '12

    Thankfully, this isn’t my typical “vacation” attire. Or even my typical “lazy Sunday at home” clothing.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    David Suzuki is more offensive than Nazi’s.

    How dare you!

  • '12



  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Whats the picture on the wall in the background?

  • '12

    It’s a wiring diagram for my 1966 Fender Bassman amplifier. At bottom right of the photo you can see the corner of an Ampeg SVT 300 bass amp. Both are my babies. Very loud ones.  :-)


  • '12

    I’m happy over here, as we’ve managed to convince 13 of our members and alumni to order the shirt. The state of the Montreal A&A Club is strong. Not bad for starting from scratch two years ago.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Is Axisplaya in that club? (Bertrand?)

  • '12

    He did indeed join us for a great game of A&A50 on Saturday night, so that does make him a member now. A great guy with a great mind for the game. Can’t wait to play him again.


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