The Great War 1914-1918: Clash of Empires

  • I was thinking about that, but not till official release date announcement.

    Plus we are adding some more optional rules.

  • You playtest on the kitchen, when you eat ? I guess you spill more than coke on that map

  • Looks promising but its also a little bit frustrating that there is no release date announced yet.

    Hopefully you changed some false tt-names like the Isonzo-tt in Italy or Kosovo in North Serbia.

    I would buy all of this beautiful miniatures anyway!!

  • Customizer

    Oh no!

    I thought they’d cleared up the fake tt names. Kosovo should simply be Serbia. Belarus and White Russia are the same thing in Russian and English. What’s with the big Budapest tt? Holland should be Netherlands. Sardinia worth the same as Italian industrial heartland of Piedmont?

    Overall I must say I much prefer the graphic style of this map to the muddy appearance of recent A&A games; though I still feel that plain green for land tt is best; after all national colours for tts becomes obsolete after the first turn.

    And no UK-Russia convoy? How are the Allies going to get troops over to fight the Bolsheviks?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    IL, whose painted pieces are those on the pictures?

    Are they yours?

    They look really cool! :-D

  • Yes mine.

    Oh yes!

    I thought they’d cleared up the fake tt names. Kosovo should simply be Serbia. Belarus and White Russia are the same thing in Russian and English. What’s with the big Budapest tt? Holland should be Netherlands. Sardinia worth the same as Italian industrial heartland of Piedmont?

    This is not final map, TT names will change, but deliberately not to your liking.

    Overall I must say I much prefer the graphic style of this map to the muddy appearance of recent A&A games; though I still feel that plain green for land tt is best; after all national colours for tts becomes obsolete after the first turn.

    And no UK-Russia convoy? How are the Allies going to get troops over to fight the Bolsheviks?

    No lend lease in this war, this is only Great War, not “Fight the communists by committee: The game”

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yes mine.

    Oh yes!

    I thought they’d cleared up the fake tt names. Kosovo should simply be Serbia. Belarus and White Russia are the same thing in Russian and English. What’s with the big Budapest tt? Holland should be Netherlands. Sardinia worth the same as Italian industrial heartland of Piedmont?

    This is not final map, TT names will change, but deliberately not to your liking.

    Overall I must say I much prefer the graphic style of this map to the muddy appearance of recent A&A games; though I still feel that plain green for land tt is best; after all national colours for tts becomes obsolete after the first turn.

    And no UK-Russia convoy? How are the Allies going to get troops over to fight the Bolsheviks?

    No lend lease in this war, this is only Great War, not “Fight the communists by committee: The game”

    Nice! They really look good on the map! :-)

  • Customizer

    I don’t mean lend-lease, I mean UK shipping units directly to help Russia via the arctic. Suppose Germany occupies Petrograd, shouldn’t the Allies be able to invade Karelia through the white sea?

    Is the map this way to save space for central Europe, or to block this more direct Allied strategy (which I usually use in A&A 1914).

  • Allies are not allowed to share or capture Russian areas, and if the Capitol falls-Russia is most likely out of game and in revolution. Also, most neutrals except for a few cannot be invaded ( they have a value in case house rule peeps want to know their armies and economic value.) This game is not a game about constant invasions by sea in the North Sea which is impossible anyway.

    Also their is no white sea (its off map)

  • Looks super awesome IL!!  Can’t wait!!  Wanna put my pre-order in NOW!!
    Thanks for putting up with all of our Nit-Picking!!  Can’t wait to buy one and play it with my palz!!

  • I will soon get to publishing sections of the rules and explain how the game works. Probably 6 parts

  • We had meetings today with the producer…

    He says he will be selling a “deluxe version” of the game with extra pieces and some custom boxes.

    He also said a larger roll up map will be offered ( the standard map is 6 foot by 4)

    They will be selling sets (limited) of sea mines, coastal forts , and normal land forts… these will be done in metal

    The game will definitely be out in 2015, not sure exact month/day

    Pieces will come in bags ( not sprues)

    Neutrals in white will also come in the game ( about 3 sprues worth)

    Lastly, he said he has painters and they will be offering a super supreme painted version, which i saw samples and they are fantastic.

    MSRP is something about $149 ( this is very heavy and huge box)… the final price will depend on the outcome of accounting of all costs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    We had meetings today with the producer…

    He says he will be selling a “deluxe version” of the game with extra pieces and some custom boxes.

    He also said a larger roll up map will be offered ( the standard map is 6 foot by 4)

    They will be selling sets (limited) of sea mines, coastal forts , and normal land forts… these will be done in metal

    The game will definitely be out in 2015, not sure exact month/day

    Pieces will come in bags ( not sprues)

    Neutrals in white will also come in the game ( about 3 sprues worth)

    Lastly, he said he has painters and they will be offering a super supreme painted version, which i saw samples and they are fantastic.

    MSRP is something about $149 ( this is very heavy and huge box)… the final price will depend on the outcome of accounting of all costs.

    That is super exciting news IL, with lots of options.

    Thank you so much for the update! :-D


  • Great news – thanks for the update.  Is it still your plan to sell the game through HBG, as I seem to recall your mentioning at one point?

  • Of course, although not exclusively.

    Producer says most of the units go to Baltimore, which is some hub for distribution for international and domestic.

  • '14

    I gather from what you write that miniature sets will not be sold separately from the game (other than the above indicated forts, etc.)?

  • Exactly the opposite!

    I’m just reporting of additional things being done, pieces were always in the plan to be sold separately, including neutrals

    I remember a quote of $5.00 a sprue as MSRP, or if you buy 8 sprues their would be a discount ( any of 9 colors)

  • Hello Guys

    We now are at the point of making the choice for piece colors.

    1  Germany  Dark Gray like map

    2  Austria      Med Gray

    3  Ottomans  Rust Red like map

    4  Great Britain    Khaki

    5  France    Blue

    6  Russia    Brown

    7  Italy    Mint Green

    8    USA  Green

    9  Neutral    white

    Note: these are from the producer, make your own list and or provide links or images of colors you feel strongly about

  • @Imperious:

    Note: these are from the producer, make your own list and or provide links or images of colors you feel strongly about

    Most of these colours sound good to me, and for the others I have an open mind (since it depends partly on how these colours get rendered, in terms of the exact shade used), so I’ll just make a few general recommendations.  To me, an important consideration would be to make sure that all the colour choices are clearly defined and well differentiated from each other.  In other words: by looking at a sculpt on its own it should be possible to tell exactly what the colour is intended to be, and by looking at it alongside the sculpts of other nations there should be no possibility of confusion.  An example of a bad colour choice was the original brownish-green one used in the Milton Bradley game for the US.  I found it unattractive, which I admit is a matter of taste, but more fundamentally it had the problem of being in a murky, hard-to-describe colour, and of not being sufficiently different visually (especially in some lighting conditions) from the dark brown Russian units.

    A few other thoughts.  First, be careful with any units that are green.  Shades of green are apparently hard to produce consistenly in manufacturing processes; as evidence, I can point to the A&A US infantry sculpts in my collection, of which I have about a dozen different shades.  Moreover, green is a notoriously fickle colour which can look quite different in bluish daylight, reddish incandescent light and greenish fluorescent light.  Second, make sure that the infantry sculpts are the same shade as the equipment sculpts.  The A&A infantry sculpts in the Milton Bradley games had appreciable shade differences when compared to the equipment sculpts, for reasons I’ve never understood (perhaps they were made of a different type of plastic, or manufactured in a different production run).  The same problem has cropped up in a few later games, though to a much lesser extent; for instance, there are more German infantry shades in my collection than equipment shades.  Consistency across printings is nice too: the American and German units in Global 1940 2nd edition (of which I own several copies) were produced in at least two different shades each, and as far as the American pieces go the difference is so pronounced (one version has decidedly yellowish overtones) that I keep the two types of US pieces separate from each other in my storage boxes.

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