Optional Rule 3:
Italy can join the war on the side of the Central Powers. Keep in mind that this might make the game unbalanced.
On the map we wanted to represent the Isonzo area ( we prefer to call some areas a name that will lend itself to the battles that were fought) the other two areas Carniola and Carinthia are farther away from the Isonzo area, second that Isonzo is a very small area and we need to consider space to fight in Historical areas. That area indicated on the map could be called something else, but readers of the various battles will learn where all those battles were fought in general ( even if it’s on the Aus Hun side). The territories are drawn in a deliberate manner and the fort system is key to Italy having a decent chance to defend. When you play all this will become clear.
If it (the Isonzo that is) ain’t in Italy it ain’t in Italy.
Wars have started over less.
If we could have a pic of the map (not a link) I could sort these problems very easily.
But pleased you’re taking the time to get it right.
Only 4 months to go… What do you think?
Will we have the chance to play this game on christmas holidays?
I’ll place a call and find out.
Ok producer says “very likely a Christmas release”
All pieces done
Map changes ( very minor being done)
Box done
Rules need minor rewording
Ok producer says “very likely a Christmas release”
In a way that’s fitting because a hundred years ago the soldiers fighting in WWI were telling themselves that, with luck, they’d be home by Christmas. :-D
Hello IL, as always I am tracking this game with much anticipation. Will pre-order be possible in the near future?
The game is not finished. Once i get details from China on shipment of the game, this will be posted.
As i said before i refuse to make some claim about a release date, then somehow the game does not get released by that time. The date when this announcement is made will be in stone.
IL, do you have pics of the ottoman sculpts you can share with us?
I don’t but ill get them…
Picture of old playtest ( i don’t know where this is, but it was a convention)
Lovely artillery pieces.
My main gripe with this map is the lack of a northern convoy route from UK to Russia via the white sea. This seems like too vital an area to be missing.
Be aware that the geographical terms terms “Upper” and “Lower” refer to altitude, not latitude; e.g. Upper Bavaria is south of Lower Bavaria, Netherlands and Belgium are referred to as the “Low Countries” despite their northern latitude.
Baghdad is too far north. This tt should be Kurdistan/Mosul; Kurdistan should be Cappadoccia.
Belorussia and White Russia are the same thing.
Some tt names seem odd; why not East and West Ukraine rather than “Kiev”?
Kosovo in wrong place.
Borders given for Poland and Baltic states really date from 1918.
You’ve started with Moscow as capital; I’d have used Petrograd but allowed Russia to move the capital once in the game.
Bukovina was ruled by Austria rather than Hungary, so should be part of Galicia rather than East Hungary.
Rome is in Latium.
Great pic, looks like an outstanding game, I will buy it for sure. After all this years IL finally got it together.
BTW, are you the guy at left ?
Reclusive millionaires are not likely to post their own photos online.
Not in picture, just some playtesters.
The TT names have been changed many times… this is an old map… the newer map looks nothing like that.
Post pic of new map to make sure no errors.
Do you have possible Allied/US intervention via Siberia?
Do you have possible Allied/US intervention via Siberia?
What do you think? Honestly, everytime somebody makes a ww1 game you start this “we must have some extended war showdown with communist Russia thing”
It’s not that type of game. Just accept the game as is. I have a map pic somewhere, need to look on hard-drive.
I’ve pretty much made it a house rule in 1914 that the same player always has Russia and USA, but automatic US entry cannot begin until the Russian Revolution (Wilson did not want to ally with the Tsar).
Since Lenin was a German agent, and the Bolshevik takeover was aimed at pulling Russia out of the war, the German player gets control of the Russian “Reds” with the US player keeping the “Whites”, but he can choose to send US units the roundabout route through Siberia.
Since the Great War ends Nov 1918 and the game is about the Great War, it will never cover Allied expeditions postwar because that is a separate conflict.
If the Central powers are defeated, their is no reason to play out your idea because the game would be over.
If the Entente lost, they certainly would not be occupied fighting Russia because the game would be over.
We have another playtest on Saturday, pictures of newer map to follow ( note: it is still going thru changes like TT names)