Listed as preorder on CSI
Coolstuffinc posted this as a preorder, with a pic of the box, and some info on the game (mostly/all known already?).
Retail: $100
Their preorder: $65 -
And here’s the WotC sales flyer:
I cranked up the magnification on the WotC PDF, and as far as I can see:
The game map is printed at a 45-degree angle
The piece colours are:
Germany: Grey
Austria-Hungary: Medium Green
Turkey: Turquoise (an intentional pun by WotC?)
France: Dark Blue
Britain: Pale Lime Green
Russia: Maroon
Italy: Burnt Orange
U.S.: Dark Green
The pose of the French infantry pieces seems quite different from the pose of the ones in Europe 1940, so it looks like we’re getting entirely new troops sculpts rather than just repeats of the existing ones.
You people are awesome, just ordered 12 copies.
It wont let me copy the images so i can blow them up, but i notice a very strange diamond shaped map. This will prove awkward when sitting at a table as everybody plays are 45 degree angles.
If you can post a larger image?
If you can post a larger image?
I’ve tried a couple of times but I keep getting this message:
“The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.”
Shrinking the picture file size didn’t help.
OK i blew up the image…
This map is crazy! The colors are too harsh, especially Russia and Austro-Hungary. Africa is totally warped to shreds. My goodness. All that to save cardboard? I get that they wanted the middle east to get play but the angle is just uncomfortable looking.
It does look like Axis and Allies: Infantry and Artillery version 1914.
Not fond of the poses, don’t like the guns pointing because they get bent easier and are less stable than 3/4 “marching” pose style.
The ships look laughable, but withhold till i get better look. I think the ships are all the same molds
Can’t find any planes and notice new chip colors.
Box art is good, Wilson has a strange look on his face.
Wilson is wondering what he’s doing in a 1914 war game…
why do we need 36 dice?
don’t like infantry firing poses
back to the old “Limeys” joke; new Turkquish joke! Hope that Ritt trick works…
have to make my own board, but no surprise there. PLAIN LIGHT GREEN.
Well I suppose 4 shades of green is better than 4 shades of brown. But not much.
Serbia and Romania appear to be treated as part of Russia.
Bulgaria is part of Austria.
Makes some sense, but Romania as Russian?
Actually, the diamond layout makes some sense given the area chosen.
It appears that you use blue chips for the Allies and red for the “Axis”.
Infantry all seem to be late war with steel helmets - even the Turks?
There also appears to be a meercat on the box - just below the Kaizer’s hand.
I think their is some new form of battle-board, which somehow the units kinda interact in a trench warfare fashion. It has “lines” where different pieces fire from ranged positions and probably fire in a sequence and are protected by being farther back on the board. This is how he simulates the rail guns since artillery are probably set up in the rear and infantry up front.
Cool! Will have to preorder soon.
There also appears to be a meercat on the box - just below the Kaizer’s hand.
If you are talking about the image below his right hand, I believe that is supposed to be Sgt. York
Looks fine to me, though I would say the Russians are Brown more than maroon, which is fine by me, maroon would be terrible.
I love the rotated map! Can’t wait to buy! :-)
Does anyone else feel it looks too much like a “toy”?
Garish colours, dramatic infantry poses; Ameritrash comes to mind…
I want something between this and the hex & counter alternative, but it seems ILs new game is my best hope.
The meercat can only be seen on the box laid out with the board. Effects of pixelation. Directly under the Kaizer’s hand.
I will not let anybody down. Our map is normal angle with the middle east and top of north Africa represented.
I will post more pics, but in a separate thread.
OK, like to see the map scale you’re using.
Does anyone else feel it looks too much like a “toy”?
Garish colours, dramatic infantry poses; Ameritrash comes to mind…
No? Color wise it’s not much different than the original Pacific and that’s still my favorite of them all.
I know the picture does not tell all of the setup but it looks like there are 0 German ships in the Med, which having ships there was one of the things that really set the Great War apart on TripleA.
I’m drooling