my third Item:
Yeah, the thing about pushing social agendas of any kind is that sooner or later people see how fake it is and become reactionary against it. So, in a sense I do very much agree. They should cast the best actors for the roles they create. I think everyone can agree on that, no?
Speaking of black guys in Star Wars though, Lando was one of my favorite characters; Billy Dee Williams being perfect for the role. Mace Windu was a very good character, who could have had a bigger role for sure. Again, Samuel Jackson was a good pick.
Oh the torture. I just watched Star Wars 3 to see if it was really as bad as I first remembered it. It was utter torture. Did any one walk out the theater with these movies?
As I just posted elsewhere… I really looked forward to, and liked, Revenge of the Sith.
Most of the time it had the feel of a children’s movie, and had some poor acting, and overuse of CGI… however, I still really liked it. It is probably my favorite overall of the prequel films.
Oh… well, I didn’t expect or want an apology. You not liking it or not does not matter to me. And like I said, I recognize its many flaws. For the record, I do like Empire Strikes Back, but I thought it was possibly the worst of the original trilogy. But that is just me.
oh nick nack, here is my last offer!
Billy Zane as Grand Admiral Thrawn
Shia Lebouf as Jacen Solo
Gerlad Butler as Han
Peno Cruz as Leia
and we put Mark Hamilton back into timemachine hey…
please let us not forget, Michael Pena as Boba Fett
Oh you unsatisfied peoples… :lol: :lol: :lol: 8-)
I FOUND IT!!!…finally
Upps I mixed ´em up, my bad… :-D :-D
Who wins a duel to the death between Darth Maul and Count Dooku?
The British.
Who wins a duel to the death between Darth Maul and Count Dooku?
It is not the Problem to defeat Darth Maul, it is mere the Problem to stop that he is getting reduplicated each time he dies…
Dude, I fell in the floor laughing at your last comment.
I agree with you, however the Clone War Series has sparked my interest since he emerged from that trash dump.
I hope Disney remakes the entire first trilogy.
Dude, I fell in the floor laughing at your last comment.
I agree with you, however the Clone War Series has sparked my interest since he emerged from that trash dump.
allways a pleassure
OMG Did any of you see the last Star Wars The Clone Wars? Best episode yet, awesome fight sceen.
OMG Did any of you see the last Star Wars The Clone Wars? Best episode yet, awesome fight sceen.
The new episode of Feb 2nd was pretty good. Didn’t see what’s his name getting involved. But it made perfect sense. And that was a pretty good fight scene. Was also very sad to see the Duchess’s misfortune. That was a dark episode.
I’d like to see all the good guys played by British actors, and all the evil slobs played by Americans.
Any news on star wars VII yet??
I believe J.J. Abrams is directing and that Mark Hamill, Harrison Foird and Carrie Fisher are all on board. But I could be wrong.
I believe J.J. Abrams is directing and that Mark Hamill, Harrison Foird and Carrie Fisher are all on board. But I could be wrong.
This is correct although it isn’t certain how much they’ll be in it. John Williams is on board to score it and a director of photography has been hired and it will be shot on 35mm but the DP is Abrams’s “guy” so any enthusiasm generated by Williams being on board as well as Luke, Leia, and Han is more or less out the window. I think Abrams is a terrible director and haven’t really been crazy about any of his movies.
Harrison Ford signed up for a Mega deal, Star Wars VII, VIII and IX and another Indi Jones movie.
He’s also supposedly discussing appearing in a Blade Runner sequal.
He’s getting damned old to play a replicant with a 4 year lifespan.