looks promising IL ,how are you dealing with France and Greece in the meantime? and how would you deal with the Oil problems Germany had?
The Soviets, Hungary and Romania would export under new trade agreements where participants would receive land grants in say Yugoslavia and Greece. Other oil would come from sending a proper force to Africa and taking it from British influence. The goal is to make as many partners in crime as possible with the goal of further isolation of UK.
When the war starts ( about 1943) France would be dispatched in the first year, Greece would be after.
In the case of France, i would be more proactive in seizing her post-defeat fleet.
The only issue was if the French government was going to extend the Maginot wall to the channel… I think they would not have the funds in time.
Also, the total waste of resources for the Final Solution would be used for labor camps building war material in our factories. Under no circumstances would we be dealing with ghettos or killing people for racial reasons.