Thanks Gamer, I guess that I am over-concerned about Italy :| So really in most games for you it really is just a bland country to play? Any other good tips I need to know?
Oh, they’re almost always fun to play…
Did I mention that one of Italy’s most important functions is to threaten can openers on Russia? This is true no matter what happens with her Mediterranean and North African and Middle East fortunes
Always important to have an Italian bomber on the board for numerous reasons. One is to threaten to bomb the London airbase so that the Germans can have a bigger Sealion threat. Another is to support can openers deep in Russia. Another is to threaten to break up Allied destroyer blocks in the Atlantic where fighters can’t normally reach. (namely Z104)
Be careful building up an Italian navy in any circumstances. Always keep in mind the Allies might decide to build up quickly and come and smash it. It’s easy to get trapped in the Mediterranean with Italy. Avoid throwing good money after bad in this way