Thanks for the update. Enjoy your travels :)
Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament
Here is a tutorial of how to download maps from WITHIN TripleA: and your Opponent must decide on:
1. What dice rules to use (ie: Dice or Low Luck).
2. What side each player plays.If you can not agree, then:
1. You will use whatever rules are default for that map (ie: NWO is Low Luck, while Great War is dice)
2. I will roll a dice to determine who gets what side.Make a thread entitled “BotA - r3 - 270BC - <your name=”“>.vs. <opponent name=”“>”
And then get started!</opponent></your> -
Wow, there are war elephants :-D
YAY. Finally the map that I’m experienced on!! :-D
waiting for my opponent!
Excel sheet of current standings is attached.
Can I have this thread stickied yet please?
Yeah, sticky please, this is a great tournament.
And thanks of the great excel sheet.
Pug surrenders in round 3 to Ajmdemen.
FYI to everyone,
one of our tourney members (hepster) decided to update the visuals for the 270BC map
there are no changes to the game setup or rules, it is a visual update only
(it won’t break your savegames either)download it to see the difference! picture:
Santa Claus has conceded defeat in our round 2 game of NWO.
bacala vs ice, rome vs cartage
winner: ice
awesome game, allot of dice fun but strategicaly this map doesnt make much sence to meee, awesome update though.
Hey Veq, maybe bit early to ask, but when do you expect rnd 4?
when both round 1 and round 2 are totally done, we start round 4
ajm, stop killing your opponents so fast!
ice vs balace savegame
ice was carthage, and won in round 10 -
BotA Round 3
P@nther won after AlexGreat surrendered honourably.
because of the holidays, games might slow down, etc, so please allow your opponents the benefit of the doubt if they do not post for a while
Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?
Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?
I don’t think you are supposed to use it. I think this kind of tournament game could be a bad place to suddenly try a new version of a game engine.
I might play the current tournament games with the old engine and start new games with the new engine.
That said, thanks Veqryn of the new version! Interesting new features. I guess I was not the only one forgetting to move a sub or whatever somewhere :D
Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?
It is up to you and your opponent, because if one of you starts using, then both of you have to.
This is because can load savegames from, but can not load savegames from is stable though, so I would recommend everyone download it and start using it immediately (including for all their currently running games).
Alex kind of gets upper hand against AmorphousCube in Napoleon game. Bit prematurely in Rd 41, though :wink:
It was a phantastic ride, thx to a great fellow player as well.
Amorphouscube resigns to Most Holy in Round 3
I like 270BC and wouldn’t mind revisiting it in the future.