Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament

  • Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?

  • @SantaClaus:

    Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?

    I don’t think you are supposed to use it. I think this kind of tournament game could be a bad place to suddenly try a new version of a game engine.

    I might play the current tournament games with the old engine and start new games with the new engine.

    That said, thanks Veqryn of the new version! Interesting new features. I guess I was not the only one forgetting to move a sub or whatever somewhere :D

  • Customizer


    Are we supposed to use the new to finish our current games?

    It is up to you and your opponent, because if one of you starts using, then both of you have to.
    This is because can load savegames from, but can not load savegames from is stable though, so I would recommend everyone download it and start using it immediately (including for all their currently running games).

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    Alex kind of gets upper hand against AmorphousCube in Napoleon game. Bit prematurely in Rd 41, though  :wink:

    It was a phantastic ride, thx to a great fellow player as well.

  • Customizer


    Amorphouscube resigns to Most Holy in Round 3

    I like 270BC and wouldn’t mind revisiting it in the future.

  • Rnd 2 wirkey concedes to Admetus rnd 6

  • Make_it_Round has surrendered the to might of Rome in round 19.

  • DeadTom has surrendered to Solfein after 10 rounds.

  • What round 2 games are still outstanding? I want to get going on this Great War map.

  • Customizer

    Take your time everyone, I’m eskerd of the Great War map

  • @Most:

    Take your time everyone, I’m eskerd of the Great War map

    It’s not as scary as it looks… idk maybe a little. Either way, I can’t wait to try this one for the first time. The battle in the Med looks intense.

  • Nothing to see here lost to Wassmuss after 16 Rounds of 270 BC. I could have given up sooner because of the loss of Macedonia and Seleucides but I conquered Greece and was slowly gaining on Rome. But the lead of Pathia has grown too much to be stoppable anymore.

    Since the forum didn’t allow uploads at the time we started we played it as a PBEM here’s the save. There was a big battle in round 7 that I had to edit in because I forgot a combat move and my opoonent let me redo the turn. So I have the save in which the dice of the battle are stored too. All edits that were done were asked and given permission for.


  • hey master V,

    how are the games progressing? any word on when the new round starts?


  • Customizer

    FYI anyone who hasn’t started their game, or gotten past round 1 in it, is at risk of either a loss, or getting a new opponent. (round3 - 270bc)

  • Customizer

    Quick update on Round 1 and 2:
    There are only 4 games outstanding at this point.  3 of the games are pending on 2 players who have not posted in over 1 month: U-505 and Seththenewb.
    The fourth game is basically over, but no surrender has been made yet.

    So for the purposes of continuing the tournament, I’m going to be deciding these 4 games at the end of this week.

    Which means I’ll be able to post round 4 matchups either this weekend or next weekend.

    Seththenewb and U-505, please post somewhere, anywhere, to let us know if you are alive and want to continue in the tournament!!!

    Ok, now here is an update for round 3 (270BC):

    See the zip file attached for details.

    Most everyone has either started or finished their matches.

    The following people have not though:

    Hepster vs Moilami  <–  Hepster needs to post to start the game

    Noll vs wirkey  <–  Noll needs to post to start the game

    Odonis, Narushima, Seththenewb, and U-505, have all not started their game yet.  Because Seth and U505 might be dropping, I’m going to be switching the opponents around so that it is now:

    Odonis vs Narushima  <– please start!!!

    U-505 vs Seththenewb  <– please let us know if you are going to continue in the tournament!!!

    thanks everyone,

    (also, btw, if it goes to round 6, then we will be playing Total World War for the tiebreaker)

  • Customizer

    and i of course forgot to attach the zip with the excel sheet…

    see below attachment


  • @Veqryn:

    (also, btw, if it goes to round 6, then we will be playing Total World War for the tiebreaker)

    Man, now I so very much hope it goes to round 6 and total epicness :D

  • Customizer

    Odonis and Narushima have finally responded.

    Odonis is dropping out the tournament due to lack of time.

    Narushima is still in, he’s just been really busy.

    So, I need a volunteer to face off with Narushima in round 3, since he is the only person without an opponent.

  • Hi, Vegryn. Narushima surrended in our NWO game. So the result is:

    NWO (round 2 game): Funcioneta (Allies) over Narushima (Axis) - Narushima surrenders after Russia 6


  • Customizer


    Odonis and Narushima have finally responded.
    Odonis is dropping out the tournament due to lack of time.
    Narushima is still in, he’s just been really busy.
    So, I need a volunteer to face off with Narushima in round 3, since he is the only person without an opponent.

    Lalapalooza has volunteers to play Narushima. Please start your game ASAP.

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