• @Mallery29:

    So you are saying you move your Pac Fleet to Iwo on US1 (and buy 3 bombers)?�  That’s your solution?�  With Japan having a Bomber, 4FTRs, CA, SS, BB, 2DDs, 2CVs in range? Are you insane? Please clarify what you have where…

    No, I am not insane. That Japanese Fleet is usually withdrawn to FIC, most of it anyway. If you don’t like Iwo Jiwa, outside Alaska will give you the same effect, just the same, so that Japanese Fleet you are talking about can’t reach U.S. Fleet anyway, you know it, and I know it, that Japan sends most of it’s ships towards FIC. If not, then sending units to fortify FIC means Transports will be sacrificed.

    By the way, Japan does NOT have 2 Carriers after their fleet has been wasted on East Indies, so you will have to BUY that Carrier for Japan if you want 2 CV to place your 4 FTR on it.

    Furthermore, I have explained to you how many FTRs are with the U.S. Fleet.  2 DD, 1 Sub, 1 BB, 1 Carrier with 2 FTR on it, can be moved to either Iwo Jima or Alaska in order to attack everything you might put outside Japan by J2. Â

    So any movement by U.S. Fleet is done after I see where you put your Japanese ships, then it’s easy for the U.S. to know what to do. You know that U.S. has FTR on WUS and EUS, and both can be moved to Alaska with the Bomber from EUS. There is 5th FTR USA has in Tibet/Szechwan which can be moved and positioned on Yakut.

    I would build 3 Bombers and 1 Sub as I mentioned, all on the WUS. Panama Cruiser goes also to WUS.

    U.S. will then be able to attack SZ60 with 5 FTRs, 4 Bombers, 1 BB, 1 Carrier, 1 Sub, 2 Destroyers. We all know that a Japanese player don’t have any clue what U.S. will do next so most Japanese players will expect the U.S. to go Solomon. And this is where the surpise is. Most Japanese players send Transports to fortify FIC which means most of the Japanese Fleet goes also there.  And we definitely know that Japan lands most of it’s 4 FTR on mainland.

    So if anything of the Japanese fleet survives after US2, let’s give Emperor 2 or 3 boats left, and now I am very kind, then 6 UK Bombers will send that straight to the bottom of the sea anyway which means Japan will have no fleet or FTRs left, basically nothing. We are looking at a combined US2-UK3 knock-out here so that Japan is totally finished. Even if Japan builds some boats to rebuild them self on J3, USA still has 1 Sub, 1 Cruiser to strike waters of Japan again, and I would once again build 3 Bombers on US2 turn which can be used on US3 with 1 Sub, 1 Cruiser.

  • You’re right, I’m wrong…I bow to the 42.2 master.  I have to go to Beerfest at Petco in about an hour. I’m tired of talking to a brickwall (even though you’ve been owned over and over again).

  • @Mallery29:

    You’re right, I’m wrong…I bow to the 42.2 master.�  I have to go to Beerfest at Petco in about an hour. I’m tired of talking to a brickwall (even though you’ve been owned over and over again).

    LOL, well then, it’s a fact that Japan can’t do squat, this is a strategy based on the fact what Japan usually does. Which is, you said it yourself, building 3 Trans/3 Inf or some other similar type of mixture. I am not stupid to tell a Japanese player what I will do on US1. But I told you, and now you think you can “counter” that, but not according to what you say you will do, which isJapanese players goes for FIC, sending 2 units there, building additional Transports or/and INF + using FTRs on the mainland, that’s a fact, those are the things you are arguing for. And that is fine. Now I know how to counter that and that can be done because I can see where Japanese units are placed.

    The main point here is the surprise. It is very easy here to say actually that you will conter that and I will counter this, and you say I don’t know anything, I knew how to protect Egypt, I knew how to stack India already massively on UK1 with 9 units, and I knew how to protect/support Szechwan, where US FTR is, which is important.

    Now it is fine that you can brag about my Alaska IC being bad and the thing about Russian Carrier, ( which was just a suggestion to test out anyway ), but don’t think you are smarter than I am.

    Especially when you are so “smart” and say I don’t know math, and I proved that you talk utter cr-ap, and I proved how UK gets 6 Bombers.

    Now back to the surprise tactics. As mentioned, it’s easy to say you’ll counter something by knowing what I will do. When you don’t know what I’ll do, your combat moves and non-combat moves are totally different, and this strategy with the US2-UK3 knock out of Japan is based on the fact of what you have said that you’ll buy and do all the time, what most of Japanese players say anyway, which is to fortify FIC, most of the Japanese fleet goes to FIC, and Japan goes for more Transport&INF or a Carrier.

  • surprise tactics don’t work when they have a huge chance of failure.  You assume you will take New Guinea, which even though is 67% odds, still is a huge gamble to put on for 1 additional bomber.

    I know math, I had a 780 on the math portion of the SAT (it’s English that I don’t know)…remember your idea with naval builds and how long it took to convince you not to destroy India with 3BBs?  It took like half this thread…do you think I would really argue a point so legitly if it was a reasonable tactic. Of course you’re not going to announce what you are going to do.  But you fail to recognize the key point here.  BOMBERS CAN’T TAKE LAND!  To effectively save Russia and the UK,  you have to take the economics away from Japan.

    I only argue bad strategies…You say Japan can’t do squat…guess what…while you’re so focused on Japan with your ingenious plan, Russia still falls, and the UK is next.  Your strat can’t stop that.

    It’s easy to counter your moves because as I said, everything you have done is easily counterable (is that even a word?).  And when I mean easily counterable, it means that it can be defeated easily.

    Let me know when you get bored beating children (that probably doesn’t sound right)…

  • btw, Beefest was Beertacular……lots of hot SD girls!    8-)

  • Mallery: are SDs the same as STDs?
    Might have been fun, but…

  • @wittmann:

    Mallery: are SDs the same as STDs?
    Might have been fun, but…

    I don’t know how all the SD (San Diego) girls roll, but I’m sure some of them probably have those issues….

    Anyway, I can only look/drool…married…  :cry:

  • Married: Thought you had mentioned that before. Nothing wrong with looking. I have spent a life doing that!

  • @Mallery29:

    surprise tactics don’t work when they have a huge chance of failure.  You assume you will take New Guinea, which even though is 67% odds, still is a huge gamble to put on for 1 additional bomber.

    I know math, I had a 780 on the math portion of the SAT (it’s English that I don’t know)…remember your idea with naval builds and how long it took to convince you not to destroy India with 3BBs?  It took like half this thread…do you think I would really argue a point so legitly if it was a reasonable tactic. Of course you’re not going to announce what you are going to do.  But you fail to recognize the key point here.  BOMBERS CAN’T TAKE LAND!  To effectively save Russia and the UK,  you have to take the economics away from Japan.Â

    I only argue bad strategies…You say Japan can’t do squat…guess what…while you’re so focused on Japan with your ingenious plan, Russia still falls, and the UK is next.  Your strat can’t stop that.

    It’s easy to counter your moves because as I said, everything you have done is easily counterable (is that even a word?).  And when I mean easily counterable, it means that it can be defeated easily.Â

    Let me know when you get bored beating children (that probably doesn’t sound right)…

    Clearly, you get mad for some reason, and it is easely to see why is that.

    Yes, I have 67% chance of taking New Guinea, so 2 out of 3 times I will succeed and 1 out of 3 I will fail. Does UK/India “die” just because I get 5 instead of 6 Bombers? I can then build 5 Bombers, 1 FTR, it’s just 1 IPC in cash and chances for me to buy 6 Bombers are on my side. I you are soooo worried, I can just save 7 IPC instead of 4 IPC. So you call that a failure, I don’t, because the calculator is clearly on my side.

    I really don’t know if you would argue just for fun, because many times, it seems like you do just that, especially with me. I don’t know about others, I have only discussed with you and Hobbes, and I discuss with Hobbes without problems, without name calling and stuff like that, like you do. So who is childish?  And now you are “telling me” that I am “bearing children”, which I think is the lowest and most discusting argument I have heard so far. And from all places on a A&A-forum!

    It’s great that you have 780 on your SAT, I live in Europe, we don’t need SAT because High School here is one year longer than in the U.S. so since you brag about your score, I can study in the U.S. but you can’t study in Europe with your High School diploma, because you will need addition fundation year OR a lot of AP-classes to compensate for that. But now we are not on the topic here.

    Bombers can’t take land, I know that, but my UK units on India can, after Japan has NO Naval units or FTR after J2. So Japan CAN’T take land either with NO boats. What are Japanese INF going to do on those islands, start swimming towards China and Manchuria and FIC? Maybe they should have those kind of units, swim INF = cost 4 or something, moves 1 space, lol, but they don’t have that here in this game.

    Yes, that is true, I found out that 3 BB on India is not good, and that is because East Indies wasn’t dead. Now, that I found out by myself how to protect Egypt so I can destroy East Indies, you were arguing against that, saying I “can’t” take Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 Art, 3 Tanks, 1 FTR, but I can, and I do massacre all that is in Ukraine, and still 2nd Russia FTR secured Egypt so that East Indies can go down to the bottom of the sea before Japan starts J1.

    Clearly 6 Bombers are a LOT better than 3 BB, they move 6 spaces, while BB moves only 2. And they are a lot of cheaper, and you can’t attack them that easy as you can with BB, neither can you counter them with a lot of “cheap FTR”, like you can do against BB, with Subs.

    Therefore Bombers are the fastest way to sink and destroy Japanese forces with a US2-UK3 knock out.

    It seems that I have to repeat myself, but I would only use this strategy if a Japan does what you always say you will do, which is go Transport&INF and fortify FIC. I can’t do this strategy if Japan buys like 1 Sub, 2 Bombers already on J1. Then I would find something else to buy and go Solomon.

    The same goes for Egypt IC. I would never buy an IC on Egypt if I can see that German player is massing forces on Libya to take on Egypt next, that is only doable when I see German player going Russian way. You seem to have problems understanding this.

    So UK does base their strategy based on what Germany does, and then USA can choose what to do after they see what Japan has done with their combat and non-combat moves + what they bought.

    So surprise does work if we listen and hear here what most Japanese players would have done on J1. And that is the point, a Japanese player can’t know what U.S. will do next, since Japan expects U.S. to go Solomon, and that is FINE, BUT in order for Japan to MAKE SURE USA goes THAT WAY, Japan MUST BUY something else, NOT STUPID 3 TRANSPORTS or 2 Transports for that matter, but something entirely else, and Japan must NOT then move most of it’s fleet towards FIC on J1.

  • It’s great that you have 780 on your SAT, I live in Europe, we don’t need SAT because High School here is one year longer than in the U.S. so since you brag about your score, I can study in the U.S. but you can’t study in Europe with your High School diploma, because you will need addition fundation year OR a lot of AP-classes to compensate for that. But now we are not on the topic here.

    Why would I study in Europe? I’m 33.  I LIVED in Europe for two years in Sardinia,Italy(traveled to 17 countries during that time), and about to spend three in Japan.  Funny, that my “HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA” was good enough to operate a nuclear reactor and be Sailor of the Year on two different submarines….Now we can go back on topic.

  • '12

    For the SAT, isn’t it out of 800 per section?  So a 780 out of 800 should be a fairly high score no?

  • 800 on each section is the high score, but I’m old enough to where there were only two sections…I guess there are 3 now…

    Hobbes, had success using a balanced attack.  Had some luck in the Atlantic though.  Both UK/US DD/Trans survived, so it gave us moment of opportunity.  My EI invasion failed (so lost both trans/inf), but the US was able to take the heat off India.  The German Navy was sunk pretty quick with exception of the BB in the Med.  US thankfully was able to use its DD and CA to knock it out.  The first US fleet got knocked out the Solomons (bad die roll by US, 2CV, 4FTR, 2DD, BB), but the US did have a reserve fleet standing by.

    Russia was successful at being aggressive both in Europe and in China.  My allies were angry that I abandoned Africa, but the aggressive Russians and the impending invasions of Norway/Finland and Morroco only made me lose Egypt.

    Lessons Learned for the Axis:

    1. As Japan, only get the 3IPCs in the Russian North.  Don’t advance anyfurther with a small task force.  There will be too many Russian inf and possilby the use of the 2 FTRs (Russia has probably turtled back at this point).
    2. I think SBRing UK is a waste of time for the Germans.  I think Caucus would be a better target if Germany is going North to Karelia (to help keep the South clear of Russian units).
    3. The Russian inf in China make things very difficult to clear China effectively and worry about India/US (especially when the Russian 5 from Yakut swing back into China from Evengi).  This 3 pronged counter works well if Japan focuses on the US Fleet.
    4. Never ever use both SS against the BB…if the UK DD survives, you sack both in this attack for no real gain.  The only time you should combine your SS is to go after the US fleet in the Atl (pri #1 for German salvation)

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