What it was that made James Holmes go nuts.

  • @ABWorsham:

    Men have done a poor job of training boys into men. We now have two or three generations of men who were raised by women dominated families and they suffer from it.

    Men are in black hole of their own creation. They have bought hook, line, and sinker into a passel of feminist lies. And this has led to treating boys as if they are broken girls that need fixing.

    Take the red pill

    and get your facts straight.

  • Customizer

    I am a bit behind on my podcast listening but I’m getting caught up now and just found out who’s really to blame for this tragedy. Within the first ten minutes of his podcast, The Wright Turn, from July 23, Darryl Wright hits the nail on the head. So, stop listening to the Dicetruction Podcast right now and hit up the Wright Turn.

  • I just think it was a nut job who liked comic books as an escape from his reality of being a failure. He felt his life was worthless and this was his chance to be noticed. One of my neighbors caught a kid in the neighborhood catching Bass and cutting off their tales and throwing them back in the lake. What kind of sick idiot would do that. Answer: One that has no idea of what is right and what is wrong. Hopefully this clown doesn’t end up like James Holmes. I will say that I think our culture doesn’t respect life or respect other peoples right to their life. If we don’t get that back this won’t be the last one of these shootings.

  • You got a point right there!…Good post GoSanchez

  • @GoSanchez6:

    I just think it was a nut job who liked comic books as an escape from his reality of being a failure. He felt his life was worthless and this was his chance to be noticed. One of my neighbors caught a kid in the neighborhood catching Bass and cutting off their tales and throwing them back in the lake. What kind of sick idiot would do that. Answer: One that has no idea of what is right and what is wrong. Hopefully this clown doesn’t end up like James Holmes. I will say that I think our culture doesn’t respect life or respect other peoples right to their life. If we don’t get that back this won’t be the last one of these shootings.

    Get back to it? When did humans ever respect life or other cultures?  Never happened. Period.

  • So I guess were screwed Mallery lets just give up and let the nut jobs win. You and I can’t change the world but in our own neighborhood or core of friends we can. Thats where it needs to start. If you disengage and say the hell with it we never will get there. It is not something that will be easy but I think it can be done. EXample: Ever go to a store and somebody holds the door open for you. You are more likely to hold the door open for a total stranger. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but those are the kind of gestures to others that build respect and good will. I realize that in History cultures have been attacked and destroyed for selfish gain and that may never stop but we have to start somewhere. BTW I am not arguing with you just making a point.

  • I’m not saying we can’t change, I’m just arguing the point of this false dream of yesteryear…let’s face it, we are a brutal, ugly race.  We have always killed, raped, pillaged, stolen, smashed, plundered our way to the top…we speak of family values and how things “used” to be, but let’s remember the past for a moment:
    1. Nuked our own troops
    2. Holocaust/genocide/internment camps
    3. Greed of a group or individual destroying the lives of others
    4. Slavery
    5. Oppression of the human mind.
    6. Supression of the female
    7. Executed/Targeted civilians in war
    Sure, a lot can sound repetitive, but any “values” from the past you speak of give into the control over others (women, blacks, etc).  I volunteer in schools, give money to worthy charities, clean up garbage, use please and thank yous, open doors for others…But if the aliens/robots/zombies came, I probably would side with them though and start eliminating humans…

    “There comes a time when a house has been so damaged by termites that you must not only kill the termites, but demolish the house and build again!”

  • Customizer

    And the conversation has come full circle. These are the attributes that Rās Al Gul attributes to society, and Gotham in particular in Batman Begins, and the reasons for the League of Shadows attack on Gotham in Dark Knight Rises.

  • @Mallery29:

    5. Oppression of the human mind.


  • @Vance:


    5. Oppression of the human mind.


    What Mallery probably refering to is that the bright popularity is tried to be manipulted by the media or back in the days, what the King or Emporer said was law and there was no doubt that only certain individuals are getting better education then others or Lead, trained to whatever they thought was right and served the purpose.
    For example :
    Watch the news or read newspaper and try to get anything positiv out of it, you ´ll figure that the mainstream is negative and serves the purpose to live your life a certain way.

  • 2007 AAR League



    Men have done a poor job of training boys into men. We now have two or three generations of men who were raised by women dominated families and they suffer from it.

    Men are in black hole of their own creation. They have bought hook, line, and sinker into a passel of feminist lies. And this has led to treating boys as if they are broken girls that need fixing.

    Take the red pill

    and get your facts straight.

    I’m actually a little disappointed in you, Frimmel. I read both of these these articles from top to bottom specifically because my overwhelming impression of you was a rational and level-headed individual. What I found were multiple instances of specious arguments, lack of comparison data, gaps in the data record, data manipulation, and factual omissions. I had hoped to find real supported evidence of injustice against men, but it seemed like the authors were simply bitter men who were bashing women for the sake of bashing women.

    Is the law biased against men in some areas? Probably. Are there instances where men are or have been unjustly worked over by the law? Absolutely. However, these articles are so unapologetically biased that they aren’t really helping their case.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Because in those times higher reading was only available to the rich and most were illiterate. Only proving how higher reading and education reduces out criminal behavior

    This is a highly generalized claim. Take the examples of Henry VIII, Leopold and Loeb, the Spanish Inqusition, and the Roman Empire. And those are just scratching the surface. History is littered with examples of well educated intelligent people committing horrible atrocities, whether by their own hand or by their command.


    To deny that being exposed to stories of violence and silly stories does not affect the individual as opposed to reading of classic or higher cultural influences shows a difference in what may become is really ignorant.

    First, the classics are loaded with stories of violence.

    Second, what you read is irrelevant. What you take from what you read is vital. Two people can read the same book and get two very different lessons from it. You mentioned the novel Ulysses by Joyce. Ulysses is a modern(at the time) day re-imagined adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey. At the end of the Odyssey, Odysseus and his son, Telemachus, murder Penelope’s suitors who were trying to convince her that Odysseus was dead and that she should remarry one of them. What kind of lesson should someone take from that? That if you go away for a long time and someone hits on your wife, that it’s ok to kill the guy?

    Lastly, there is a great deal of evidence that your environment, how you are raised, and influential people in your life are largely responsible for your development. And this doesn’t end with your childhood. It continues to happen throughout your life. Genetics also plays a small role. While there is no evidence that people are born good or evil, genetics does determine how susceptible you are to suggestion. However, reading the classics as opposed to comic books is a negligible factor if even a factor at all.

  • Second, what you read is irrelevant. What you take from what you read is vital.

    Yea sure so just read Porno and Comics and see how that fairs you.

    Or just read non-fiction or classic literature which has substantive value proven over time.

    First, the classics are loaded with stories of violence.

    Yes but not WWF style violence with guys in tights and dumb yellow shoes. You can watch Benny Hill for that.

    This is a highly generalized claim. Take the examples of Henry VIII, Leopold and Loeb, the Spanish Inqusition, and the Roman Empire. And those are just scratching the surface. History is littered with examples of well educated intelligent people committing horrible atrocities, whether by their own hand or by their command.

    Sure consider the population of Prisons and how many incarcerated have low education credentials. Access to education changed in modern times and the greater acts of evil were committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance.

  • 2007 AAR League


    Yea sure so just read Porno and Comics and see how that fairs you.

    Thanks, I will. Although, watching porn is far more entertaining than reading it. Personal preference, though.


    First, the classics are loaded with stories of violence.

    Yes but not WWF style violence with guys in tights and dumb yellow shoes. You can watch Benny Hill for that.

    Right. The violence in the classics is far more brutal. For example, the Iliad describes Achilles dragging Hector’s dead body with his chariot around the walls of Troy. My favorite book, A Tale of Two Cities, describes a child being run over by a carriage, a courtyard with a grinding wheel where mobs of fanatical blood-covered “patriots” would run to have their bloody weapons re-sharpened so they could return to the slaughter, and the intense feelings of dread and fear as people, including children, were forcibly taken to their deaths in front of jeering crowds. Slightly more dark than getting kicked by dumb yellow shoes.


    This is a highly generalized claim. Take the examples of Henry VIII, Leopold and Loeb, the Spanish Inqusition, and the Roman Empire. And those are just scratching the surface. History is littered with examples of well educated intelligent people committing horrible atrocities, whether by their own hand or by their command.

    Sure consider the population of Prisons and how many incarcerated have low education credentials. Access to education changed in modern times and the greater acts of evil were committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance.

    You’re switching from reading the classics to education as your focus. But, even then, I have more examples. Julius Caesar had tens of thousands of Gallic people slaughtered for no reason other than to terrorize the population into obedience. How about Josef Mengele or the Japanese doctors who experimented on the Chinese at Unit 731? What about the people who ordered the bombings of Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki? None had military value. They were nothing but mass murder of civilian populations for the purpose of terrorizing the population into surrendering. Here’s a modern example that’s going on right now. President Assad of Syria is ordering his own people to be massacred by the hundreds and thousands.

    The greater acts of evil were NOT committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance. The greatest acts of evil have almost always been the exclusive realm of well-educated intelligent people. And I’m pretty sure some of those guys read the classics and not comic books.

  • The greater acts of evil were NOT committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance. The greatest acts of evil have almost always been the exclusive realm of well-educated intelligent people. And I’m pretty sure some of those guys read the classics and not comic books.

    Wrong. You need to look at the aggregate and stop looking for these famous ‘examples’ of human depravity. Without equivocation, the total sum of evil in History were committed by ignorant, uneducated, and low grade humanity.

    Right. The violence in the classics is far more brutal. For example, the Iliad describes Achilles dragging Hector’s dead body with his chariot around the walls of Troy….

    These episodes offer more insight to the human condition than overweight dudes in yellow tights prancing around with capes in the streets. One makes you think, the other turns off the mind and creates children’s fantasy.

  • When did the World Wildlife Fund ever start wearing tights and dumb yellow shoes?  :wink:

  • When did the World Wildlife Fund ever start wearing tights and dumb yellow shoes?  wink

    They don’t and tights are regulated to comic book “heros”

    Apparently, to save the city you must wear tight fitting clothing in bright colors to identify a “hero”

  • Obviously you never watched “Men in Tights”

  • 2007 AAR League


    The greater acts of evil were NOT committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance. The greatest acts of evil have almost always been the exclusive realm of well-educated intelligent people. And I’m pretty sure some of those guys read the classics and not comic books.

    Wrong. You need to look at the aggregate and stop looking for these famous ‘examples’ of human depravity. Without equivocation, the total sum of evil in History were committed by ignorant, uneducated, and low grade humanity.

    Right. The violence in the classics is far more brutal. For example, the Iliad describes Achilles dragging Hector’s dead body with his chariot around the walls of Troy….

    These episodes offer more insight to the human condition than overweight dudes in yellow tights prancing around with capes in the streets. One makes you think, the other turns off the mind and creates children’s fantasy.

    Surprisingly enough, this has some merit and is worth discussing. But, since I’ve just downed half a bottle of brandy I have neither the ability nor the desire to do so at this time. Soon though.


    When did the World Wildlife Fund ever start wearing tights and dumb yellow shoes?  :wink:

    Save the animals, kill humans!

  • @Imperious:

    The greater acts of evil were NOT committed in the past due to lack of education out of ignorance. The greatest acts of evil have almost always been the exclusive realm of well-educated intelligent people. And I’m pretty sure some of those guys read the classics and not comic books.

    Wrong. You need to look at the aggregate and stop looking for these famous ‘examples’ of human depravity. Without equivocation, the total sum of evil in History were committed by ignorant, uneducated, and low grade humanity.

    Right. The violence in the classics is far more brutal. For example, the Iliad describes Achilles dragging Hector’s dead body with his chariot around the walls of Troy….

    These episodes offer more insight to the human condition than overweight dudes in yellow tights prancing around with capes in the streets. One makes you think, the other turns off the mind and creates children’s fantasy.

    IL, how did you come to the conclusion that the most crime were made by “ignorant, uneducated, and low grade humanity”???

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