TripleA map for Global 1940 Alpha Final

  • I think I found 1 more very minor bug.  You can’t NCM a loaded transport through a sea zone with an enemy sub in it.  In the final alpha rules you should be able to, so I just used Edit to move past the sub.

    Thank you very much Veqryn for your hard work.

  • Customizer


    I think I found 1 more very minor bug.  You can’t NCM a loaded transport through a sea zone with an enemy sub in it.  In the final alpha rules you should be able to, so I just used Edit to move past the sub.

    Thank you very much Veqryn for your hard work.

    uh…. I can…

    give me a savegame where you can’t please…

  • OK.  It was a transport going from z66 to z54.

  • Customizer


    OK.  It was a transport going from z66 to z54.

    thanks.  It was the convoy zone, not the submarine.  Actually, it was both together.

    Anyway, i’ve fixed it now.  You’ll see the fix in the next version of triplea engine.

  • Thanks Veqryn.

  • '10


    a friend of mine (Pomme) think he has found a bug with Triple A.

    The latest Alpha 3 rule about japanese NO states :

    When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
    • 10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC. Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.

    In a game i’m playing against Noll, Japan has made a J2 DOW against Anzac and UK, and collected that 10 IPC NO at the end of their turn. They didn’t take Fic and didn’t attack Phi or any US unit. But still, they shouldn’t be allowed to receive those IPCs as per current Alpha 3 rules.

    Here is a link where you can find that game vs Noll i’m talking about:

  • Customizer


    a friend of mine (Pomme) think he has found a bug with Triple A.

    The latest Alpha 3 rule about japanese NO states :

    When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
    • 10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC. Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.

    In a game i’m playing against Noll, Japan has made a J2 DOW against Anzac and UK, and collected that 10 IPC NO at the end of their turn. They didn’t take Fic and didn’t attack Phi or any US unit. But still, they shouldn’t be allowed to receive those IPCs as per current Alpha 3 rules.

    Here is a link where you can find that game vs Noll i’m talking about:

    Ya, I forgot about the ANZAC/UK part of that objective.  I’ve fixed it, thanks for finding it.

  • Wow there seems to be quite a few bugs after all…and the next update isn’t for 2-3 months???..uughh.

    Probably need a compiled list of bugs for Garg’s tournament.  That will be hard to keep track of.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    you know what though?  Atleast you don’t have to do everything manually like Battlemap, and the board looks 4000x better.

    It’s about 95% there, and it’s the most impossibly complicated version of Axis and Allies that has ever existed.  Yea we’ll have to watch for some bugs, and yea we might not be able to play with Tech, or correct convoy routes at first…  but 1 thing at a time here.

    We can also donate, and that will pay for improvements to the game.  The game of all games, think of ALL of the stuff that is available.

    Next year at the FMG Convention, I hope to throw this up on a 62" or bigger television - that is BUILT into a table. (Oh my, could you imagine it as a touch screen or 3D?  That’s coming some day).

    You would never have to buy a copy of Axis and Allies, or risk, or whatever again,  and the more people who played TripleA, or made customs maps etc, the more options we would have.

    YOU WOULD NEVER have to Setup, or Clean up, and you could save, stop, and start all your games at any time!

    A table… with a TV in it, that plays all your favourite board games instantly. We are almost there folks.

    Infact I am going to start working on that.

    LOL You could load it into the back of a pickup truck and PLAY ANYWHERE - Even in total darkness!  Think about it!

  • '10

    Triple A is cool. And over the years, it has given us a lot of hours of fun.

    We’re just advising about the bugs we find in here, not criticising Triple A or its creators in any way.

    My buddy, Pomme, who found the latest bug has also donated 50$ to Triple A yesterday.

    We’ll just keep downloading the latest versions/maps when they’ll be released.

    Meanwhile, this thread is also to be used to keep mentioning the bugs as they are found.


  • @Axisplaya:

    Triple A is cool. And over the years, it has given us a lot of hours of fun.

    We’re just advising about the bugs we find in here, not criticising Triple A or its creators in any way.

    My buddy, Pomme, who found the latest bug has also donated 50$ to Triple A yesterday.

    We’ll just keep downloading the latest versions/maps when they’ll be released.

    Meanwhile, this thread is also to be used to keep mentioning the bugs as they are found.



    Here’s the big question:

    How much do I have to donate so that this thing could be updated with all these bugs fixed in 2-3 weeks vs 2-3 months down the road???

    Riddle me that Batman. :wink:

  • Customizer



    Triple A is cool. And over the years, it has given us a lot of hours of fun.

    We’re just advising about the bugs we find in here, not criticising Triple A or its creators in any way.

    My buddy, Pomme, who found the latest bug has also donated 50$ to Triple A yesterday.

    We’ll just keep downloading the latest versions/maps when they’ll be released.

    Meanwhile, this thread is also to be used to keep mentioning the bugs as they are found.



    Here’s the big question:

    How much do I have to donate so that this thing could be updated with all these bugs fixed in 2-3 weeks vs 2-3 months down the road???

    Riddle me that Batman. :wink:


    just kidding

    obviously it is my goal to make bug fixes as fast as I can, but you have to remember I also have a life besides triplea

    in addition to that, the biggest problem with bugs is simply that I don’t know about them.

    now, if I release a new version in 2 weeks, and then later people find other bugs, then i’ve just broken everyone’s savegames for nothing (new releases of triplea tend to break savegame compatibility)

    secondly, sometimes fixing a bug introduces a new bug, or the fix is worse than the problem.  I’m not a perfect coder, even though I test my code more than anyone else I know.

    That is why we have a release cycle.

    After a stable is released, we start making new changes, and bug fixes.  Then, later, we release an “unstable / beta” version.  This version is called unstable/beta because it is not fully tested.  After this is released, I hope people try the new version and find bugs.  After one or two unstable/beta versions, I release a new stable.  If people do not test the unstable/beta versions enough, than we end up having a buggy stable version.

    So, I’ll try to work hard on everything and see if I can do a release in a month from now.  It will be beta/unstable, but at least it will be something to go on.

  • Customizer


    Wow there seems to be quite a few bugs after all…and the next update isn’t for 2-3 months???..uughh.

    Probably need a compiled list of bugs for Garg’s tournament.  That will be hard to keep track of.

    Download the latest version of Global 1940 first.  Current version is 2.7

    List of bugs (all of which I have fixed for next version):

    1. Do not used edit mode to create a battle. (will cause fatal error)

    2. If you do an amphibious attack, and there is no sea battle, and the enemy Could Scramble.  Please save the game before the end of your combat move phase.  TripleA will not ask about scrambling unless there is a sea battle.  Please used edit mode to move the enemy fighters manually to create the battle.  Do this before the end of the combat move phase.
    (edit mode -> delete fighter from original territory -> create new fighter in sea zone)

    3. If a move is legal, but somehow TripleA does not allow it, use Edit Mode to make it happen.  Also, continue watching for moves that TripleA allows, but are actually illegal.

    Things that are not bugs, but you should know about them:

    1. Convoy Blockade system uses the average damage, not a dice roll.

    2. Do not use technology for Global 1940.

    that is it.

    I’ll release a new version of global 1940 map soon to fix the bug pomme found.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Thanks V…

  • Another new rule that are not yet implemented are that attackers should get to pick what air units are lost to aa hits.

    Keep up the good work!  :-)

  • Customizer


    Another new rule that are not yet implemented are that attackers should get to pick what air units are lost to aa hits.

    Keep up the good work!  :-)


    I thought it was chosen randomly?

    Actually, we are already able to do this…. we have a game option called “choose aa casualties” which allows it.  I have it turned off because no game since classic uses it.

    I like random better… but if this is for real I will change it…

  • @Veqryn:


    Another new rule that are not yet implemented are that attackers should get to pick what air units are lost to aa hits.

    Keep up the good work!  :-)


    I thought it was chosen randomly?

    Mistergreen is right.

    Alpha final says:

    Air Defense:  AA guns can only fire at an air unit when that unit attacks the territory containing
    that AA gun. AA guns fire only once, before the first round of combat. Each AA gun in the
    territory may fire up to three times, but only once per attacking air unit. In other words, the total
    number of air defense dice rolled is three times the number of AA guns, or the number of
    attacking air units, whichever is the lesser. Once the number of air defense dice is determined,
    the dice are rolled. For each “1” rolled, the attacker must choose one air unit as a casualty.
    These casualties are removed immediately, and will not participate in the remainder of the
    battle. This AA gun attack is made immediately before normal combat occurs in the territory
    containing the AA gun. AA guns do not defend facilities against strategic or tactical bombing.
    Facilities have their own “built in” air defenses.


    Bombing Run
    Bombers are assigned to targets.
    Strategic bombers can be assigned to any target (IC’s, naval bases. airbase).
    Tactical bombers can be assigned only to naval bases and airbases.
    Each targeted facility fires @ 1, each can fire one time at each bomber that is attacking it.
    All casualties at both stages of the raid are chosen by the owners of the units involved.

    (In AA50 and Spring 1942 the defender has to assign specific dice rolls to specific aircraft, if there is a mix of fighters and bombers attacking.)

  • Customizer


    Global was updated today to version 2.8
    (that is the file version)

    You guys all need to redownload it.

    The fixes:


    • Fixed issue with Japanese objective for Trade with America.

    • Allowed user to choose AA casualties.

    Everyone needs to download it.

    Make sure that both you and your opponents have it.  If your opponent does not have it, then you might end up playing by the old version….

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    A few other items I have noticed in my travels:

    1. I could not NCM a british sub into Sz109, because it had a german sub in it.  I also couldn’t NCM a transport to unload there (Which is a LEGAL move in NCM).  I used the edit feature to fix this, but It caused an error screen - and wouldn’t allow me to post the turn summary.

    2. When Italy Declares war on Russia, that DOES NOT mean Germany and Russia are automatically at war.  If the german player chooses, he can negate declaring war, so as to collect the +5 IPC bonus for not being at war with Russia.  On the Russian turn, they can then CHOOSE to declare war on Germany.  That said,  if it is turn 5,  Russia can -also- choose to declare war on either Germany, OR Italy.  This becomes increasingly exciting, when post sea-lion or on a G5, that has seen no Attack (to collect the $5), russia can attack places defended by BOTH countries (namely naval elements)  and the other side can’t defend them!  This is a great trick for Russia to sink Italian ships protected by German Planes for example.

    3. My opponent in a current game, could not NCM his Japanese sub underneath/past my destroyer.  We used the EDIT feature to fix this.

  • Customizer


    A few other items I have noticed in my travels:

    1. I could not NCM a british sub into Sz109, because it had a german sub in it.  I also couldn’t NCM a transport to unload there (Which is a LEGAL move in NCM).  I used the edit feature to fix this, but It caused an error screen - and wouldn’t allow me to post the turn summary.

    2. When Italy Declares war on Russia, that DOES NOT mean Germany and Russia are automatically at war.  If the german player chooses, he can negate declaring war, so as to collect the +5 IPC bonus for not being at war with Russia.  On the Russian turn, they can then CHOOSE to declare war on Germany.   That said,  if it is turn 5,  Russia can -also- choose to declare war on either Germany, OR Italy.  This becomes increasingly exciting, when post sea-lion or on a G5, that has seen no Attack (to collect the $5), russia can attack places defended by BOTH countries (namely naval elements)  and the other side can’t defend them!  This is a great trick for Russia to sink Italian ships protected by German Planes for example.

    3. My opponent in a current game, could not NCM his Japanese sub underneath/past my destroyer.  We used the EDIT feature to fix this.

    I’ll work on #2.
    Please give me a savegame for #1.
    You can never move subs under destroyers when at war, i thought.

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