TripleA map for Global 1940 Alpha Final

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Well if the N.O. is meant to reflect “Lend & Lease” supplies given to Russia to fight the Nazi’s then shouldn’t Russia only be eligible to receive the N.O. IF they are war with Germany?  Because if the N.O. is meant to reflect  Lend & Lease then the Lend & Lease only happens if Russia is fighting Germany.  Supplies weren’t sent to Russia for no reason.  Just my opinion.

    TBH, if it’s Lend-Lease I think the stronger arguement is, why doesn’t the United States LOSE 5 IPC a round every round the Sea Zone is open?  Sure would make that stupid 10 IPC NO for having the Continental United States unoccupied a bit more logical!  (No.  NO, I will NOT buy that England was sending diddly squat to Russia in the form of aid before the United States of America was firmly entrenched in the war.  You can find all the primary and secondary sources you want, but as long as the US was sending lend-lease to England, how could the be sending Lend-Lease to Russia?  0-0 doesnt become 1, I don’t care how fuzzy your logical circuits are! :P )

  • Customizer


    Global 1940 2nd Edition, version 3.7 is released

    download it now!

    changes from 3.6 to 3.7:

    1. fixed japanese national objective so that if germany/italy takes india and/or the other power centers in asia, that japan gets her money

    2. allowed rockets to gang up on infrastructure

    3. Added some things to the game notes about what is NOT covered by the engine (and therefore, what you need to manually keep in mind):

    Rules the engine does not do, but you must follow:

    • Do not allow blitzing or movement through Friendly Neutrals.
    • Air units may not land in or move through Friendly Neutrals, including the same turn they are captured.
    • Friendly Neutrals can not be ‘captured’ with an AA Gun, only by land units with an attack power.
    • Air units may not move through Unfriendly Neutrals unless they are attacking them.
    • Air units may not move through a Neutral territory IF that neutral territory had been attacked on some previous turn by some power (because technically that neutral stops being neutral at that point, and joins the other side).
    • If UK Pacific captures Japan, the money goes to UK Pacific, even if UK Pacific’s capital is occupied.
    • Do not allow USA movement to end in any Sea Zone that touches a Japanese owned territory (Sea Zones 6, 17, 19, 20, 22, 32, 33, 34, 36, and 37).
    • You must place all units you purchased if you are able to, or as many as you can. Any units not placed get refunded to you (triplea instead carries them over to the next turn).
    • The victory conditions must be held for a full continuous round after they are achieved (so for example if Italy takes Egypt as the 8th European VC, then the Axis must hold 8 VCs continuously until Italy’s next turn).

    Lastly, I wish to introduce 2 things that everyone may not know already exist within the TripleA engine:

    1. Edit Move Units
    To “Edit Move”, you must first be in some movement phase.  
    Then turn on Edit Mode.
    On the right side you see some tabs: “Action” tab, and “Edit” tab, and other tabs.
    When you turn on edit mode, you switch automatically to the ‘edit tab’.  However you can still perform ‘actions’ during edit mode, and edit mode changes those actions to reflect that you are in edit mode.
    So now click on the “Action” tab, and then move the units just like you would normally.
    Because you are in edit mode, the movement validation is turned off, so this allows you to basically move units where-ever you want, including moving enemy units, or even making an enemy attack, or loading transports, etc.

    2. Game Comments (aka: a way to tell what fighter is on what carrier, among other things)
    Click “View” menu, then select “Show Comment Log”
    From there, you can type out and add comments to the game.  The comments will go into the History Panel, and be permanently added to the game save.
    Things you could possibly use this for: telling your opponent which fighter is on which carrier, when you have a mixed-nation fleet.

    Global 1940 2nd Edition, version 3.8 is released

    download it now!

    changes from 3.7 to 3.8:

    • Moved Politics phase to be after Purchase phase and before Combat Move phase.
    • China can declare war on European Axis if they move into China’s allowed movement range.
    • ANZAC can now declare war on True Neutrals.
    • Added the 1942 scenario.

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