There’s a conversation in the last chapter of Harold Coyle’s novel Bright Star that Garg might find interesting to read. As I recall (because I read the book ages ago), the novel describes a brief US / USSR shooting war in Egypt, which ends in a kind of stalemate from which both sides prudently climb down rather than pushing the escalation button. A junior US Army officer approaches the hero of the book (I think he’s a major) in a chow line and starts complaining, wondering out loud why “we stopped before kicking some serious Soviet butt” or something along those lines. The major patiently lectures him, bringing up all kinds of considerations that hadn’t occured to the junior officer. The young man digests this for a long moment then says, “So all we did was restore the status quo?” The major responds by making the two points that: a) the status quo isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and b) that status quos aren’t really static, that things change all the time, especially over the longer term.