clarified thank you very much
Reprinting Pacific
You forgot to mention a mandatory Manchuria garrison as Russia is not in the game to threaten Japan’s Northern border.
I want…
A corrected Western USA IPC number.
Honolulu on the correct island.
SZ6 borders corrected.
Kamikaze and Convoy symbols darkened for easier reading.
New Japanese mech infantry sculpts.
Mongolia to have 1 IPC value in two Mongolian spaces.…please.
Add in artillery for china and a chinese colored fighter, new artillery and transport for Russia and New Mech Inf. for UK.
I just got AAP40 as a gift, I plan to get AAP/AAE402ED. Thinking about scrapping the parts and repainting AAP40 1.0 minis for additional armies etc. Thought I’d suggest maybe some folks who want Canadians could scrap and paint thier ANZAC and UK pieces for Canadian or French units.
anyone else notice that British Columbia has a British roundel instead of a Canadian roundel now, but the European side still has its Canadian roundels? wtf?
Actually it’s even worse than that if your Canadian considering “Britsh Columbia” and "Yukon Territory merged into “Western Canada”. Of course gameplay is affected little to zilch by this revision.