Part of what, I feel, is the error of those who claim the allies will always lose when America goes all into the Pacific is what I call “Machine Play.” One NCSCSwitch, a former moderator who left after getting the snot kicked out of him by yours truly, after claiming my strategy held no water, was such a player. Once confronted by something “different” their entire strategy goes up in smoke.
These players find it extremely difficult to imagine the possibilities of varied game play, as they have found “the one” strategy and anything short of that is not optimal. To which I say, “yup, not optimal, but it beat you, now didn’t it?”
It is the lack of imagination that causes them to demand detailed play reports. Reports that state you must purchase these units, make this non-combat movements, etc, etc. It is when they get these reports they retort “well, the Axis can just do this and stop it.” Duh. If you KNOW what we are going to do because we told you what we are going to do 8 rounds out, then HELL YES you can stop it. What’s your point? Hey, I’m going to play you in a game of chess, but I am ONLY going to try and get you in the “Fools Mate.” Okay? Now, don’t alter your moves any!
Now, I have been EXTREMELY clear on how I envision the OVERALL, undetailed, Allied strategy to go down.
England and Russia turtle, giving up only what land they have to give up to maintain the strongest possible defensive force on the board. They don’t have to have Denmark or Norway, or anything at all. They probabily will have one or both of those territories during the game at some point, but the strategy is not contingent there-upon and I never claimed it was.
India works to secure the Middle East after sending a MODERATE reinforcement team into China. 14 Infantry, 2 or 3 Artillery and 1 or 2 Armored units is perfectly within the realm of belief for British units in China. This should be more than enough, with significant pressure on Japan, to push Japan out of most of China and limit them to Korea, Manchuria and Jehol (trading Jehol with China.)
China turtles as best it can, to prevent the loss of their fighter until America can get in the game. This is not hard. This is not implausible. In fact, unless Japan wants to trade 10 aircraft for the pleasure of getting the Chinese fighter, it is very simple to keep the Chinese fighter alive! You only need 3 rounds!
England should be super aggressive in SZ 97, Tobruk and Ethiopia (or that little piece of Italy on the African Horn, if the calculators are not giving you what you want.) Can this be derailed? Yes. What’s the result of derailing it? Uh, well, now Japan has 1 Cruiser, 2 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 1 Aircraft Carrier and 5 planes to deal with, instead of 3 planes, a battleship and a cruiser, thus, America can afford to leave the Pacific sooner. Derailing the British aggression seems like a very poor idea, given the long range strategic situation.
Russia should retreat 18 Infantry and an AA Gun all the way back to Kansu (assuming they do not go to Muskva, a decision which has to be made at the time the units get to TIM.) From here they can swing into China’s back door and help push out Japan. Yes, I realize this gives Japan 6 IPC a round after 6 rounds of pushing into Russia (and giving Russia 12 IPC in the process to use to slow down Germany.) But this is a very small price to pay once you realize Japan has lost significantly more due to the lost units. (Of which at least 7 to 8 infantry and Mechanized Infnatry, two or three artillery, at least one or two armor and some planes are going to have to press into Russia and thus be unavailable for use in China. That alone, if for no other reason, makes this retreat a resounding success!)
Australia needs to have destroyers and Submarines in the water. With 3 fighters following the American fleet like a lost trio of puppies, America should EASILY be able to press in further than Japan could (given Australian planes can land on territories taken by Americans as well as British and Australian naval units along for the ride.) The general idea is that Australia, instead of America, trades destroyers with Japan thus maintaining American warship strength while sapping Japanese strength.
America’s only job is to end up with a sizable force of naval warships in both SZ 26 and SZ 33 so that England and Australia can take the islands in the south Pacific. A very small detachment can go to liberate the Philippines. Eventually, it would be ideal to have the warships around Okinawa or Iwo Jima. From here sorties of Strategic Bombers can pummel the Japanese into submission. (Cost per attack run: 2 IPC, Damage per attack run: 4 IPC (3.8…rounded to 4). This would be assisted with an Airbase in W. USA. From this point on, about round 7 or 8, Japan is no longer a threat and 100% of American builds (less replacement bombers) can go after Europe.
8.) Germany is now faced with a major problem. Italy, with about 30 IPC a round income, is going to lose what little they have quickly, as American ships can readily get from Washington DC to Gibraltar and back. Germany is losing 8 IPC a round from England (thus only getting 5 IPC a round, assuming they took England at all.) Territories that must be defended:
- W. France
- S. France
- N. Italy
- Holland
- S. Italy
- W. Germany
- Norway
- Denmark
While some of these can be lightly defended and traded, some of these must be defended strongly enough to prevent an American foothold. This would, by simple logistics and financial reasoning, require German units to be pulled off the Russian front and sent to the west, just as happened in the real war.
- Now that Germany and Italy are retracting (about turn 10 or 11), Russia is free to stretch out and liberate some territories, sniping at the heals of the Axis in the process.
Now, it has been shown multiple times by myself, and at least once by another, that a 900 IPC American fleet by round 7 or 8 is not only realistic, it’s virtually assured given a strong Pac Strat. Further, it’s been shown that Russia can easily have 80 to 90% of the number of units of the Germans, which should - by all the laws of probabilities - be enough to prevent Germany from “winning”, especially if they lose a significant force in England.
Further, if Germany ignores England, England becomes an impenetrable rock and thus, Germany will never get the VC win. It was already a long shot, and that was assuming a Russia forced to stand alone for 4 or 5 rounds before the Americans came over to help and the Indians came up from the south to assist. With the British reinforcing from the North, the Germans have no prayer in winning in Russia.
Now, that, of course, is not very detailed. No where in it did I state that XYZ had to be built on this round, and these units had to be moved to these territories on those rounds. Why?
A) Dice. Good dice beat good tactics every day! A set of good, or bad, dice can subtly alter your strategic path as you adjust to the new situation. Why should I tell you that you MUST do it MY way? No. Play the game, you’ll see where to go, or you won’t and you will lose.
B) Your opponent. Unlike many on these boards, I do not assume my opponent is a complete dithering idiot. I am well aware that my opponent realizes that the American fleet is now the exact same size of his Japanese fleet with a pretty decent chunk of Australians to help defend it. They will almost certainly realize that they are throwing perfectly good destroyers out to kill pretty useless Australian ones (the reason I have the Australian ones is to trade with Japan.) However, they must still do something else leave the door open for America to attack them. Likewise, they might think a “tank dash” could work. If it does, see (A). But it has been the history of the game that Tank Dashes rarely work, and when they do, it’s generally because of (A).
C) Position. All these subtleties can add up to a completely unique playing field. Perhaps Russia finds itself in the enviable position of having those 18 Infantry in TIM without Japan ever having invaded! Maybe along with that, China and England were slightly ahead of the curve in their counter attacks into Japanese territories in China?
D) Then there are the cases where Japan hands you a victory right out the door. I am talking a round 1 all out blitz on everything in the Pacific. Boy that sure speeds up your strategy!
E) Lastly, you may not have noticed this (of course you did!) but the board is friggin HUGE! This is not classic, you cannot just say build in Germany, move to E. Europe, Karelia and then Russia. How do you go to Russia? Rostov? Bryansk? Belarus? Novgorod? Volgorod? Novosibirsk? Arkhangelsk? Did you lose England? Did Germany try to pull a fast one and get spanked? Did they reinforce Tobruk and SZ 97 but you attacked anyway and got lucky? (Doesn’t take much luck even with German reinforcements, all it really takes is one or two fighters to miss instead of hit and those battles QUICKLY swing back in favor of the British!) and thus, you eliminated 2(4) Germany aircraft on UK 1 and now, you have PLENTY to defend yourself earlier than you expected and thus, you can start with landing planes on Russian conquests to reinforce against German counter attacks, thus giving Russia more NOs and thus, 1 infantry for each new territory conquered (on top of the value of the territory, of course!)
I know DEMAND and REQUIRE a demonstration of how the Axis WILL ALWAYS (as seems to be the argument) win given an American intervention in the Pacific.
As far as I can tell, the main detractor here has never played a game of Axis and Allies, let alone one in which victory was had. Perhaps if he would like to enlighten us as to his detailed maneuvering so as to pull victory from the jaws of defeat, against a fully engaged American force, we can better know his mind.
Granted, I presume he is nothing but the rabble rouser we have come to know and despise over the ensuing year. One who enjoys to pick at nits for his own self glory, never providing us any new information nor any useful critique. We can all, after all, look upon a game with hindsight and declare “well, knowing you will build 3 battleships on round 8, on round 3 I want to buy 6 submarines.” This is neither constructive, nor of any benefit to the community at large.
What we need, from those who presume to insinuate, either directly or indirectly, that Germany will (in a statisitcal certainty) gather enough Victory Cities to win the game before America can implement its plan in the Atlantic is a detailed annalysis of what they feel the allies are going to do, how they plan to over come it, and what possible methods the allies might employ to negate what they plan to use to overcome the allied strategy.
Keep in mind, the claim that Russia will win the game has never been made and never will be made. I have no intention, nor vision, of Russian hegemony over Germany and Italy. To the contrary, I highly suspect that Russia will be clinging to Muskva and Novgorod with every ounce of it’s being, for at least two or three rounds of America pounding the Germans and Italian and then, and only then, having the forces needed to start pushing the Germans and Italians away.
Keep in mind, no claim has been made that Russia will hold the eastern territories. To the contrary, if they are held, great, but I suspect that Russia will retreat with 54 IPC worth of units to assist in Muskva or Kansu, units that Germany and Italy now have to contend with.
Keep in mind, the assumption was made that Germany would go Sea Lion. If Germany does not go Sea Lion (and this contingency is, of course, planned for) then the Allied strategy is made that much stronger as now England has the wear-with-all to seriously threaten the German fleet (enough so to tie up 5 Aircraft, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Destroyer and X number of Transports, all rotting at harbor in the Baltic Sea) and the airpower needed to drop onto Russian acquisitions to hold them against German counter attack.
Keep in mind, the assumption that Japan would wait until Round 4 to attack America was made. Contingency plans have been discussed if Japan wants to gift the Allies with a pre-emptive attack as this allows them to move faster and harder into a now woefully under-prepared and significantly disadvantaged Japan. (for one thing, 1-3 rounds of no FIC NO, roughly 10-30 IPC lost coupled with 1-3 rounds of +25 IPC for America (25-75 IPC extra) + America can build up to 10 units a round in SZ 10, instead of 3 without needing a second complex in Mexico.)
Keep in mind, Australia is relegated to American fleet defense both by adding ships to the defensive line, aircraft to islands adjacent to the fleet (with airbases, of course) but also in replacing the need to use American destroyers to sink Japanese destroyers and block direct attack on the American fleet before they are prepared to engage in said combat. If Japan does not engage in this trade, it seems likely that Japan will lose control of the Pacific all that much faster, as now the Americans can line up numerous submarines to attack Japan. (Note: With Australia dealing in Submarines and Destroyers to block the Japanese, America can focus on more submarines and less destroyers. This is a net gain of 2 IPC for every submarine America can purchase in place of a destroyer, while sacrificing nothing in offensive punch and, since America is not blocking the Japanese, nothing in tactical superiority either. This allows America to grow faster.)
Keep in mind, this assumes a British contingent in China. This may be unnecessary given Japan will most likely be unable to replace lost units with new units AND keep the fleet up to snuff. Losing 2 or 3 destroyers a round adds up FAST guys. How long do you think Japan can trade 16-24 IPC a round (or more, if they have to replace units due to mutual destruction). Sure, Australia is probably only building 2 or 3 destroyers a round, but we’re not counting on Australia to do anything but sink Japanese picket ships anyway. America, meanwhile, has lost zero ships and yet, sunk 3 Japanese ones. (Australia literally did it, but the effect is 3 less Japanese ships.) So Japan loses 24 IPC in ships, gains 0 IPC for NOs and America gains 25 IPC for NOs and loses 0 IPC in ships. Great trade for the allies!)