• I have been concidering an SBR raid on UK turn 2.  If planing a G3 sealion a massive air raid on UK could cripple them severly,  If they use interceptors they might loose planes they need to defend against sealion, if no interceptors are used you can cripple their factory, navelbase and or airbase, leaving them with less to defend with.  Any thoughts?

  • '22 '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Recently played a game in which this occurred. The lone bomber was able to effectively knock out 2 inf from being built on that UK turn. It made a big difference. Also, if Germany is concerned with scrambling on G3, the tac bombers can effectively knock out the airbase and force UK to rebuild that if they wish to scramble on G3 Sealion.

    The new rules seem to have made stopping a G3 Sealion nearly impossible without some pretty good dice if Germany is fully committed to it. But, if the US and Russia are in pretty good position, still not entirely certain if this is a good long term move for Germany.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Its the interceptors AND AA guns that you have to worry about.  Before it was fiscally insane to conduct SBR runs withint a signfican IPC advantage due to makeing nearly no gain on the enemy.  Then the rules changed a bit making it an okay decision (17.5 dmg for 12 ipc investment, on average) and now, I fear it is no longer fiscally wise to conduct SBR runs.

    Unless someone would enjoy convincing me that I am wrong?

    12 IPC for the bomber.  Interceptor is going to hit it 1 out of every 6 flights.  The AA gun is going to hit it 1 out of every 6 flights. 
    So every 6 flights there is a 1 in 3 chance of losing the bomber, on average.  Means you get 3.5 dmg for the bomber and survive two rounds.  7 IPC in damage vs 12 IPC for the bomber.  Does not seem really great, IMHO.  (Same holds for runs against Airbases and NavalBases.)

    (I’m a math girl not stats, never been GREAT at stats really so correct what you see as wrong here)

  • With the greater number of planes Germany has, UK could be looking at loosing half their airforce just to stop the bombing raid.  Do they really want to loose that much defence when Germany is looking for a Sealion?

  • '22 '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    In General, I am with Jennifer, but in certain circumstances, it makes sense. Specifically, softening up UK on G2. With the full German airforce behind the lone bomber, and IF the UK sends up interceptors, the UK airforce could be taken out (of course it could go the other way too). Another thing would be to send the bomber against the IC (an attempt to limit a UK2 build) and against the airbase with the tac bombers, forcing UK to spend precious IPCs on the airbase if they want to scramble against the Sealion fleet.  If there is no chance of a scramble, then the German air can strictly focus on supporting the land battle on G3.

    There are pros and cons to all of these gambits. The thing I like is the complexity and the options. Makes a high “fun factor” and many ways to attempt to crack the nut of London.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I guess I might need to qualify my statements a bit.

    1)  Germany needs their Luftwaffe at least as much as Great Brition, at least early in the game.  They need it to help against Russia and defend German/Italian boats early on and to sink British boats.

    2)  The risk/return does not really seem profitable in the short run.

    3)  Late in the game, or when you have determined you ARE going to do Sealion, it makes plenty of sense to pummel England’s Airbase and Industrial Complex.

    • A) Without the airbase being repaired, they cannot scramble.  A decent idea (I think, never tried it) would be to have Italy sack the Airbase and have Germany follow up with attacks on IC. England Naval Base does not make sense to hit or repair, I think.
    • B) Hopefully you are seriously going after England at this point, not “softening” them.  If you “soften” I would hope it would be against Russia. (If you are not going for England, you have to be going after Russia, right?  I hope you are not chasing ANZAC with Germany!)

    It’s my opinion.  Just an opinion.  Based on a game that has not been out long enough to make concrete decisions, at this point in time.

  • @Cmdr:

    12 IPC for the bomber.  Interceptor is going to hit it 1 out of every 6 flights.  The AA gun is going to hit it 1 out of every 6 flights. 
    So every 6 flights there is a 1 in 3 chance of losing the bomber, on average.  Means you get 3.5 dmg for the bomber and survive two rounds.  7 IPC in damage vs 12 IPC for the bomber.  Does not seem really great, IMHO.  (Same holds for runs against Airbases and NavalBases.)

    (I’m a math girl not stats, never been GREAT at stats really so correct what you see as wrong here)

    Actually, SB now hit at D6+2… so in your example, it’s rather 11IPC in damage vs 12IPC.
    Also, Tac can now be a part of it… so you may take Tac as casualty (if fighter hit) instead of SB. This doesn’t work against AA tho, since Tac cannot be assign to IC

    Finally, if you send a load of escorts (which I would most certainly do in this strat), then interceptor might not get a chance to fire… this will make UK players hesitate to send his spitfires (fighters) againts German Bombers.

    New rules actually make bombruns against UK much more interesting. I play as axis just in 1 game now, but I’ll certainly think it thru as Germany.

    Reference : http://harrisgamedesign.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=4167

  • @Cmdr:

    I guess I might need to qualify my statements a bit.

    1)  Germany needs their Luftwaffe at least as much as Great Brition, at least early in the game.  They need it to help against Russia and defend German/Italian boats early on and to sink British boats.

    2)  The risk/return does not really seem profitable in the short run.

    3)  Late in the game, or when you have determined you ARE going to do Sealion, it makes plenty of sense to pummel England’s Airbase and Industrial Complex.

    • A) Without the airbase being repaired, they cannot scramble.  A decent idea (I think, never tried it) would be to have Italy sack the Airbase and have Germany follow up with attacks on IC. England Naval Base does not make sense to hit or repair, I think.
    • B) Hopefully you are seriously going after England at this point, not “softening” them.  If you “soften” I would hope it would be against Russia. (If you are not going for England, you have to be going after Russia, right?  I hope you are not chasing ANZAC with Germany!)

    It’s my opinion.  Just an opinion.  Based on a game that has not been out long enough to make concrete decisions, at this point in time.

    What I think about…

    1. True. But depending on UK2, G2 planes might be available to hit London structures while not yet at war against Russia. And a good amoung of escorts might force UK not to jeopadize his fighters in interceptor run

    2. I just post to reply that. Unless I’m wrong, it’s just about even (risk = return)

    3. I would bomb IC big time tho, since it’s reduced to 6 damage max once you take London. Don’t think naval base will be any use for Germany, since the one in Normandy would do the work. Don’t think Airbase would be any use to Germany as Aircraft Carrier is most likely there and Airbase in Scotland might help too. Therefore, at this point (not played many games so far) I don’t see much reason to prevent Germany to “save” UK structures.

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