Next France versus an empire that caused so much trouble in Napoleonic times, the Ottoman Empire.
This scenario is where the Turkish Empire puts its faith in building up the navy to prevent any Allied landings. The Turkish Empire is six provinces connect, while the French have twice that(seven home, five are colonies, with four of them that are connected). Compared to Austrian Hungarian Empire which had one sea coastal province, while the Turks have only one province that does not connect with the sea(open to Indian Ocean, Mediterranean & Black Seas). The Fr. have 8/12 spaces that touch water, even thought it is unlikely the Turks will be doing much amphibious invasions. The Turks need to wipe out any landings, if the province becomes contested after counterattack, and, the Fr. bring in more troops and guns, then it is all over(since they have spent most of their income on their navy).
Round One to Three:France goes builds 3 transports & sub.(for all three rounds), moves transports and BB & C & new subs. off Italy, eventually to go to sea zone 28, to threaten both Jordan &/or Mesopotamia. Troops & guns & fighter go to Marseilles, for boarding.
Round Four: builds C & 2 transports, moves fleet to sea zone 28, landings begin. Offshore three transports of three guns & 2 troopers standby, if able for next round, to invade Mesopotamia. France lands 12 troopers, 1 fighter, 2 guns(losses 6 troopers) versus Turkish army in Jordan of 5 troopers & 1 gun(all lost). Defending artillery and BB bombardment each took out one trooper.
Round One to three:Turks go and build fighter & sub. & two BB, begin dispersing troops & guns(and later fighter) to outer provinces. Leaving a trooper in Ankara & Syrian desert.
Round Four:builds 1C and a trooper, navy attacks invasion fleet with fighter. Also invades Jordan to contest it with 5 troops & 3 guns(left 1 trooper & 2 guns) versus France 5 troopers, 1 plane, 2 guns(lose 3 troopers).
Turkish fleet attacks consisting of 2BB & 2C & 1sub. & 1 fighter versus Fr. 2BB & 1C & 3subsmarines & 10 transports. All left after battle are 2 damaged Fr. BB & 1 C and all transports.
Political victory for France, with 12 transports in use, in Marseilles still 3 guns & 6 troopers to be picked up. The Turks have 11 IPCs to buy new naval units or a FEW troopers & gun for the next round, while the Fr. can buy more land forces for those transports & more naval units(with 24 IPCs).
Better to give the Fr. something, like a chunk of Syria, than lose the whole thing.
Axis 87 IPCs lost & Allies 48.
In this scenario Ottoman Empire hides her fleet in the Black Sea, &, starts to churn out land forces, to counter Fr. naval landings.
Turn 1-3 France goes buys 11 transports & 1 fighter, moves troops & guns & fighter for transport off Marseilles, building up for combat for turn four, French fleets(2 BB & C & 3 transports) concentrates with new transports off Marseilles, IPCs of 24.
Turn 1-3 Ottoman Empire buys 10 troops, 1 gun, 2 planes, disperses forces to cover outer provinces(especially Jordan & Mesopotamia), leaving middle provinces with just one trooper, naval forces go to protection of Black Sea, forces on defense waiting for French landing(s), IPCs 16.
Turn 4 France buys 2 transports, 2 guns, &, 1 trooper, French fleet & transports set sail, landings in Jordan(IPCs 25).
No sea battle, 2BB shelling take out 2 troopers, defensive 1 coastal gun fail to score a hit on landing forces, both Fr. fighters take out 2 Turkish fighters(for no lost), 8 French guns(with air support) & 11 troops(three never roll) score 10 hits. All Turkish forces are taken out of 9 troopers & 1 gun. The French lose six troopers.
Turn 4 Ottoman Empire buys six troopers, counterattack will contest for a short time, the Fr. conquest of Jordan. Forces from Syria & Smyrna of 2 guns & 6 troopers score 4 hits. Fr. defense of 5 troopers & 8 guns & 2 fighters score 8 hits. The Turks are wiped out! and the Fr. lose 4 troopers( Ottoman IPCs 15).
Political victory for Fr., even if the Ottoman coastal gun score a hit, a Turk fighter survive, Jordan stays contested, hard for the Turks to survive a second, much less a third Fr. landings(in Marseilles are new units & transports & already waiting 12 troopers for 11 transports for pickup, protected by 2 BB & 1 C). In Istanbul are 2C & 2 guns & 8 troopers & Mesopotamia are 5 troopers & 1 gun, Smyrna 6 troopers, middle provinces one trooper. With copious transports the Fr. can land more forces than the Turks can build.
Axis 79 IPCs lost & Allies 30.
Next a Entente power that borders all the Central Powers, Russia versus Germany.
Even thought Russia goes first, it would be better if troops & guns be moved into Poland for a defensive battle. So much German forces are in its way, for even a two space drive to Berlin, much less a need for some naval forces to build, to prevent any landings in the future, on Russia’s copious coastline .
Also with the straits closed by neutral Turkey , the Russian Cruisers cannot get out of the Black Sea(much less any GE. ships can enter the Black Sea).