You want the 1936 map! It has the terrain printed on it, and as I understand it, you can use it for a 1939 set up. Really the maps have slight differences. I think the Global War is moving in the direction of the 1936 map. I am trying to justify buying it now. Real question is 36" x 72" (3 ft by 6 ft) or 48" X 72" (4 ft by 8 ft) 1936 map!!! From what I gather if you have the room and are using 3D sculpts for bases, you may want the larger map. :roll:
1939 Map
This is a revised version of the DeathsHead 41 map. Me and Coachofmanyare working on this variant and need some playtesting on the map. I will have setup charts and rules comming in a week or two. Coachofmany will be selling pieces and roundels for this variant also. All ideas and criticisms are welcome….I urge everyone to purchase map through, he can get some real high quality products! GLOBAL 2.2.pdf
This is a copy of the variant rules for the above map
These are the setup charts for the Global 39 map and rules
Here is a better sample of the Tech Chart.
It is a free Download for everybody.
I will be taking orders to print it out after it is downloaded, scrutinized, corrected and the majority is happy about it.
We will make another version after the corrections with Facist Italy Roundel, True Australia, India, etc.Prices will be:
35" X 72" = $39.95 on Bond…$89.95 on vinyl
46" X 96" = $69.95 on Bond Paper… $149.00 on VinylPlus shipping in a tube.
I will have preorders on my website before long. -
i found a spelling mestake. Leningrad is spelt lenongrad. also wheres the set up for this?
also do you have the roundles for the many powers? dutch, communist china, uk(2). also can you make a pro axis and a pro allied roundel?
I found a spelling mestake. Leningrad is spelt lenongrad. also wheres the set up for this?
Lenon…grad… city of an ex-beatles… :-D
That map looks excellent. However, there are more spaces than in G40 and will probably take at least 2 weekends to play. Right now, G40 is pushing the envelope of being playable in one sitting.
more spaces mean more battles more battles mean more time. i dont care so i like it
I will correct that misspelling. It will ytake a little more tiume to play the game with the extra territories, but with good experienced players the game should not go past 10 hours……lol…its about 3 more turns than the global game.
I think it looks great.
A couple of minor issues:
-I think eastern Kazakh needs to be western Kazakh
-Singkiang or Sinkiang?
-Novosibirsk instead of Novgsibirsk
-New Hebrides instead of New Herbides
-New South Whales??? :-D
-Sahara desert a little too big to my liking
-there are two West Africas on the map
-Eire not Erie
-Bremen should be West Germany (there are more such territories that I believe might be better named as ‘Southern Norway instead of Oslo’ etc…
-Libya instead of Lybia
-Egypt-Sudan or Anglo-Egypt-Sudan, Egyptian Sudan is historically inaccurate
-do Kirov and Omsk border?
-Mariana Islands or Marianas
-Shensi or Shansi?Sorry for nitpicking :lol:
I think it looks great.
A couple of minor issues:
-I think eastern Kazakh needs to be western Kazakh
-Singkiang or Sinkiang?
-Novosibirsk instead of Novgsibirsk
-New Hebrides instead of New Herbides
-New South Whales??? :-D
-Sahara desert a little too big to my liking
-there are two West Africas on the map
-Eire not Erie
-Bremen should be West Germany (there are more such territories that I believe might be better named as ‘Southern Norway instead of Oslo’ etc…
-Libya instead of Lybia
-Egypt-Sudan or Anglo-Egypt-Sudan, Egyptian Sudan is historically inaccurate
-do Kirov and Omsk border?
-Mariana Islands or Marianas
-Shensi or Shansi?Sorry for nitpicking :lol:
No, we want the nitpicking.
We want to use the map for our own use and would like it as correct as possible.
thanks! -
Nigeria was a British colony not French
Nigeria was a British colony not French
are you going to up date the link? eta?
New link for map with changes and setup charts are posted at top of this thread……thank you guys for your patience.
uh oh… edit allert why is london on the canada setup?
uh oh… edit allert why is london on the canada setup?
Because there are Canadian units in London?
ohh right good call!
Tigerman cant download your set up chart tells me it was sent e-mail cant decode it.
I’ll fix that! Rommel, when u download the charts please give me some feedback, positive or negative. For rules to this variant I’m taking the G40 rules and tweeking them to fit. That will be comming in a few weeks. Also looking at adding a supply system using supply tokens! Instead of oil rules, you have to purchase supplies to keep your war machine moving!
do you have a kool steup chart like a bobmikilson