I’m having more problems that I thought. This is a message I posted in aabattlemap tutorial thread
A very important question: is there a limit for the number of powers that can do convoy damage? I can make all the other powers do damage, but the last 2 powers in the list (China and France) cannot do convoy damage, no wonder what I try. I don’t care about China (at least in this module), but France is important because of the Madagascar dd. I cannot change the positions of India and France because it’s needed that axis can raid India’s Income
So, if Stoney’s answer is yes (max number of powers that can do damage is 8 ), then I have a serious problem. I can pass China to the 9th place and India to the 10th place, but still I’d have to count India’s income … the only solution would be maybe including India’s income in Oil row, but then axis cannot raid oil money? :|
Other option is ignore China and France totally and having in mind that France’s raids must be manually calculated. I don’t like that
And yet another problem. Seems that you cannot raid land territories which number in the list is greater than 256 (ff). I’ll have to change their position in the list, and that’s more work :cry: