• donkey chains :)

    that is what I thought thanks krieghund

  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16


    This came up in a game over the weekend.

    sub vs sub no one had a destroyer

    attacking sub hits….
    defending sub
                            a. returns fire
                            b. is sunk without a parting shot

    Doesn’t the defending Submarine have a chance to submarine have a chance to submerge before combat since there is no attacking destroyer?  Or do they both get there “Surprise attack” before it submerges?

  • Official Q&A


    Doesn’t the defending Submarine have a chance to submarine have a chance to submerge before combat since there is no attacking destroyer?

    Yes, it does, before any shots are fired.

  • '22 '16

    Quick question about convoy disruptions.  I played a game over the weekend and the UK player was very upset that he got convoy disrupted on newly captured territories.  He was trading control of Egypt with Italy and since Italy’s navy was on the opposite side of the canal in the disruption zone every time he took Egypt he lost 3 IPC’s instead of gaining the 2 for Egypt.  First, were we correct in being able to convoy disrupt the newly captured territory and second what is the reasoning behind that.  Thanks!

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, majikforce!

    Yes, convoys can be disrupted in newly captured territories.  If you can collect income from it, why shouldn’t it be disruptable?

    I’m not sure what you mean by losing 3 IPCs instead of gaining 2.  I assume you’re referring to losing the 3 IPCs for Egypt and Trans-Jordan, but the Trans-Jordan IPC would be lost anyway.  In effect, he was only losing the Egypt IPCs.  Rather than losing IPCs, he was simply not gaining them.

  • '22 '16

    Thanks for the answer Krieg!  I guess the best solution would be for the UK player to stop whining and build some Navy and kill the Italian fleet!

  • Question: Can you build a major or minor IC in a territory you just conquered? Assuming it was bought during your purchase units phase?

  • Official Q&A

    Answer:  No.

  • Thank you Krieghund

  • If Russia declares war on Japan, can it land on UK CVs in the Pacific if UK is not at war with Japan?

    If not, then if UK is at war with Japan and UK moves the CV with Russian fighters into the Europe board and Italy attacks at, what do the Russian planes do?

  • Official Q&A


    If Russia declares war on Japan, can it land on UK CVs in the Pacific if UK is not at war with Japan?



    If not, then if UK is at war with Japan and UK moves the CV with Russian fighters into the Europe board and Italy attacks at, what do the Russian planes do?

    If Italy declares war on USSR, they will defend.  If not, they will do nothing, and they will have to find a landing space if the carrier is damaged or destroyed.

  • Does a tac need a fighter escort for every round of combat to attack at a ‘4’? E.g. if 1 fighter and 1 tac enter combat and the defender rolls a single hit, if the fighter is removed and the tac enters the second round of combat alone, does it attack at a ‘3’ or a ‘4’?

    Apologies if this has been asked already. Thanks!

  • @Jmite:

    Does a tac need a fighter escort for every round of combat to attack at a ‘4’? E.g. if 1 fighter and 1 tac enter combat and the defender rolls a single hit, if the fighter is removed and the tac enters the second round of combat alone, does it attack at a ‘3’ or a ‘4’?

    Apologies if this has been asked already. Thanks!

    Yes.  Combined arms are checked at each round of combat.  If there are no longer tanks or fighers, Tacs’ attacks are back to ‘3’.

  • Yes, it is similar to infantry and artillery.

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Yes, it is similar to infantry and artillery.

    Yes, if you take your artillery off, then your infantry is left to attack at 1.

    Good example, Calvin.  :roll:  :wink:

  • Quick question:  As Germany, I sealioned and took UK.  The US is now preparing to take it back.  If the US land units in London and liberates UK, and then the following German turn I take it back, do I plunder the UK’s income again? Or does a UK turn have to go by first before I can plunder their IPC’s again?

  • @chompers:

    Quick question:  As Germany, I sealioned and took UK.  The US is now preparing to take it back.  If the US land units in London and liberates UK, and then the following German turn I take it back, do I plunder the UK’s income again? Or does a UK turn have to go by first before I can plunder their IPC’s again?

    Yes, you can only plunder again the turn after. Think of the IPC’s as cash and the IPC’s on the board as IPC value, that is less confusing, and a good reason to include paper money in this game.

    USA liberates UK so their IPC value goes up abit, UK gets no cash cuz it is not their turn.
    Germany’s turn: UK has no money to be taken.
    UK’s turn: no money to buy units, so no fresh brits in UK. End of their turn they receive their cash, ready to be taken away again.

    So unless USA brings enough troops to reinforce UK, Germany gets yet another present.

  • If I have an US carrier with British fighters on it and I attack an enemy I know that the fighters can not roll attack dice in the combat.  My question is can they be chosen as casualities or not when the enemy rolls his dice.  Thanks

  • @chompers:

    If I have an US carrier with British fighters on it and I attack an enemy I know that the fighters can not roll attack dice in the combat.  My question is can they be chosen as casualities or not when the enemy rolls his dice.  Thanks

    They cannot be chosen as casualties, because they are cargo.  If your US carrier takes a hit, the fighters are trapped until the carrier is fixed.  If the carrier takes 2 hits and sinks, the planes go down with it.

  • If a destroyer is taken as a casaulty in a naval battle, do opposing subs then get their surprise attacks or is it still negated for the remainder of the battle?

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