The rule changes are absolutely ridiculous and call into question the “integrity” of the game and the game design itself!
For every Axis and Allies game in the future NO RULES should be included in the game becz one rule set is just as good as any other rule set;
as all these Alpha machinations have demonstrated.
I have yet to hear about any formal apology issued by Harris or by Kreighund who devised this disaster of thier own making.
The disaster is not the original rules, but thier response to it: PANIC!!
Yes, it is a disaster becz who ever heard of changes in the rules which number in the hundreds. Literally hundreds.
Krieghund you can’t deny that! Neither can Harris.
I am appalled when I try to read the new rules and setups, if they issue a new rules set like Columbia Games;
where the new rules are inserted in red font next to the old rules which remain in black, these new red Alpha, Beta Gamma setups
would bleed the rule book red.
I reject all these changes becz what they tell you is that any rules set is as good as any other.
They no longer have any credibility: subs can’t sink lone transports, what the heck is that all about?
Isn’t that the new rule? Or did I get that wrong becz I refuse to even consider that one. Becz it is so counter intuitive
They rejected a minimalist approach to “correcting” the whiners’ complaints and we get this mess.
Or at least it looks like most of you have bought this Alpha Beta Gamma correction scheme as valid.
This is all just so absurd and disheartening.
YEAH bleep board

Latest posts made by leddux
RE: Alpha vs Beta
UB CON XXII April 8-10 2011
UBCON XXII is a “game convention” at the University of Buffalo’s North Campus in April. I believe someone will be running an all day Saturday G40 event.
Also there should be a corporate sponsered Attack! Deluxe edition.
Can Rockets attack bases or can they just attack Industrial Complexes?
Side note UBCON XXII is a “game convention” at the University of Buffalo’s North Campus in April. I believe someone will be running an all day Saturday G40 event.
According to Krieg, all countries start with income just from their territory. The bonus come into play during the collect income phase. I believe this was answered on the forums over at Harris Game Design
RE: Global, Europe and Pacific Setup and NO charts on one card.
Nice but they are not the current setup … :-(
RE: "Cone of Silence"
I declare shenanigans on this topic sir. Your ally would not be able to catch a vital strategic or tactical move. More eyes = less errors. Well theoretically any how.
maybe we should also allow the chinese to liberate ALL of the territories included for the burma road bonus.
So you want china to be able to liberate India?
Shouldn’t every country have the chance to win its own NO?
RE: New Year's Resolution for all the Larry Lobbyists
I don’t even think Ceta is a word
No it is not, Ceti is and SATA is an acronym :-D
maybe we should also allow the chinese to liberate ALL of the territories included for the burma road bonus.