According to the nonaggression pact between Germany and Russia, the USSR cannot attack any axis power before its fourth turn unless any axis power attacks it first. It doesn’t say anything about Russia being prevented from attacking strict neutrals.
Suppose Germany has not declared war on Russia and the nonaggression pact is still in force. Russia is not part of the Allies and is neutral on the Europe map. Neutral Russia attacks strict neutral Sweden and Turkey using 1 fighter apiece (tragically both fighters die).
Are Sweden and Turkey still strict neutral or are they activated?
If they are activated, do they belong to the Axis, the Allies or neither side?
Does Germany need to take Sweden to get the iron NO after Russia has activated Sweden by unsuccessfully attacking it?
Are other strict neutrals still strict neutral or do they become pro-something?
Does anything happen differently to the strict neutrals etc if neutral Russia were to actually conquer Turkey versus what happens in an unsuccessful attack on it?