• @wheatbeer:


    But just to be clear, Japan, China and UK are NEVER neutral. They begin at war with another power at the beginning of any game.

    Since Japan is not “a power that begins the game neutral” does that mean they can’t load a transport within a SZ that has become hostile due to Japan declaring war?

    No, they can.  On the turn any power declares war, they’re permitted to load in a seazone that has become hostile due to that declaration.

  • '17

    Sorry I deleted that post, I reread your response and didn’t want to waste your time.

    Thank you for being more explicit though, as we’re reporting tripleA errors.

  • Customizer



    Can China noncombat move its units into Burma or Kwangtung before the UK and Japan are at war?

    Yes.  Disregard Wittman’s answer, it is incorrect.


    Found it. Powers that begin the game neutral. You can, but only on the turn you declare war.

    This is in regards to loading transports, I hope, in which case you’re correct - it’s allowed the turn you declare war.

    But just to be clear, Japan, China and UK are NEVER neutral. They begin at war with another power at the beginning of any game. Japan and china are at war with each other, and UK/Anzac are at war with Germany (whether or not it’s the Pacific only game, or the pacific theater). The only powers that are affected by the neutrality rules that bar movement into other territories are Russia and the US.

    That said, the UK has a special relationship with China before it’s at war with Japan. The UK cannot move into Chinese territories without being at war with Japan, but China CAN reinforce Burma and Kwangtung before UK/Japan Hostilities commence.  However, the UK is not neutral in this regard; they are still permitted to fly planes over french & japanese spaces prior to hostilites with Japan because they aren’t neutral - they’re at war (with Germany), which allows free movement (unless something else prohibits it - their relationship with China).

    So, just to be clear about this:

    1. China can combat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.
    2. China can noncombat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.
    3. UK may not move into any Chinese owned territory before UK is at war with Japan.

    I hate one-way-street rules, but whatever….

  • @Veqryn:

    So, just to be clear about this:

    1. China can combat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.

    No.  Although it’s common in house rules to allow noncom movements during the combat phase, that’s not strictly legal.  If Burma/Kwangtung isn’t controlled by an enemy (and UK/ANZAC would be at war with Japan if it was), it’s not an attack, and therefore not a combat move.  You cannot move into in a friendly territory during the combat phase unless you’re passing through to attack something beyond (with a mech, tank, etc).  A combat move requires combat (or the possibility of combat).  China moving into Burma/Kwangtung while it is still UK owned will never result in combat, and technically is not to be done during the combat move phase, though that’s often overlooked.


    2. China can noncombat move into UK owned Burma/Kwangtung before UK is at war with Japan.



    3. UK may not move into any Chinese owned territory before UK is at war with Japan.

    Correct.  In order for the UK/ANZAC to noncombat move into a chinese territory OR overfly a chinese territory with a plane, they must first declare war on japan.

  • I am sorry if  I have interpreted Chinese occupation wrongly. If rules had said move into or attack Japanese units in Burma and Kwantung, rather than ’ Can attack …and occupy them’ I would not have. Wording seemed to suggest Chinese  occupation of them was contingent on Japanese prescence. I shall change our play.

  • @wittman:

    I am sorry if  I have interpreted Chinese occupation wrongly. If rules had said move into or attack Japanese units in Burma and Kwantung, rather than ’ Can attack …and occupy them’ I would not have. Wording seemed to suggest Chinese  occupation of them was contingent on Japanese prescence. I shall change our play.

    No apologies necessary.  I just wanted to quickly correct and nip that in the bud, as it’s a pretty common misconception.

  • Thank you.

  • Sorry if the question has already been asked

    1.Did they announced a 2nd print for Pacific and Europe?

    2. If yes when are they expected to be released?


  • @texasranger97:

    Sorry if the question has already been asked

    1.Did they announced a 2nd print for Pacific and Europe?

    2. If yes when are they expected to be released?


    1. Not officially, but Larry did unofficially

    2. Fall 2012

  • I will have to wait until then since Europe is out of stock almost everywhere
    Looking forward to buy the 2nd print of Pacific and Europe 1940
    Thanks alot for the info!

  • Does USSR get its national objective for every captured neutral territory from captured pro allied neutrals?

  • @valtteri771:

    Does USSR get its national objective for every captured neutral territory from captured pro allied neutrals?



    Soviet Union

    • 3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union
      controls. Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.
  • TripleA '12

    I have also raised the issue of Chinese units noncombat moving into Kwangtung and Burma (before UK/ANZAC are at war with Japan) in the Pacific 1940 FAQ thread, for Krieghund’s attention. Would be great to get this officially clarified.

  • @Krieghund:

    The Alpha rules are done.  They will be included in the second editions of Europe and Pacific 1940, due out later this year.

    Will there be anything new in the games?

  • Can i zoom trough proallies neutral with tank as allies? Or do i have to stop at first teritory.
    For example zoom through Eastern Persia to Persia from West India.
    Same for axis?

  • @crobattalion:

    Can i zoom trough proallies neutral with tank as allies? Or do i have to stop at first teritory.
    For example zoom through Eastern Persia to Persia from West India.
    Same for axis?

    Nope, you are allowed to blitz unfriendly neutrals but not Friendly neutrals.  For example, Russia can’t take North Persia and Central Persia on the same turn with a tank from Caucasus.

  • Customizer

    When you have Heavy Bombers tech, I  understand that your Bombers get an additional roll (choose best) for both combat, and bombing.

    Do they get that additional dice during interception though?  (assuming yes)

    And no techs except for Long Range Air affect Tactical-Bombers, right?  (assuming that they don’t)

  • Official Q&A

    You are correct.

  • TripleA '12


    Do they get that additional dice during interception though?   (assuming yes)

    I don’t get this. Are you saying that Heavy Bombers may fire two dice in attack during the one-combat round air battle between Escorts and Interceptors? I thought page 14 of the Pac40 manual and page 16 of the Eur40 manual both state that attacking Bombers do not fire in this special combat?

  • '17

    I think tactical and strategic bombers firing in dogfights was a Alpha 3 change.

    (scroll down to rule changes)

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