• @kcdzim:


    Question regarding SBR, it has not come up before for us.

    When sending bombers for SBR and the interceptor combat is concluded, are bombers required to choose a target to bomb or may they decline acting as “escorts” for the bombers that do decide to bomb.

    Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 how does this apply.

    We want to send 15 bombers to bomb a MIC and it has 1 fighter in space, but we only want to use one bomber to bomb and let the other 14 bombers act as “escorts”.

    Yeah, that’s not how it works.

    Tactical Bombers do not act as “escorts”.  Only fighters can be used as “escorts”  Tactical Bombers can be taken as casualties to fire from interceptors, the same as Strategic Bombers can, and generally will be selected first, but that doesn’t make them “escorts” and it confuses forum readers when they’re called that.  It is a known loophole that tactical bombers can shield strategic bombers in certain circumstances, but only fighters are used as “escorts”

    Now that that’s clear, when interceptor combat is finished, tactical bombers (and strategic bombers) CANNOT choose to disengage.  If you send tactical bombers on a strategic bombing mission, they MUST have a legal target to bomb (a naval base or air base MUST be in the territory, though you don’t need to declare which you’ll hit) and they MUST continue on after interceptor/escort/defensive fire to a naval or air base (selected at this point, and then the installation fires AA at the tactical bombers).

    Just out of curiosity, did they address why bombers cannot disengage? Much as an amphibious assault can be scrapped after the result of a scramble, it seems logical that additional bombing could be scrapped after the intercept phase…since as scrambling permits the attack on a non contested sea zone due to the potential for a battle, additional bombing sent as a buffer for the possible battle from an intercept should follow the same established mechanic. The only reason to send escorts and extra bombers is because of the creation of the intercept rule, otherwise the need would not arise. This would permit the additional bombers to “escort” as well, especially given an SBR strategy that creates massed bombers. Much as the real war, massed bombers were dangerous towards the end due to attrition on the defending side.

  • @Karl7:

    Can you upgrade a minor factory if its damaged?

    Page 24 of Europe manual:
    “Any damage on the industrial complex must be repaired at the same time that the upgrade is purchased.”

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    makes sense!  Thanks Gamerman!

  • Anytime!  :-)

  • I have the Alpha+3 rules along with the original global rules from the box, and I need a little clarification:
    If Germany takes the UK’s capital (i.e. London), can the US player then enter Quebec, claim it by putting his marker on it, adjust his IPC chart up by 2, and use the factory on his next turn?

  • @QuickQuestion:

    I have the Alpha+3 rules along with the original global rules from the box, and I need a little clarification:
    If Germany takes the UK’s capital (i.e. London), can the US player then enter Quebec, claim it by putting his marker on it, adjust his IPC chart up by 2, and use the factory on his next turn?

    Not unless Germany or Italy were to capture Quebec first.  Same reason Allies can’t take France’s territories once Paris is under Axis control.  However, if Axis takes over a French (or UK) territory and an Ally takes the territory away from them, THEN the Allied power can place their marker on it, earn income and use facilities.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I have the Alpha+3 rules along with the original global rules from the box, and I need a little clarification:
    If Germany takes the UK’s capital (i.e. London), can the US player then enter Quebec, claim it by putting his marker on it, adjust his IPC chart up by 2, and use the factory on his next turn?

    Not unless Germany or Italy were to capture Quebec first.  Same reason Allies can’t take France’s territories once Paris is under Axis control.  However, if Axis takes over a French (or UK) territory and an Ally takes the territory away from them, THEN the Allied power can place their marker on it, earn income and use facilities.

    One would wonder - if the Axis take Quebec, shouldn’t the allies surrender out of shear shame!  wink

    Krieg, did your changes become official?  By that, I mean, did Larry endorse them and post them as official?  Not to undercut you, but he is the creator of the game and all.

  • Official Q&A

    To which changes are you referring?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    To which changes are you referring?

    Cow calls them version 3.9.  I understand you moved the German fleet and the British fleet around, maybe made some other changes.

  • Official Q&A

    They have been incorporated into Alpha 3.

  • TripleA

    It is the best version. Also I thought Krieghund’s changes was also met with LH imput as well, which is why we have the new AA gun rules.

    Also it got incorporated September of last year… which is why I was surprised that Jen did not hear about it and still plays the older version of +3. In fact it stopped being referred to as 3.9 after it was incorporated and as +3.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No, the fleet move wasnt changed that long ago, I was still pretty darn active over there making sure Larry didnt sneak a change in on me.  Maybe January the fleet changes moved.  I’ve always liked the new AA Gun rules, it makes guns more valuable, less cost and more utilitarian.

  • @Cmdr:

    No, the fleet move wasnt changed that long ago, I was still pretty darn active over there making sure Larry didnt sneak a change in on me.  Maybe January the fleet changes moved.  I’ve always liked the new AA Gun rules, it makes guns more valuable, less cost and more utilitarian.

    The final changes were accepted early February.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    No, the fleet move wasnt changed that long ago, I was still pretty darn active over there making sure Larry didnt sneak a change in on me.  Maybe January the fleet changes moved.  I’ve always liked the new AA Gun rules, it makes guns more valuable, less cost and more utilitarian.

    The final changes were accepted early February.


    Okay.  I see it on his page too, musta missed it first time through, but yea, basically, only the fleet changed?  (Some uniforms, but that’s it other than fleet?)

  • TripleA

    uk has 2 extra units and 5 aa guns… it is a big deal.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    uk has 2 extra units and 5 aa guns… it is a big deal.

    Yes.  So how does that impact the risk vs reward now?

    And for that matter - may I be on record as saying - I don’t see the necessity of this move.  England can be liberated later.  Is there really such fanaticism in the community that we’re okay with Paris falling virtually without a fight, but we quell at the fall of London?  It could have happened in actual history.  If we were talking Moscow or Washington DC I’d be more inclined to go with the flow, but common, London was a shell.  Sure, it woulda cost the Germans a ton to take it - but then, it did in the game too!

    Oh well.  Pissing into the wind, as my father used to say.

    Anyway…I am not sure i like Alpha 3.9.  I need to play a few games of it first, but I’m inclined to toss it on the scrap heap of history with the amazingly bad OOB and Alpha 2 (yes I feel Alpha 2 was really bad - better than OOB, but not good like AAR, Classic or AA50!).  Course, maybe I’ll grow to like it.  Stranger things have happened!

  • TripleA

    You can still take london, I don’t know what you are complaining about. You just don’t want it to be a real battle for some reason.

    I do not understand why you are making such a big deal of this. You said so yourself axis always won in the older version of alpha 3, so why would you play a game if you know how it turns out? So many people just chucked 6 inf into UK at the start of every game. You’re the only person who did not give allies a bid and you are the only person who is complaining about the axis in the updated version.

  • @Cmdr:



    No, the fleet move wasnt changed that long ago, I was still pretty darn active over there making sure Larry didnt sneak a change in on me.�  Maybe January the fleet changes moved.�  I’ve always liked the new AA Gun rules, it makes guns more valuable, less cost and more utilitarian.

    The final changes were accepted early February.


    Okay.  I see it on his page too, musta missed it first time through, but yea, basically, only the fleet changed?  (Some uniforms, but that’s it other than fleet?)

    Fleet, +1 AA India, +some UK land

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Attacking London only had a 7 IPC swing in Germany’s favor, after I weighed all the pro’s and con’s.  Now there are “2 extra ground units and 5 aa guns” if those units are just infantry, that swings the benefit to -13 (because they get 2 more hits and that means more fighter attacks on my people, means less hits for me, which means I lose higher IPC amounts.)

    Even one more unit in there, just the extra AA Gun, would have made it closer to a zero sum game, and thus, not worth it.  I can get positive values from attacking Russia instead and focusing on Submarines/Fighters to keep England “honest.” Â

    What I’m saying is that I feel it was an over reaction to London/Calcutta falling.  Either put another AA Gun in England OR put another Destroyer down by India.  But more ground units in England tips the scale so far it’s not worth attacking London.  I’m sure you can still win, in theory if I aimed a pistol at my foot and pulled the trigger, there would be a 1% chance of missing.  I’d rather not test that theory, and since I have great planes for the destruction of my homeland, I can just use those instead - Larry NEVER buffs Russia without a HUGE push by the community, so my planes there are perfectly safe.

  • TripleA

    you mean 7 fodder units = 2 more hits only… wow you are nuts.

    I still would have liked to seen russia with a bomber added in. sigh.

    you just want to play a game where the axis take both uk and calcutta same round and just win or africa gets handed to you on a silver platter. Why not just sit down and say axis win and walk away. Can the allies win after that? sure but it is highly unlikely, axis won 70% of the games in the older version of A3, now it is more 50-55% axis win and you complain?

    OOB and A2 sucked for a multitude of reasons already discussed on previous forums.

    you are not making any sense. please play the game before offering criticism.
    I don’t play on this forum, because I got to type every move and check unit consistency… also bid rules are different (no 1 unit per territory limit which I dislike, yamamoto dislikes that in regards to aa50). However I recognize good players like yam and zhukov. Garg is entertaining and usually has sound strategies when he does go crazy. The main thing is, I only play live games, the fact that I am about to do napoleonic wars on this forum is so out of the norm for me (and I picked france, because they are usually ganged up on so that should be fun).

    I do feel live games at home with friends had an equal impact as this forum. Global is more toward the avid Axis and allies fan than it is to a casual board game audience. Revised / v4 is more toward the casual gamer, it is a smaller map and faster game. AA50 is a middle. global is just too much for a casual group.

    Point is lots of criticisms came from all directions. People wanted a more objective oriented game to draw action and people also wanted game balance. Capital battles should not be a walk in the park the opposite faction should be able to respond properly and find success.

    If USA has to go full pacific to stop a Japan win there is no liberating london, nothing stops italy from africa, and russia can’t hold out forever against germany… you may as well play something different. so the 7 fodder units actually made more realistic losses for germany and you can still take london on G4 no matter what the allies do (though russia is even crazier at this point if he bought aggressively).

    Axis players have 2 gripes, one is italy / medit / africa and the other is not gaining an income advantage over the allies (if you do it is because you have the VCs to win the game and it is over anyway).

    Allies players have a list of gripes, mostly europe related still… some calcutta gripes and some japan smacking the soviet far east territories up and going anti russia.

    The italy issue, germany can just use air to clear things out for italy, also if you really love african play reserve southern france for germany or buy naval g1 and g2 and sail it in.  It is not hard.

    allies can just respond in a manner they do not prefer. like if japan goes anti russia, you could just go KJF and as long as uk pac is making 20+ it can wall off egypt after russia goes or do split income and fly into russia two rounds earlier than you normally would.

    anyway axis does much better in low luck games axis do more attacks and does not have to compensate for luck. dropping men into europe is difficult because it either A) gets strafed B) has the exact number of united to defend the drop C) if you drop a mid size stack of say 10 guys and 16 air units with 4 inf and an art kills it all in one shot and 1 art is left.
    japan also hits things at far less risk and germany clears the medit naval out at less risk. send 2 fighters you kill a cruiser and the cruiser only rolls 1 time where as in a dice game 2 fighters can miss and if the cruiser misses well it gets a second chance at hitting again. little things like that adds up.
    the game slightly favors axis, but it is more apparent in a low luck game.
    the drawback for allies in a dice game involves the rounds where russia does more than 1 or 2 attacks on germany units (which is why people avoid doing multiple attacks as russia).

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