• @Skippi:

    Few Questions:

    1. If i research Rockets, can i attack with two Airfields one IC? Rule: "Your air bases can now launch rockets. During the Strategic and Tactical Bombing Raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your operative air bases can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex, air base, or naval base within 4spaces of it. (…)

    Jenn is right - You can never attack one IC more than once per power’s turn with rockets.

    2. Situation: German ships in Sz 109. England dont attack them in GB2, but Germany want make Sealion in G3 and want to earn most money as they can. Question: Can the german player choose, if he want to make a Convoy disruption in GB2 or must he did the Convoy disruption, because his ships stand in Sz 109, which is an Convoy Seazone.

    Jenn is right - convoy disruption is not a choice, by the rules.

    3. Situation: Germany stays in London. US attacks with an amphibius assault, but only want to take Cruisers and Battleships for shorebombardement plus the transports for the landing. But there are also Subs and Destroyers in the Seazone. The US Player want to move them in NCM away. Now the German Player decide to scramble. Question: Are the Subs and destroyers automaticly involved in the battle. Or in other words: Cant they move away in NCM, because they fight in Combat Phase? Can the subs move in NCM, because they cant hit the germans planes and the germans planes cant hit the subs without a destroyer?!

    I believe Jenn misunderstood your situation. It sounds like you are asking about USA subs and destroyers, not German subs and destroyers.
    You can move units during the combat movement phase to avoid possible combat, like if you find enemy warships are in your seazone. So I believe you must move the destroyers during the combat movement phase if you don’t want them to be stuck there in a scramble. If the defending Germans scramble and your destroyers are involved in that combat, then they can not subsequently move, so you would have to move whatever destroyers you want out of there. Since you are bombarding, if the Germans have a fighter they are likely to scramble to stop all the bombardment (if the player understands that rule).
    You are right about the subs. You could move them out in non-combat regardless of scrambling, and in fact you could not move them during combat movement if the move does not result in combat (because they are NOT moving to avoid combat).

    Need confirmation that you can move the destroyers away during combat move, but I believe this would be correct.

  • Official Q&A

    1.  There is no limit on the number of rocket strikes per turn that may hit a single facility.

    3.  The destroyers and subs must either move away in combat movement or be involved in the battle.  Subs not being able to hit or be hit does not exclude them from battle participation.

  • @Krieghund:

    1.  There is no limit on the number of rocket strikes per turn that may hit a single facility.

    Whoa,  noted.  ok.  That’s certainly a change from AA50 rules, isn’t it?  Definately a change from Revised.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    1.  There is no limit on the number of rocket strikes per turn that may hit a single facility.

    Whoa,  noted.  ok.  That’s certainly a change from AA50 rules, isn’t it?  Definately a change from Revised.

    Agreed.  Did Larry actually denote this somewhere, because I’ve never seen the change codified. (I am not saying he did not, I am saying that I did not see it and there’s a HUGE difference between those two statements!)

    This will certainly make rockets much more powerful. 
    vs S. Italy:  Rocket from Gibraltar, Morocco, Tunis, Algeria, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, Egypt….you have to buy airbases for this, but man, you can totally see how this is going to be crippling!  (yes, you might actually fire from all those territories, since there are 3 facilities there to be hit!)

  • Official Q&A


    Did Larry actually denote this somewhere, because I’ve never seen the change codified.

    The statement that IC may only suffer one rocket attack that is in the Rulebook has been removed from the Alpha 3 rocket rules.


    This will certainly make rockets much more powerful. 
    vs S. Italy:  Rocket from Gibraltar, Morocco, Tunis, Algeria, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, Egypt….you have to buy airbases for this, but man, you can totally see how this is going to be crippling!  (yes, you might actually fire from all those territories, since there are 3 facilities there to be hit!)

    I guess that if you spend all of those IPCs on air bases you deserve to do that much damage.  It doesn’t seem like a very efficient use of IPCs to me.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I like to use ridiculous situations to demonstrate points primarily so someone doesn’t assume that I am going to do what I typed in every game.  So instead of a realistic 3 strategic bombers, I might say 300 strategic bombers (no one would be able to afford it, so it’s obviously to demonstrate a point, not a serious strategy recommendation.)

    That said, I could see extra airbases going in, Gibraltar, Morocco so you have 6 scrambles, Egypt, Jordan again for 6 scrambles - if the Italian fleet is just big enough to kill you and you don’t have industrial complexes to put carriers out.  On the other side, Greece, Romania for 6 scrambles and hell, for the fun of pounding the Russians, if you start putting them out one here, one there, you can easily get 5 or 6 airbases to rocket Moscow into the stone age…no, that’s not fair, the Muscovites would be longing for technology as good as the stone age. :P

  • Thanks all for your answers. Now, you all have cleared up, whats happend with my Questions.
    Sorry Jennifer for my bad english. Gamerman was right in his interpretation of my Question. I am happy, that we played our last game rule conform, but i asked for clarify.

    Best regards from our playing group from Germany!

  • One more follow Question in the context of the research of Rockets:

    Can you build - theoretically - more than 1 Airbase in one Land (for example: build in Berlin 2 airbases -> so you can fire to London with much power and you can hold the land better than different lands)? I found no regulation in the European Rulebook on pages 24/25 and Pacific Rulebook on page 22… And if you can do this, perhaps more ICs and Navalbases too?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  Only one facility of each type may be built in each territory.  See page 22 of the Europe Rulebook.

  • '16 Customizer

    Based on Alpha +3

    1. In the absence of an enemy destroyer, can subs participate in general combat as well as a surprise strike?

    2. Attacking the British/ANZAC doesn’t enter you into a war with the Americans, correct?

    3. Can and/or when do the Russians declare war on Japan? And in regards to the Mongolian rules, I believe I’m correct in saying Japan can recapture a territory like Manchuria from Russia with no repercussions from Mongolia.

    Thanks guys

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Based on Alpha +3

    1. In the absence of an enemy destroyer, can subs participate in general combat as well as a surprise strike?
    When attacking, your submarines can always participate in battle, regardless of enemy destroyers, however, submarines always only fire once per combat round.  In defense, your submarines can elect to join in any battle waged in the sea zone they are in, but again, they only get to fire once per combat round.  If there is no enemy destroyer, and you are defending a sea zone, then your submarines can choose to run away like frightened school girls.

    2. Attacking the British/ANZAC doesn’t enter you into a war with the Americans, correct?
    I assume with Japan?  No, it does not necessarily enter you into combat with America, but it does allow America to declare war on Japan, Germany and Italy.

    3. Can and/or when do the Russians declare war on Japan? And in regards to the Mongolian rules, I believe I’m correct in saying Japan can recapture a territory like Manchuria from Russia with no repercussions from Mongolia.
    Russia can declare war on Japan whenever it feels like it.
    Japan may attack any Chinese controlled territory without regard to Russia and have no effect on Mongolia.  Only if Japan attacks a Russian territory that is adjacent to Mongolia would Mongolia join Russia.

    Thanks guys

  • When one scramble for defense, can you decide to back after one round of fire?

    Urgent, we stopped playing -.-

  • @Omega:

    When one scramble for defense, can you decide to back after one round of fire?

    Urgent, we stopped playing -.-

    Defense cannot retreat.  Once the plane is scrambled, it remains in combat until it’s taken as a casualty and removed, or until the attacker chooses to retreat, or until the attackers units are all lost.

    But it’s stuck there - you can’t take back a scramble.

  • Wow - answer within 5 minutes.  Is that fast enough for you?  :-)

    I will confirm kcdzim’s answer for you.  You can’t back out of a scramble after a round.  You’re a defender.

  • '16 Customizer

    Got it… one more quick question. So what is the general opinion or strategy on the USAs involvement in the war-specifically as Japan, do you just go for India, the Philippines, etc and let America enter early, or do you twiddle around conquering things until the Us enters at the end of turn 3? Thanks- I’ve played E40 a bit, but G40 only once.

  • Sponsor


    Got it… one more quick question. So what is the general opinion or strategy on the USAs involvement in the war-specifically as Japan, do you just go for India, the Philippines, etc and let America enter early, or do you twiddle around conquering things until the Us enters at the end of turn 3? Thanks- I’ve played E40 a bit, but G40 only once.

    It usually depends what your plans are for Germany, because bringing the US in early effects them greatly. If you want more in depth strategy advise, try creating a new topic with your questions.


    if japan does the turn 2 attack and germany Sits there/fails at london. can russia move into east persia(round 3) assuming it was taken by a pacific britt turn 1?
    Russia is not at war with Europe but it and the rest of the world is at war with japan (russia declared war on japan) so can russia move to east persia since the pacific britts captured it, and they are at war on the pacific side?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  There are no “Pacific” UK units or “Europe” UK units.  Once they’re on the board, they’re just UK units.

  • I see follow up question same scenario can i fly to india?

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