• While I appreciate Larry’s apparent animosity towards everything Russian it makes me a sad panda to see them so vulnerable. I think it’s a huge hole in the game play and a really great way for the Axis to get ahead, Russia has no chance of resisting both a serious German push and repelling even a token Japanese advance. But, I suppose I’ll have to content myself with my house rules and hope Larry considers it.

    I agree Mongolia wasn’t a great change, it just doesn’t help, not only are the territories not worth anything, an extra 7 Inf after you’ve lost 18 just doesn’t make sense. The IPC solution was better, just isn’t enough of a deterrent.

    Thanks for the prompt response none the less,

  • Official Q&A


    Follow up question:

    If Allies attack true neutrals: (Spain) and Mongolia becomes Pro axis. Can Japan attack USSR territories next to Mongolia without them turning into Russians?


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Follow up question:

    If Allies attack true neutrals: (Spain) and Mongolia becomes Pro axis. Can Japan attack USSR territories next to Mongolia without them turning into Russians?


    America attacks Argentina, Mongolia goes Pro-Axis.  Japan annexes part of Mongolia and then invades Amur.  The rest of Mongolia goes Russian, but what about any Mongolian territories that are not garrisoned by the Japanese?

  • Wow, the Mongolian rules of Alpha3 really opened a can of worms!!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Wow, the Mongolian rules of Alpha3 really opened a can of worms!!

    Wanna go really conveluted?  Should the Mongolians who joined Japan suddenly switch sides and attack Japan too?

  • '22 '16

    I have read about people taking Brazil with ANZAC.  My question is what turn is the earliest you can do this?  By movement alone it takes 2 turns but I guess I am unclear what ANZACs status is regarding taking pro-allied territories.  Thanks.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Round 1 to SZ 66, Round 2 take Brazil.

  • @majikforce:

    but I guess I am unclear what ANZACs status is regarding taking pro-allied territories.  Thanks.

    ANZAC is an Ally, so ANZAC can claim Brazil during non-com just like any other ally.

  • when you achieve a NO, do you get the bonus IPC every turn?? (sorry if this question is already asked,i have only read the 1st page of this thread)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    when you achieve a NO, do you get the bonus IPC every turn?? (sorry if this question is already asked,i have only read the 1st page of this thread)

    Each round you have your objective, you get the bonus income.  If you lose the objective and are unable to recliam it, then you lose the bonus income.

    Example:  America collects for the Contiguous 48 States each round until Japan or Germany or Italy is able to take C. USA, W. USA or E. USA and hold them for a full round of play. (Even then, if America is able to liberate the territory, then they get their objective back.)

  • @Warplayer12:

    when you achieve a NO, do you get the bonus IPC every turn?? (sorry if this question is already asked,i have only read the 1st page of this thread)

    Page 23 of the Europe manual, at the top of the page:

    “A power collects the indicated bonus IPCs during each of its Collect Income phases if the condition for that bonus has been met, unless otherwise specified.”

    By “condition for that bonus has been met”, it means met currently.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think I am still waiting for a reply on if:

    1)  The United States attacks Argentina, thus making Mongolia pro-Axis.
    2)  Japan annexes part of Mongolia
    3)  Japan attacks Amur (which literally borders Mongolia, but it borders Mongolian states Japan is in current posession of.)

    What happens to the territories Japan controls?  (And any reinforcements they may have gotten?)
    Does this even trip the NO for Russia?
    What if the territories bordering the invasion lands are just pro-Axis and not controlled, what happens to the lands Japan is in control of?

    1. if somebody attacks a strict neutral, all the other strict neutrals join the other side.  i think we have to made a exception for Mongolia, which was a soviet puppet state from the 1920s until 1992
    2. you mean attacking?
    3. alpha 3 rule: If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory , all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception. If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.

  • @Warplayer12:

    1. if somebody attacks a strict neutral, all the other strict neutrals join the other side.  i think we have to made a exception for Mongolia, which was a soviet puppet state from the 1920s until 1992
    2. you mean attacking?
    3. alpha 3 rule: If the Japanese attack any Soviet territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory , all Mongolian territories (Olgiy, Dzavhan, Tsagaan-Olom, Central Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, and Buyant-Uhaa) are placed under the control of the Soviet Union at the end of the Japanese Combat Move phase, in the same manner as though the Soviet Union had moved land units into a friendly neutral territory. These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception. If the Soviet Union attacks any Japanese-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.

    she’s talking about 3 things happening in that order, 3 steps, not 3 seperate things.

    Jen, do you mean: what happens to the Mongolia rules after the Allies have attacked a true neutral?

    I think the logical thing would be that, once Mongolia has become pro-Axis (if they do), that they won’t change their mind when an ally attacks an enemy right next to them.  But that’s just my thought.

  • I asked Kreig about Mongolia here:

    See replies #260 and #266 to my #259 and #262 questions

  • Official Q&A

    We’ve decided to make a slight adjustment to the Mongolia rules.  Mongolian territories will never become pro-Axis unless the USSR attacks one or more of them while they’re still neutral.

  • Sorry for the headaches.  I have a knack for finding tricky situations.  :-D

    Have you guys considered that by removing Mongolia from going pro axis(except for a direct attack by USSR), you give the allies an advantage when deciding whether to invade a true neutral? Spain has merits for the allies, now the axis only get switz, sweden, turkery+Saudi(now, the only headaches for the allies-if they don’t have a mid east presence by UK), Afghan, a couple in S.africa, and some in S.America (typically out of reach of the axis). . The axis still have to add the Mongolia effect when they consider.

    Mongolia would create a headache for China and USSR if Japan were contained, now that will no longer need to be considered. Outside of military reasons (position), income is also a factor. Turkey can be contested by a Mid East UK, so Sweden is the only one likely to remain in Axis hands. If effort and resources are diverted, all of S.America, portugal and Spain will likely be held by the USA. Without S.America it is 3 IPC vs 3 IPCs, with it becomes 9IPCs allies vs 3 IPCs axis.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    SpecFor is right, I was talking about a chain of events happening.

    Krieg, James makes a very valid point.  Either all neutrals go to the other side, or you need to get Larry to look at “blocks” of Neutrals again.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Should bring to the attention of everyone that the Russo-Japanese aggrement has, yet again, changed.  If Russia attacks any Japanese controlled territory bording Mongolia then Mongolia will NEVER join the Russians.  (Goodbye Manchuria attack!  Kansu liberation, etc.)

  • Sponsor



    but I guess I am unclear what ANZACs status is regarding taking pro-allied territories.  Thanks.

    ANZAC is an Ally, so ANZAC can claim Brazil during non-com just like any other ally.

    I thought powers must be in a state of war in order to move into neutral territories.

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