I’m thinking that if UK’s fall triggers global war dec, regardless if its G2 or G3, that should be enough as a disincentive for Germany to attempt Sealion. Defending England from 80+ IPCs America while holding back the Reds with two full turns of built up units in Poland would be overwhelming for a German player, even with 4 major ICs chugging along.
AAE40 games the UK player might have to resign himself to always falling G2 or G3 to a determined (and lucky!) German player, but being rescued by the US on Round 3 or 4. I mean, look at how long the French player has to sit out the game…
There probably will be an Allied bid simply because the RAF is so exposed at game start.
Dude, this nuts! How can we expect the UK to fall on turn 1 or 2? It is practically inconcievable to me… as you can by now tell. To me it would screw the game because Germany can build 10 units there on turn 3, plus reinforce it with whatever he has on the board. He will also have a sizable navy… Good luck to the US in taking back England!
As for Russia not being able to attack European Axis for 3 turns… I have heard this statement before, so I can only assume it is true. However I think that the USSR having to wait that long is garbage. They should only have to wait 2 turns… or be able to attack Germany whenever they want. It seems more historical that way (waiting only 2 turns), because they should have to wait less time than the US to enter the war (providing neither was attacked).