• '10

    In a typical game, the japanese will certainly not leave all their reinforcement on the base card. They will mix their reinforcement, some on the base card, and some on zone B and during turn 2,  Japanese will have all his fleet on zone F(unless, of course, us player who has the initiative on turn 2 tries to enter zoneG  :roll:) and about all his land units on NG.

    Remember, i never said building an airfield on NG on J1 was an absolute killer move for the Japanese. I’m just saying that Japanese have an easier game.

    For exemple, on that turn 2 strat that you propose , Japanese will have 3 “free” shots at the US fleet (artillery on NG)on the sea attack phase, they will have 2 more shot because of their fleet advantage ( 2 more cruisers) on the land attack phase, and on top of that, they will play their planes after the us player (they already have an AA gun on NG who will shot at us planes on NG if the US player wants to suicide some planes), so that’s more japanese planes on the land attack if us player doesn’t make anything special with his planes. Us player if he has spent heavily on transports infantry and supplies to deploy, will have a few more land units, but the 2 japanese cruisers and the remaining japanese planes will lower us player odds for the land attack phase. If Japanese is very unlucky with the dices, he will, once in a while, loose control of NG for one turn(4 important IPC), but will still score a victory point for the airfield.

    That turn 2 us strat still is the one that gives me the best chances when i play us, but i find it much harder to win with the us than with the japanese.

    So, as you might have guessed by now  :-D, i win a lot more games with the japanese than i do with the us.
    I don’t know…If i happen to be alone with these results, i will conclude i’m doing something wrong, or just not seeing something important (as well as the 4 other people i use to play GC with). In that case, i will be happy to learn.

  • '10


    My experience is that a first turn airfield on NG is a mistake for Japan that allows the US to call the tune.

    In this article : http://www.axisandallies.org/node/325

    No 11 says this : " It’s easy to build an airfield near your home base and harder to build them farther away. Try building your first airfield on the furthest safe island from your home base card. Your opponent won’t make it to Guadalcanal or Bougainville for a few turns so you have some time to build their. On the other hand New Georgia, Santa Isabel, and Choiseul will quickly become hostile environments. If you can safely transport supplies to one of those islands early, it should give you and advantage later."

    So, sorry to come again with that, but what should i believe ?

    Could you please, Frimmel, explain to me in a little more detailed way how the US will “call the tune” ?

    If needed, i can provide the exact japanese moves so you have a clear position to work on.

  • You should believe your own experience. Didn’t you already have the last word on this?

  • My brother just picked this up for me at a thrift store for $2.00

    I’m not sure how it will fair against Global, lol but for $2.00 Why not?

  • I don’t like D-Day that much… But you guys should check out some of the express games by reloader-1 and Spartan Soldier; They’re pretty cool. Spartan is going to be making a Winter War one as well!

  • I know Larry has tried to branch out but these battle games just don’t measure up to the Global/Europe/Pacific. I have this game and I get get my friends to play it. They would rather play the global games. We did play D-day twice and that was pretty much it.

  • '10

    I was at a friends house playing this game ftf for my once and only time.  He got this box where the dice were rolled in and his japs rolled three hits and I couldn’t take Guadalcanal on round 1.  So I said eh let’s just break out the anniversary edition.

  • Great story Kurt I am sure there were a lot of the same ones on this game.

  • @kurt3892:

    I was at a friends house playing this game ftf for my once and only time.  He got this box where the dice were rolled in and his japs rolled three hits and I couldn’t take Guadalcanal on round 1.  So I said eh let’s just break out the anniversary edition.


    So you think this is the worst game because you couldn’t properly deduce the amount of material required to remove three infantry from Guadalcanal if your opponent got a lucky roll? And what were you doing with all of that stuff on the base island?

    And you know that you don’t have to remove all of the enemies from the island in order to ‘take’ it?

    Try actually learning the rules first and getting your head out of your backside before coming about saying a game is the ‘worse’ (sic.) Even jokingly.


    Guadalcanal Rulebook.

  • '10

    Agree with Frimmel. Not being able to take Guadalcanal on Round 1….lol…I have never seen that happen. Once in a while , when you have been extremely unlucky, you may fail to take malaita on round 1, because you usually like to send the minimum amount of troops, but failing to take guadalcanal…lol, you have 5 bombers on your base card that have nowhere useful to go except guadalcanal and malaita on Round 1…

  • '10

    I would actually rather play Guadalcanal than D-day.

  • Of all his games I think this is the worst. I am not saying the game is awful. My expectations have gotten higher and higher as these games keep going. This one just  let me down.

  • @kurt3892:

    I would actually rather play Guadalcanal than D-day.

    What don’t you like about “D-Day?”

  • I am assured, that you are not right.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Especially ROLLING for reinforcements, that’s the worst part.

    If you roll 1, or 2, on your first 3 or 4 rolls as Germany, you’re screwed and lose the game.

    And the aircraft concept is beyond stupid.

  • Instead of doing individual battle games I wish Larry would do Napoleon AA style or a medieval game.

  • Customizer

    I LOVE how the game makes such a great bookend!

  • Customizer

    The first time I played GC, I didn’t care for it.  I played a couple of more times and it grew on me some.  Still, I’m just more used to the Global or Theater games in their objectives and income/purchasing units.  The supply tokens thing kind of throws me off.
    However, BOTB also uses supplies and I love that game.
    Not crazy about D-Day either, especially the fighter patrols.  The Allies can place fighters in every German reinforcement zone and take a shot at each German reinforcement unit before they even get to do anything.  I know the Allies had air superiority, but that just doesn’t seem right to me.  I have played several games of D-Day and only managed to hold out as the Germans I think twice.  Plus, in both of those games, the Germans were so beaten down and had so few units left, if the game had gone one or two more rounds, they would have been wiped out.

  • I didn’t play BOTB or D-day but I realy like GC, I find the system of taking actions very interesting toward tactics, and with a regular AA game you have too long waiting poeriods if its not your turn.

    But on the other side I have my doubths about the victorypoints system I often play to total destruction.

    If playing J I often find the A bombers a bit to strong because your naval units have very little air defence.

    But grate game, ideaal for 2 and you don’t need 5hours of time to play a game!!!

  • Hello. And Bye.

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