Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • Sorry I have been away…  FMG is moving locations!

    The factory set the 19th as their completion date…  As per usual…  they are not done yet!!!

    I will post more info here when I get it.



  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    Sorry I have been away…  FMG is moving locations!

    The factory set the 19th as their completion date…  As per usual…  they are not done yet!!!

    I will post more info here when I get it.



    Thank you sir!  Moving’s a BEE-YATCH!

    If Hell is what someone’s worst fears and frustrations are, mine would be driving in stand-still traffic in 100 & stupid degree and 78% Houston humidity on the way to WAL-MART, so I can pick up something to help me MOVE from a three story apartment complex while I wait on the mortgage company to finish my damn loan paperwork which they’re over a WEEK past scheduled closing…oh wait, that was last June!

    Hahaha!  Good luck brother - I anxiously await your return.

  • Any news yet?

  • knp-look out.  Everyone gets pissed when you ask a harmless question.  See above threads.  I would say we should just count FMG out.

  • I would say we should just count FMG out.

    Johnson73, what do you mean by that?

    The last we heard from Jeremy on this was an estimated completion date of the 19th (May or June, I do not know).

    I too, would dearly appreciate some more news on this project as its been far too quiet for my liking.  :-) I am trying to be optimistic about it but I am getting desperate now! lol

    FMG, may we please have an update? I think we’ve all been very patient. Thank you so much.

    (I apologise to everyone for any offence caused by this post.)

  • @Johnson73:

    knp-look out.  Everyone gets pissed when you ask a harmless question.  See above threads.  I would say we should just count FMG out.

    Yeah, I hear ya. I’ve been resisting the temptation to ask for a couple of weeks or so now. Then I realized it had been a month since the factory fell through on the date they promised FMG and I just couldn’t help myself. I just had to ask if there was something to report, ANYTHING!

  • Hey Ken don’t let them get to you. YOU have money invested you have a right to ask. The customer is still always right. A update would be nice. It has been awhile

  • please stop these meaningless postin-counterboosting. i hope to see PROPER not"hoping", “any news yet” etc. all these counterboost-shit is as meaningless as this post.

  • Are you guys still making this set, or the whole project has been abandoned?

  • @georgemak1:

    Are you guys still making this set, or the whole project has been abandoned?

    Still being made.  They ran into issues with the original factory (outlined in the dice thread) that nearly sunk the company but it’s moving again after much delay.

  • I was wondering if there has been any udates I may have missed.  I know we went to square one with Germany, and that is fine with me.  I completely understand that there was an issue with the original factory.  Just curious if the new factory is working out any better and if maybe there is a new timeline for completion of Germany.

  • Well, here is a guess. In July, Jeremy explained the problems with the first factory and how they ripped him off. He said they started all over with a new factory and at that time, the Germans were 90% completed. If we could assume the factory actually finished production around the end of July or early August, then Jeremy has to arrange to get the finished product to the shipyard so it can be loaded on a ship and brought over to Canada.
    Now, last year with the Italian sets, they were finished in production roughly the same time last year, late July or early August. Then it took another 2-3 months to get things coordinated with the transportation. The first Italian sets arrived to FMG by air in mid-October and the remainder of the shipment got there in early November.
    So, if things are going somewhat the same as last year, which it sounds like to me, then with any luck our German pieces may get here sometime in November. That would be my best guess.

  • Can we get an update please?

  • Im very puzzled with FMGs stance on the production updates for the German set. He has so many negative previews on his website, that its strange to me he isnt coming out and at least responds to them. They are ppl that willingly put their money down, by preordering a set or 2, and I think they are entitle to some update info. I personally didnt preorder the set, cause I had a bad taste in my mouth after I preorded the Italian set, but I did every set HBG made so far. Very strange.

  • @georgemak1:

    Im very puzzled with FMGs stance on the production updates for the German set. He has so many negative previews on his website, that its strange to me he isnt coming out and at least responds to them. They are ppl that willingly put their money down, by preordering a set or 2, and I think they are entitle to some update info. I personally didnt preorder the set, cause I had a bad taste in my mouth after I preorded the Italian set, but I did every set HBG made so far. Very strange.

    As far as I can tell, the last update Jeremy gave on this forum about the production of the German pieces was on July 17, 2012.  He explained the circumstances of his factory switch, then added that the German set being produced at the new factory was 90% complete.  This made it sound as if the German set was on the verge of being completed…but that was four months ago.  Jeremy also said in his posting that he had been silent for a long time because he did not want to return until he had everything under control, so I was expecting that from that point onward (when he announced that FMG was back) there would be fewer communication problems…but it would seem from various posts people have made here that getting responses from him has been getting more difficult lately.  I also note that his website still describes itself as undergoing a major redesign, which has been the case since (I think) May 2012.  So I’m perplexed too.

  • I have to agree with you guys. This is very poor customer service, particularly for those of us that already sent money for a pre-order. Frankly, I think FMG owes us more than this unending silence. Yes, I can understand that it must be terribly frustrating getting ripped off by the first factory guys, but we were also ripped off. It wasn’t just Jeremy getting screwed, we were all supposed to be in this together yet he is acting like it’s all on him and those of us that sent pre-orders in and supported him just simply don’t get any information. We are expected to just sit around and wait and hope that we will eventually get what we have paid for.
    Italy had problems too, but Jeremy kept us informed every step of the way, whether there was bad news or good news. That is what I really liked about this whole process, at least we had some idea of what was going on. That is why I always supported Jeremy here when a number of others started bashing him, some almost as soon as the Italian set experienced the first few delays.
    That is also why I trusted Jeremy and FMG enough to enter pre-orders for the new Combat Dice and the German Combat Units sets before I had even received my Italian Combat Units sets. I can understand production delays and I can wait for something as long as I am allowed to know what’s going on, that there is some progress.
    We got some information on the Combat Dice while still waiting on them so it was still bearable waiting. Then problems came up with the German Combat Units and suddenly there is nothing but silence. We don’t know what’s happening with the grey German units, let alone the black German units or the Americans. I had fully planned to send pre-orders for the black German sets to help support FMG in this endeavor, as well as the USA sets and every set that was supposed to follow them. I expected that Jeremy would give us the same information as he did with the Italian sets, not this sudden “cone of silence”.
    After this bad experience with grey Germany, I don’t know that I want to send pre-orders in for any future sets. I prefer to simply wait and see if and when FMG actually gets them in stock and order them at that time. I just have to hope that he will eventually come through on my grey Germany units that are already paid for.

  • I think I pre-ordered these pieces in December of last year and we still wait with no news. I agree completely with KNP we have been more than patient. We deserve at least some sort of an update. We are paying customers and should be treated with some sort of respect.

  • The problem with the China factory, the remodeling of the FMG website, and then finally things outside of gaming have led to this point of no information.  Unfortunately, it seems that real life has seriously impacted Jeremy’s ability to maintain the FMG business.

    I would ask you guys to try to be patient but I do understand that it has been very quiet here and on his site.  Too quiet.

    He did a hell of a job keeping things together during the Italian set and was moving forward nicely with the project when the first big issue arose.  At this point, I don’t know what to tell you other than keep asking questions on a periodic basis.

    Hopefully things will work out and the project can get back on track.  I actually was the one (long ago now) who first brought up the idea of doing this country-specific parts project to Jeremy and I hope that it didn’t end up being a “bridge to far” for his gaming business.

    We shall see.

  • Hi Craig, good to see you here.

  • @Lozmoid:

    Hi Craig, good to see you here.

    Thanks.  8-)

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