Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • '10

    It is just a German Commander, not specificly Rommel.  That is just what I called the file.

  • Customizer

    Looks great.  You will have my $ on this set as well.  Already bought an Italian set.  Looking forward to preordering the Germans as well (in black …).

  • Customizer

    Oh wow - my paint brushes are rattling to get to the Germans…

  • same. no that im going to start a cource that is offerd in the area for small scale minis

  • Good GOD that looks incredible! What material is used in these sculpts? It almost looks like a wax…

    More of an observation than a complaint, don’t want to come off as whiney or start any fires: he has the same kind of head thing going on as the infantry but at least it’s consistent. It’s almost like you have different artists sculpting these than the Italians.

    Again, how can I pre-order a whole set? =P

  • '10


    Looking forward to preordering the Germans as well (in black …).

    You won’t be able to get them in black until all the other main countries have been completed.

  • This project is really looking sweet FMG!

  • I say do Black first.

  • Customizer

    The commander looks fabulous.  I don’t understand what some of you guys are talking about with the head on the commander and Infantry #1.  They both look fine to me.

    Boy, the sculpts are coming fast on Germany.  By my count, we have sculpts for more than half already (10 out of 18).

  • Customizer

    By the way reloader, I agree with you.  I want black pieces too.  I understood from the poll a while back that there was enough people that wanted black that Germany would be offered in both grey and black.  Now FMG says black will only be offered as a “special” set later on after the six major nations are complete.  Looks like we will have to wait until then.

  • German field uniforms were Gray.  So they should be gray.  It’s also hard to have SS units when they are all Black.

  • will the complete set package include black german pieces as an option

  • Johnson, not that argument again!

    So the French wore blue uniforms in WWII? And the Japanese had orange uniforms? I don’t really remember maroon uniforms for Russia…

    This game is an abstraction. If we had exact uniform colors for all the countries you wouldn’t be able to tell the units apart.

  • good point.  I just like gray.

  • Customizer

    The main reason that a lot of us wanted the black German pieces is because we wanted to be able to use the FMG pieces along with our existing WOTC pieces.  FMG’s plan was to make different units from what WOTC put out.  For example, WOTC’s German tank is a Panther, so FMG’s tanks will be the King Tiger and Panzer III.  This way we , or at least those of us that want to use both, could have an even wider range of models to use on the game board.  I still want to do that, at least to some extent.
    However, after seeing FMG’s gorgeous sculpts, I must admit that my thoughts are straying toward the other side of keeping the FMG pieces and WOTC pieces seperate.  The main reason is the naval sculpts.  Since FMG is using the great Bismarck (or Tirpitz if you prefer) for the German battleship, I’m afraid that the WOTC German battleship would just look sick next to it.  Same goes with the Graf Zepplin aircraft carrier.  
    By the way FMG, I just love that you can see little gun turrets on the Graf Zepplin.  AMAZING detail!!

    Also, once I get my FMG Italian units, I’m not sure if I will even use the WOTC Italians again.

  • @reloader-1:

    I say do Black first.

    Black… Grey… Pink… None of these colours will matter once my paintbrush gets a hold of these! ;) Even Warhammer freaks will bow in their presence.

    Full pre-order option, PLEASE!!!

  • '10



    I say do Black first.

    Black… Grey… Pink… None of these colours will matter once my paintbrush gets a hold of these! ;) Even Warhammer freaks will bow in their presence.

    Full pre-order option, PLEASE!!!

    Can’t do that.  As there will be 7+ Nations, and they will be coming out a different times, that means that there would be 7+ shipping fees.  We can not afford to charge once and ship 8 times.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    We can not afford to charge once and ship 8 times.

    Is it not the customer who pays the shipping? Why not charge once then ship once when the collection is complete? That’s another whole issue for me since I’m in Canada and would rather avoid shipping a small package 7+ times. Is it not less hassle for everyone this way anyway?

    If the full collection were priced in the $150-$160 range, I could throw that down in a heartbeat. That’s $18.75-$20 per country if there’s 8 sets, a mere $5 discount over the ROMMEL code for investing early. Or, if you want to keep it at $25 keep including the dice for the pre-order, just please give us the option of paying up front. I’m sorry if it comes off as rude or if it seems that I’m trying to haggle openly, I just feel this approach is better for everyone including FMG.

  • wher in canada?

  • I’m from the Ottawa area.

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